Create full body motion capture

To create a full-body motion capture sequence

  1. Select a motion capture device. The device can be real or virtual. For information on defining motion capture devices, see Set devices.
  2. Select a method for calculating the motion.

    The method is device-dependent and may use inverse kinematics, forward kinematics, constraints, or a combination of the three.

  3. Build a skeleton based on the actor’s proportions. If possible, digitize the actor’s joint positions with your motion capture device.
  4. Attach the performance skeleton to the device.
  5. Connect the performance skeleton to the character skeleton.
  6. Rehearse the actions that you want to record.
  7. Record the motion.
  8. Review the recorded motion and insert it into your scene.
  9. To insert the motion data into your scene, select File > Import and select your motion data file (.mov) from the file browser that appears.