Main Physique Export API Elements

The following is a list of primary classes and functions in the physique export interface contained in the file PhyExp.h.

Rigid Vertex Interface

A rigid vertex is represented by an instance of IPhyRigidVertex.

Blended Rigid Vertex Interface

A blended rigid vertex is represented by an instance of IPhyBlendedRigidVertex.

Physique Export Interface

The physique export interface is represented by an instance of IPhysiqueExport. It is accessed from a physique modifier using a call to Animatable::GetInterface() with the class ID I_PHYINTERFACE.

Physique Context Export Interface

The physique context export interface is represented by an instance of IPhysiqueContextExport. A pointer to IPhysiqueContextExport can be retrieved using the method IPhysiqueExport::GetContextInterface(). The context Interface is associated with a physique modifier associated with a node.

Vertex Export Interface

The vertex export interface is an instance of IPhyVertexExport and can is retrieved by calling IPhyContextExport::GetVertexInterface(). This is the base class for all vertex export interface classes.

Rigid Vertex Export Interface

The interface IPhyRigidVertex derives from IPhyVertexExport and is the base class for all non-blended rigid vertex assignments.

Blended Rigid Vertex Export Interface

The interface IPhyBlendedRigidVertex derives from IPhyVertexExport and is the base class for all blended rigid vertex assignments.