name.h File Reference

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#define  is_name(v)   ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == class_tag(Name))


  visible_class_debug_ok (Name) class Name

Define Documentation

#define is_name (   v )    ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == class_tag(Name))

Function Documentation

visible_class_debug_ok ( Name  )

Define an equal operator (i.e. '==') for maxscript visible values.

Define a NOT equal operator (i.e. '!=') for maxscript visible values.

Definition at line 15 of file name.h.

           : public Value
    MCHAR*      string;
    static      HashTable* intern_table;
                Name(const MCHAR* init_string);
    ScripterExport ~Name();

#   define      is_name(v) ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == class_tag(Name))
    static void setup();
    static ScripterExport Value* intern(const MCHAR* str);
    static ScripterExport Value* find_intern(const MCHAR* str);
                classof_methods (Name, Value);
    ScripterExport void sprin1(CharStream* s);
    void        collect() { delete this; }
    MCHAR*      to_string();
    MSTR        to_filename();
    void        to_fpvalue(FPValue& v) { v.s = to_string(); v.type = TYPE_NAME; }

#include "..\macros\define_implementations.h"
    use_generic( coerce,    "coerce");
    use_generic( gt,        ">");
    use_generic( lt,        "<");
    use_generic( ge,        ">=");
    use_generic( le,        "<=");
    use_generic( copy,      "copy");

    // scene I/O 
    IOResult Save(ISave* isave);
    static Value* Load(ILoad* iload, USHORT chunkID, ValueLoader* vload);
