3DXI Export Entities

All 3ds Max objects that can be exported using 3DXI are represented in 3DXI by an object derived from IExportEntity.

This interface provides unified parameter access as well as a way of querying whether a particular IExportEntity is directly supported with a dedicated API. The method, IExportEntity::IsEntitySupported(), is used for this; any supported entity will return TRUE. IExportEntity uses this method to define whether the entity is directly supported from within 3DXI, such as a bitmap texture, and provides direct access using the API for this entity.

Another example: the IGameMesh object provides direct support for TriObjects. In this case, IGameMesh is a wrapper for any geometry-based object, so calling IExportEntity::IsEntitySupported()yields TRUE for any object it can convert to a tri-object, FALSE for the others. If this method returns FALSE, it simply means that there is no dedicated API for use with this object. A developer can still use the IPropertyContainer interface to iterate through properties and access data that way.