Customizing File Formats

The file formats supported by the FBX SDK can be found in Supported File Formats. It is possible to customize your own file format for use with the FBX SDK. For more information, see Customizing File Formats with FBX SDK I/O Plug-ins.

File I/O Modules

A file I/O module is a set of classes which read scene data from a file, and write scene data to a file, using a particular file format. Each format supported by the FBX SDK has its own writer class subclassed from the KFbxWriter class, and reader class subclassed from the KFbxReader class.

The FBX SDK uses a plug-in architecture to load file I/O modules to read and write to specific file formats. For more information on customizing your own file format and using it with the FBX SDK, see Customizing File Formats with FBX SDK I/O Plug-ins.

Source Code

To get you started, the FBX Extensions SDK provides you with the source code and Visual Studio projects of the FBX file format, the Collada file format, and a sample custom file format.

Directory Description
plugins/CustomFbx7Plugin/ FBX file format version 7 reader/writer source code.
plugins/CustomFbx6Plugin/ FBX file format version 6 reader/writer source code.
plugins/CustomFbx5Plugin/ FBX file format version 5 reader.
plugins/CustomColladaPlugin/ Collada file format reader/writer source code.
plugins/CustomReaderWriterPlugin/ Custom file format reader/writer source code.