This topic describes the functions expected by 3ds Max for most plug-in DLL.
- DllMain() - This function is called by Windows when the DLL is loaded. It may be called many times during time critical operations
like rendering. DllMain() should do nothing except store the DLL's HINSTANCE, and call DisableThreadLibraryCalls() if nothing special needs to be done during DLL_THREAD_ATTACH and DLL_THREAD_DETACH. Note that you should never throw an exception in DllMain().
- LibNumberClasses() - This function returns the number of plug-in classes this DLL uses.
- LibClassDesc() - This function returns a class descriptor (ClassDesc2) for the nth class exported by the DLL. See the topic on Class Descriptors.
- LibDescription() - This function returns a string that describes the DLL. This is used by 3ds Max to identify entities referenced in a scene
when the implementing DLL is not available. For example if a particular material is used in a scene which is shared with another
3ds Max user who does not have the appropriate DLL on their system. The string should therefore mention where the user could
obtain the DLL.
- LibVersion() - This function returns a pre-defined constant indicating the version of the system under which it was compiled. It is used
to allow 3ds Max identify obsolete DLLs. This function is called once, right after your plug-in has been loaded by 3ds Max.
Normally you would just return Get3DSMAXVersion().
- LibInitialize() - Perform one-time plug-in initialization in this method. Return TRUE if your plug-in has initialization was successful (e.g.
the plug-in has loaded correctly), or FALSE otherwise. If the function returns FALSE, the system will not load the plug-in,
it will then call FreeLibrary() on your DLL, and send you a message.
- LibShutdown() - Called once, just before the plug-in is unloaded. Perform one-time plug-in uninitialization in this method. The system
ignores the return value.
HINSTANCE hInstance = 0;
BOOL WINAPI DllMain(HINSTANCE hinstDLL,ULONG fdwReason,LPVOID /*lpvReserved*/)
if( fdwReason == DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH )
// Hang on to this DLL's instance handle.
hInstance = hinstDLL;
__declspec( dllexport ) constTCHAR* LibDescription()
// Retrieve astring from the resource string table
static TCHAR buf[256;
if (hInstance)
returnLoadString(hInstance, IDS_LIBDESCRIPTION, buf, sizeof(buf)) ? buf : NULL;
return NULL;
__declspec( dllexport ) intLibNumberClasses()
__declspec( dllexport ) ClassDesc* LibClassDesc(int i)
case 0:
return GetSimpleWidgetDesc();
__declspec( dllexport ) ULONGLibVersion()
__declspec( dllexport ) intLibInitialize()
// TODO: Perform initialization here.
__declspec( dllexport ) intLibShutdown()
// TODO: Perform uninitialization here.