
Randomly disturbs the material by mixing two input attributes, Channel1 and Channel2, to create an effect resembling stains or clouds. Stucco includes Normal Options attributes you can use to control the effect. See also Crater.

Find this texture in the Create bar. To apply this texture as a texture map, see Map a 2D or 3D texture.


Increase this value to add more detail to the default Shaker attribute setting (as though it has been shaken up). If used as a bump map, increase the value to increase the number of bumps and valleys.

Channel1, Channel2

The two channels through which information such as color values passes. You can also supply information to the channels using a three-channel (RGB) mapping.

Normal Options (Stucco)


Normal Depth and Normal Melt only have an effect if the Out Normal attribute is connected to the Normal Camera attribute of a shader.

Normal Depth

Controls the depth of the bumps when the texture is used as a bump map. Increasing Normal Depth deepens the bumps.

Normal Melt

Controls the softness of the bump edges when this texture is used as a bump map. Increasing Normal Melt softens the edges. Animate this texture to simulate a melting stucco surface.