FBX Extensions to Maya

Maya FBX Extension Interface

FBX Extensions to the FBX Plug-in for Maya can implement any or all of the following functions. Note that the MObject class refers to the Maya SDK.

EXPORT_DLL bool MayaExt_IsExtension(){return true;}
EXPORT_DLL bool MayaExt_ExportHandled(MObject& pMayaObject);
EXPORT_DLL void MayaExt_ExportBegin(KFbxScene* pFbxScene);
EXPORT_DLL void MayaExt_ExportTranslated(KFbxObject* pFbxObject, MObject& pMayaObject);
EXPORT_DLL void MayaExt_ExportEnd(KFbxScene* pFbxScene);
EXPORT_DLL bool MayaExt_ImportHandled(KFbxObject* pFbxObject);
EXPORT_DLL void MayaExt_ImportBegin(KFbxScene* pFbxScene);
EXPORT_DLL void MayaExt_ImportTranslated(KFbxObject* pFbxObject, MObject& pMayaObject);
EXPORT_DLL void MayaExt_ImportEnd(KFbxScene* pFbxScene);

Running your FBX Extension for Maya

FBX Extensions for Maya must be compiled as dynamic library files (.dll for Windows) and placed in the following Maya subdirectory:

Sample Code

The following FBX Extensions SDK subdirectories contain sample Visual Studio projects.

Directory Description
plugins/MayaExtensionPlugin_Template/ Skeleton code and comments for Maya.
plugins/MayaExtensionPlugin_Example/ Fully functional sample extension for Maya.