- CombineMaterials() - This function combines the two specified materials into a multi-material. This function combines the two specified materials
into a multi-material. Either of the two input materials can themselves be multi materials.
- IsMtl() - Used to determine if the MtlBase pointer passed is a material.
- IsTex() - Used to determine if the MtlBase pointer passed is a texture:
- Intens() - Returns the intensity of a color
- GetNewDefaultUVGen() - Return a default instance of a UVGen class.
- GetNewDefaultXYZGen() - Return a default instance of a UVGen class.
- GetNewDefaultTextureOutput() - Return a default instance of a TextureOutput class.
Note the following typedef's used with materials and textures:
typedef MtlBase* MtlBaseHandle;
typedef Mtl* MtlHandle;
typedef Texmap* TexmapHandle;