Named selection sets, at the object level, are a mechanism by which nodes in a scenes can be grouped by a user. Named selection
sets are made available to a user via the Named Selection Sets text field and drop-down list.
- Interface::ClearCurNamedSelSet() - Clears the current edit field of the named selection set drop down.
- Interface::SetCurNamedSelSet() - Selects the named selection set.
- Interface::NamedSelSetListChanged() - Tells 3ds Max to recreate the named selected drop down.
- Interface::GetNumNamedSelSets() - Returns the number of named selection sets.
- Interface::GetNamedSelSetName() - Returns the name of the nth named selection set.
- Interface::GetNamedSelSetItemCount() - Returns the number of items in the named selection set.
- Interface::GetNamedSelSetItem() - Retrieves the pointer of the INode in a particular named selection set.
- Interface::AddNewNamedSelSet() - Creates a new named selection set.
- Interface::RemoveNamedSelSet() - Removes a named selection set.
Named selection sets at the sub-object level are managed by individual plug-ins and are not groups of nodes.