mxsmaterial.h File Reference

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#define  is_materiallibrary(v)   ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == class_tag(MAXMaterialLibrary))


  visible_class (MAXMaterial) class MAXMaterial
  visible_class (MAXMultiMaterial) class MAXMultiMaterial
  applyable_class (MAXMaterialLibrary) class MAXMaterialLibrary
  visible_class (MAXTexture) class MAXTexture
  visible_class (MAXMtlBase) class MAXMtlBase
  visible_class (MAXMeditMaterials) class MAXMeditMaterials


ScripterExport MAXMeditMaterials  medit_materials

Define Documentation

#define is_materiallibrary (   v )    ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == class_tag(MAXMaterialLibrary))

Function Documentation

visible_class ( MAXMaterial  )

Define an equal operator (i.e. '==') for maxscript visible values.

Define a NOT equal operator (i.e. '!=') for maxscript visible values.

Definition at line 17 of file mxsmaterial.h.

                  : public MAXWrapper
    Mtl*        mat;                /* the MAX-side material    */

                MAXMaterial() {};
                MAXMaterial(Mtl* imat);
    static ScripterExport Value* intern(Mtl* imat);

    static Value* make(MAXClass* cls, Value** arg_list, int count);

    BOOL        is_kind_of(ValueMetaClass* c) { return (c == class_tag(MAXMaterial)) ? 1 : MAXWrapper::is_kind_of(c); }
    void        collect() { delete this; }
    ScripterExport void sprin1(CharStream* s);
    MCHAR*      class_name();

#include "..\macros\define_implementations.h"
    Value*      copy_vf(Value** arg_list, int count) { return MAXWrapper::copy_no_undo(arg_list, count); }

    def_property   ( name );
    def_property   ( effectsChannel );
    def_property   ( showInViewport );
    Value*      get_property(Value** arg_list, int count);
    Value*      set_property(Value** arg_list, int count);

    Mtl*        to_mtl() { check_for_deletion(); return mat; }
    MtlBase*    to_mtlbase() { check_for_deletion(); return mat; }
    void        to_fpvalue(FPValue& v) { v.mtl = mat; v.type = TYPE_MTL; }
visible_class ( MAXMultiMaterial  )

Definition at line 51 of file mxsmaterial.h.

                       : public MAXMaterial

                MAXMultiMaterial() {};
                MAXMultiMaterial(MultiMtl* imat);
    static ScripterExport Value* intern(MultiMtl* imat);

    static Value* make(MAXClass* cls, Value** arg_list, int count);

    BOOL        is_kind_of(ValueMetaClass* c) { return (c == class_tag(MAXMultiMaterial)) ? 1 : MAXMaterial::is_kind_of(c); }
    void        collect() { delete this; }
    ScripterExport void sprin1(CharStream* s);
    MCHAR*      class_name();

    def_generic (get, "get");
    def_generic (put, "put");
    Value*      copy_vf(Value** arg_list, int count) { return MAXWrapper::copy_no_undo(arg_list, count); }

    ScripterExport Value* map(node_map& m);

    def_property( numsubs );
    def_property( count );

    Mtl*        to_mtl() { return mat; }
    MtlBase*    to_mtlbase() { check_for_deletion(); return mat; }
    void        to_fpvalue(FPValue& v) { v.mtl = mat; v.type = TYPE_MTL; }
applyable_class ( MAXMaterialLibrary  )

Define an equal operator (i.e. '==') for maxscript visible values.

Define a NOT equal operator (i.e. '!=') for maxscript visible values.

Definition at line 84 of file mxsmaterial.h.

                         : public MAXWrapper
    MtlBaseLib  new_lib;
    MtlBaseLib& lib;

                MAXMaterialLibrary(MtlBaseLib& ilib);
                MAXMaterialLibrary(MtlBaseLib* ilib);
    static ScripterExport Value* intern(MtlBaseLib& ilib);
    static ScripterExport Value* intern(MtlBaseLib* ilib);
#   define      is_materiallibrary(v) ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == class_tag(MAXMaterialLibrary))

                classof_methods (MAXMaterialLibrary, MAXWrapper);
    void        collect() { delete this; }
    ScripterExport void sprin1(CharStream* s);
    MtlBase*    get_mtlbase(int index);
    MtlBase*    find_mtlbase(MCHAR* name);
    MCHAR*      class_name();

    /* operations */
    ScripterExport Value* map(node_map& m);

#include "..\macros\define_implementations.h"
#   include "..\protocols\arrays.inl"
    Value*      copy_vf(Value** arg_list, int count) { return MAXWrapper::copy_no_undo(arg_list, count); }

    /* built-in property accessors */

    def_property ( count );
visible_class ( MAXTexture  )

Define an equal operator (i.e. '==') for maxscript visible values.

Define a NOT equal operator (i.e. '!=') for maxscript visible values.

Definition at line 121 of file mxsmaterial.h.

                 : public MAXWrapper
    Texmap* map;                /* the MAX-side map */

                MAXTexture(Texmap* imap);
    static ScripterExport Value* intern(Texmap* imap);

    static Value* make(MAXClass* cls, Value** arg_list, int count);

    BOOL        is_kind_of(ValueMetaClass* c) { return (c == class_tag(MAXTexture)) ? 1 : MAXWrapper::is_kind_of(c); }
    void        collect() { delete this; }
    ScripterExport void sprin1(CharStream* s);
    MCHAR*      class_name();

#include "..\macros\define_implementations.h"
#   include "..\protocols\textures.inl"
    Value*      copy_vf(Value** arg_list, int count) { return MAXWrapper::copy_no_undo(arg_list, count); }

    def_property( name );

    Texmap*     to_texmap() { check_for_deletion(); return map; }
    MtlBase*    to_mtlbase() { check_for_deletion(); return map; }
    void        to_fpvalue(FPValue& v) { v.tex = map; v.type = TYPE_TEXMAP; }
visible_class ( MAXMtlBase  )

Definition at line 153 of file mxsmaterial.h.

                 : public MAXWrapper
    MtlBase*    mtl;                /* the MAX-side mtlbase */

                MAXMtlBase(MtlBase* imtl);
    static ScripterExport Value* intern(MtlBase* imtl);

    static Value* make(MAXClass* cls, Value** arg_list, int count);

    BOOL        is_kind_of(ValueMetaClass* c) { return (c == class_tag(MAXMtlBase)) ? 1 : MAXWrapper::is_kind_of(c); }
    void        collect() { delete this; }
    ScripterExport void sprin1(CharStream* s);
    MCHAR*      class_name() { return _M("MapSupportClass"); }
    Value*      copy_vf(Value** arg_list, int count) { return MAXWrapper::copy_no_undo(arg_list, count); }

    MtlBase*    to_mtlbase() { check_for_deletion(); return mtl; }
visible_class ( MAXMeditMaterials  )

Define an equal operator (i.e. '==') for maxscript visible values.

Define a NOT equal operator (i.e. '!=') for maxscript visible values.

Definition at line 176 of file mxsmaterial.h.

                        : public MAXWrapper

                classof_methods (MAXMeditMaterials, MAXWrapper);
    void        collect() { delete this; }
    ScripterExport void sprin1(CharStream* s);
    MtlBase*    get_mtl(int index);
    MtlBase*    find_mtl(MCHAR* name);
    static void setup();
    MCHAR*      class_name();

    // operations
    ScripterExport Value* map(node_map& m);

#include "..\macros\define_implementations.h"
#   include "..\protocols\arrays.inl"

    // built-in property accessors
    def_property ( count );

Variable Documentation

ScripterExport MAXMeditMaterials medit_materials