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#define EPOLY_MOD_INTERFACE Interface_ID(0x405e217d, 0x49c2abc) |
Definition at line 23 of file iEPolyMod.h.
#define GetEPolyModInterface | ( | cd | ) | (EPolyMod *)(cd)->GetInterface(EPOLY_MOD_INTERFACE) |
Definition at line 24 of file iEPolyMod.h.
#define EPOLY_MOD13_INTERFACE Interface_ID(0x1a4cc8f2, 0x71682518) |
Definition at line 26 of file iEPolyMod.h.
#define GetEPolyMod13Interface | ( | cd | ) | (EPolyMod13 *)(cd)->GetInterface(EPOLY_MOD13_INTERFACE) |
Definition at line 27 of file iEPolyMod.h.
#define epm_edge_chamfer_segments epm_reserved1 |
Definition at line 192 of file iEPolyMod.h.
Definition at line 1846 of file iEPolyMod.h.
enum ePolyModSelLevel |
Definition at line 30 of file iEPolyMod.h.
enum epolyModParameters |
Definition at line 38 of file iEPolyMod.h.
{ epm_animation_mode, // int - is the Edit Poly in modeling mode (0) or animation mode (1) epm_show_cage, // BOOL - indicates if the Edit Poly is set to display the cage epm_by_vertex, // BOOL - indicates if the Edit Poly is selecting by vertex. epm_ignore_backfacing, // BOOL - indicates if the Edit Poly is ignoring backfacing when the user selects subobjects. epm_stack_selection, // BOOL - indicates whether or not the Edit Poly is using the subobject selection from the stack below it. epm_ss_use, // BOOL - Is the Edit Poly using soft selection? epm_ss_edist_use, // BOOL - Is the Edit Poly soft selection using edge distances or not? epm_ss_edist, // int - How many edges do we traverse in determining soft selection? (Ignored if epm_ss_edist_use is set to false.) epm_ss_affect_back, // BOOL - Should soft selection affect backfacing? epm_ss_falloff, // float - soft selection falloff value epm_ss_pinch, // float - soft selection pinch value epm_ss_bubble, // float - soft selection bubble value epm_current_operation, // int - indicates current operation, which should be one of the epolyModButtonOp enums. epm_world_to_object_transform, // Matrix3 - Worldspace to common Objectspace transform. Used in combination with the local mod context tms, this can give us relative WS-to-OS transforms for each modifier instance. See Edit Poly source for examples of use. epm_constrain_type, // int - Represents the current vertex constraints. 0 for no constraints, 1 for constrain-to-edge, 2 for constrain-to-face, 3 for constrain-to-normal. epm_split, // BOOL - indicates whether Cut and Slice (ep_op_cut, ep_op_slice, ep_op_slice_face) operations should split the mesh, or merely refine it. epm_ms_smoothness, // float - Smoothness parameter for MeshSmooth operation (ep_op_meshsmooth) epm_ms_sep_smooth, // BOOL - Separate-by-smoothing-groups parameter for MeshSmooth operation (ep_op_meshsmooth) epm_ms_sep_mat, // BOOL - Separate-by-materials parameter for MeshSmooth operation (ep_op_meshsmooth) epm_tess_type, // int - Type of Tessellation (ep_op_tessellate) - 0 for epm_tess_tension, // float - tension parameter for Tessellation operation (ep_op_tessellate) epm_bridge_taper, // float - Taper parameter for Bridge operation (ep_op_bridge_border, ep_op_bridge_polygon) epm_bridge_bias, // float - Bias parameter for Bridge operation (ep_op_bridge_border, ep_op_bridge_polygon) epm_align_type, // int - whether to align to view (0) or construction plane (1) in future uses of ep_op_align epm_align_plane_normal, // Point3 - describes the plane normal currently used for alignment. epm_align_plane_offset, // float - describes the plane offset currently used for alignment. (The normal and offset together describe a plane.) epm_delete_isolated_verts, // BOOL - Indicates whether the Edit Poly deletes freshly isolated vertices when deleting faces. epm_weld_vertex_threshold, // float - The threshold used when welding selected vertices (ep_op_weld_vertex) epm_chamfer_vertex, // float - the "amount" parameter for the Chamfer Vertex operation (ep_op_chamfer_vertex) epm_extrude_vertex_width, // float - the width of the extrusion for the Extrude Vertex operation (ep_op_extrude_vertex) epm_extrude_vertex_height, // float - the height of the extrusion for the Extrude Vertex operation (ep_op_extrude_vertex) epm_connect_edge_segments, // int - the number of segments to use when connecting edges (ep_op_conect_edge) epm_weld_edge_threshold, // float - The threshold used when welding selected edges (ep_op_weld_edge) epm_extrude_edge_height, // float - the height of the extrusion for the Extrude Edge operation (ep_op_extrude_edge) epm_extrude_edge_width, // float - the width of the extrusion for the Extrude Edge operation (ep_op_extrude_edge) epm_chamfer_edge, // float - the "amount" parameter for the Chamfer Edge operation (ep_op_chamfer_edge) epm_extrude_face_type, // int - indicates the type of face extrusion - 0 for Group Normals, 1 for Local Normals, 2 for By Polygon (ep_op_extrude_face) epm_extrude_face_height, // float - indicates the height of the face extrusion (ep_op_extrude_face) epm_bevel_type, // int - indicates the type of face extrusion used in beveling - 0 for Group Normals, 1 for Local Normals, 2 for By Polygon (ep_op_bevel) epm_bevel_height, // float - height of the face bevel (ep_op_bevel) epm_bevel_outline, // float - "outline" amount (amount to move vertices in or out) in the Bevel operation (ep_op_bevel) epm_inset_type, // int - indicates the type of face extrusion used in insetting - 0 for Group Normals, 1 for Local Normals, 2 for By Polygon (ep_op_inset) epm_inset, // float - the amount of the inset (ep_op_inset) epm_outline, // float - the amount of outlining (ep_op_outline) epm_hinge_angle, // float - the angle to use in Hinge from Edge (ep_op_hinge_from_edge) epm_hinge_base, // Point3 - the base of the hinge (ep_op_hinge_from_edge) epm_hinge_dir, // Point3 - the direction of the hinge - combine with epm_hinge_base to get a complete ray for the hinge (ep_op_hinge_from_edge) epm_hinge_segments, // int - the number of segments to use on the sides of the Hinge from Edge extrusion (ep_op_hinge_from_edge) epm_extrude_spline_node, // INode - the node of the spline to use in Extrude along Spline (ep_op_extrude_along_spline) epm_extrude_spline_segments, // int - the number of segments in Extrude along Spline (ep_op_extrude_along_spline) epm_extrude_spline_taper, // float - the amount of tapering to use in Extrude along Spline (ep_op_extrude_along_spline) epm_extrude_spline_taper_curve, // float - the taper curve for Extrude along Spline (ep_op_extrude_along_spline) epm_extrude_spline_twist, // float - the amount of twist (in radians) for Extrude along Spline (ep_op_extrude_along_spline) epm_extrude_spline_rotation, // float - the rotation (in radians) around the face normal for Extrude along Spline (ep_op_extrude_along_spline) epm_extrude_spline_align, // BOOL - whether or not to try to align the extrusion spline to match the face normal (ep_op_extrude_along_spline) epm_autosmooth_threshold, // float - the threshold for autosmoothing across edges, in radians (ep_op_autosmooth) epm_smooth_group_set, // DWORD cast as an int - the set of smoothing groups to set (ep_op_smooth) epm_smooth_group_clear, // DWORD cast as an int - the set of smoothing groups to clear (ep_op_smooth) epm_material, // int - the material ID to set on selected faces (ep_op_set_material) epm_material_selby, // int - the material ID to select faces by (ep_op_select_by_material) epm_material_selby_clear, // BOOL - whether or not to clear the previous selection before selecting by material (ep_op_select_by_material) epm_smoother_selby, // DWORD cast as an int - the set of smoothing groups to select faces by (ep_op_select_by_smooth) epm_smoother_selby_clear, // BOOL - whether or not to clear the previous selection before selecting faces by smoothing group (ep_op_select_by_smooth) epm_clone_to_element, // BOOL - whether to clone to an element or to a separate object. epm_bridge_segments, // int - the number of segments for bridge operations epm_bridge_smooth_thresh, // float - the smoothing threshold for successive bridge columns (in radians) epm_bridge_target_1, // int - the first edge or face we're bridging between, in 1-based indexing. (Value of 0 indicates not set yet.) epm_bridge_target_2, // int - the second edge or face we're bridging between, in 1-based indexing. (Value of 0 indicates not set yet.) epm_bridge_twist_1, // int - the Twist amount for the first end of the bridge. epm_bridge_twist_2, // int - the Twist amount for the second end of the bridge epm_bridge_selected, // BOOL - false indicates we should bridge between the specific targets given in epm_bridge_target_1 and _2, true indicates we should bridge selected borders or polgyons. epm_preserve_maps, // BOOL - Indicates whether map values should be "preserved" in geometric deformations such as subobject transforms. epm_relax_amount, // float - the relax Amount parameter - range of 0 (no relaxing) to 1 (maximum relaxing), default of .5 epm_relax_iters, // int - the number of iterations of the relax algorithm to apply. epm_relax_hold_boundary, // BOOL - Indicates whether or not to fix boundary points in place when relaxing epm_relax_hold_outer, // BOOL - Indicates whether or not to fix "outer" points in place when relaxing. (See the MNMeshUtilities::Relax declaration in MNMesh.h for further explanation.) epm_select_by_angle, // BOOL - Indicates whether Polygon selections should be expanded depending on edge angles. epm_select_angle, // float - Indicates the maximum angle used in expanding polygon selections. (Ignored if epm_select_by_angle is false.) // Paint tools epm_ss_lock, epm_paintsel_value, epm_paintsel_size, epm_paintsel_strength, epm_paintdeform_value, epm_paintdeform_size, epm_paintdeform_strength, epm_paintdeform_axis, epm_reserved1, // obsolete -- SEE the #define epm_edge_chamfer_segments epm_reserved1 // beneath this enum! epm_reserved2, // obsolete epm_reserved3, // obsolete epm_reserved4, // obsolete epm_reserved5, // obsolete epm_connect_edge_pinch, // float - distance between new edges created when connecting edges epm_connect_edge_slide, // float - start position for edge connection epm_loop_edge_sel, // int - loop spinner value epm_ring_edge_sel, // int - ring spinner value epm_remove_edge_ctrl, // BOOOL - is control key pressed when removing edges ? epm_cage_color, // Point3 - the user supplied cage color epm_selected_cage_color, // Point3 - the user supplied cage color for selected objects epm_cage_color_changed, // int - has the cage color been changed epm_selected_cage_color_changed,// int - has the selected cage color been changed epm_chamfer_vertex_open, // BOOL - is a vertex chamfer creating a hole ? epm_chamfer_edge_open, // BOOL - is an edge chamfer creating a hole ? epm_bridge_adjacent, // float - the angle limit used for bridging adjacent edges epm_bridge_reverse_triangle, // BOOL - is a triangle to be reversed when bridging edges ? epm_break_vertex_distance, // float - the distance used for opening vertices epm_paintsel_mode, epm_paintdeform_mode, epm_select_mode, // BOOL - the select mode that we are in, none, sub object, or multi. // new for 9.5 //epm_edge_chamfer_segments // int - the number of new edges to create per selected edge (ep_edge_chamfer_segments) // SEE #define BELOW! };
enum epolyModButtonOp |
Definition at line 195 of file iEPolyMod.h.
{ ep_op_null, ep_op_hide_vertex, ep_op_hide_face, ep_op_unhide_vertex, ep_op_unhide_face, ep_op_hide_unsel_vertex, ep_op_hide_unsel_face, ep_op_ns_copy, ep_op_ns_paste, ep_op_cap, ep_op_delete_vertex, ep_op_delete_face, ep_op_detach_vertex, ep_op_detach_face, ep_op_split, ep_op_break, ep_op_collapse_vertex, ep_op_collapse_edge, ep_op_collapse_face, ep_op_reset_plane, ep_op_slice, ep_op_slice_face, ep_op_weld_vertex, ep_op_weld_edge, ep_op_create_shape, ep_op_make_planar, ep_op_remove_iso_verts, ep_op_meshsmooth, ep_op_tessellate, ep_op_retriangulate, ep_op_flip_face, ep_op_flip_element, ep_op_bevel, ep_op_chamfer_vertex, ep_op_chamfer_edge, ep_op_cut, ep_op_sel_grow, ep_op_sel_shrink, ep_op_inset, ep_op_extrude_vertex, ep_op_extrude_edge, ep_op_extrude_face, ep_op_extrude_along_spline, ep_op_connect_edge, ep_op_connect_vertex, ep_op_hinge_from_edge, ep_op_select_ring, ep_op_select_loop, ep_op_remove_iso_map_verts, ep_op_remove_vertex, ep_op_remove_edge, ep_op_outline, ep_op_toggle_shaded_faces, ep_op_transform, ep_op_delete_edge, ep_op_unused, ep_op_create, ep_op_align, ep_op_attach, ep_op_target_weld_vertex, ep_op_target_weld_edge, ep_op_edit_triangulation, ep_op_create_edge, ep_op_clone_vertex, ep_op_clone_edge, ep_op_clone_face, ep_op_insert_vertex_edge, ep_op_insert_vertex_face, ep_op_autosmooth, ep_op_smooth, ep_op_set_material, ep_op_select_by_smooth, ep_op_select_by_material, ep_op_get_stack_selection, ep_op_bridge_border, ep_op_bridge_polygon, ep_op_make_planar_x, ep_op_make_planar_y, ep_op_make_planar_z, ep_op_turn_edge, ep_op_relax, ep_op_paint_deform, ep_op_bridge_edge, ep_op_preserve_uv_settings };
enum epolyModCommandMode |
Definition at line 227 of file iEPolyMod.h.
{ ep_mode_create_vertex, ep_mode_create_edge, ep_mode_create_face, ep_mode_divide_edge, ep_mode_divide_face, ep_mode_extrude_vertex, ep_mode_extrude_edge, ep_mode_extrude_face, ep_mode_chamfer_vertex, ep_mode_chamfer_edge, ep_mode_bevel, ep_mode_sliceplane, ep_mode_cut, ep_mode_weld, ep_mode_edit_tri, ep_mode_inset_face, ep_mode_quickslice, ep_mode_hinge_from_edge, ep_mode_pick_hinge, ep_mode_outline, ep_mode_bridge_border, ep_mode_bridge_polygon, ep_mode_pick_bridge_1, ep_mode_pick_bridge_2, ep_mode_turn_edge, ep_mode_bridge_edge, ep_mode_edit_ss };
enum epolyModPickMode |
Definition at line 241 of file iEPolyMod.h.
enum epolyModMethods |
Definition at line 244 of file iEPolyMod.h.
{ epmod_get_sel_level, epmod_get_mn_sel_level, epmod_set_sel_level, epmod_get_operation, epmod_set_operation, epmod_local_data_changed, epmod_refresh_screen, epmod_commit, epmod_commit_unless_animating, epmod_commit_and_repeat, epmod_cancel_operation, epmod_convert_selection, epmod_get_selection, epmod_set_selection, epmod_select, epmod_set_primary_node, epmod_toggle_command_mode, epmod_enter_command_mode, epmod_enter_pick_mode, epmod_get_command_mode, epmod_get_pick_mode, epmod_popup_dialog, epmod_button_op, epmod_repeat_last, epmod_in_slice_mode, epmod_reset_slice_plane, epmod_get_slice_plane_tm, epmod_get_slice_plane, epmod_set_slice_plane, epmod_create_vertex, epmod_create_face, epmod_create_edge, epmod_set_diagonal, epmod_cut, epmod_target_weld_vertex, epmod_target_weld_edge, epmod_attach_node, epmod_attach_nodes, epmod_detach_to_object, epmod_create_shape, epmod_bridge_borders, epmod_bridge_polygons, epmod_set_bridge_node, epmod_get_bridge_node, epmod_ready_to_bridge_selected,epmod_get_preserve_map, epmod_set_preserve_map, epmod_turn_diagonal, // Access to information about mesh: epmod_get_num_vertices, epmod_get_vertex, epmod_get_vertex_face_count, epmod_get_vertex_face, epmod_get_vertex_edge_count, epmod_get_vertex_edge, epmod_get_num_edges, epmod_get_edge_vertex, epmod_get_edge_face, epmod_get_num_faces, epmod_get_face_degree, epmod_get_face_vertex, epmod_get_face_edge, epmod_get_face_diagonal, epmod_get_face_material, epmod_get_face_smoothing_group, epmod_get_num_map_channels, epmod_get_map_channel_active, epmod_get_num_map_vertices, epmod_get_map_vertex, epmod_get_map_face_vertex, epmod_get_face_normal, epmod_get_face_center, epmod_get_face_area, epmod_get_open_edges, epmod_get_verts_by_flag, epmod_get_edges_by_flag, epmod_get_faces_by_flag, epmod_set_vertex_flags, epmod_set_edge_flags, epmod_set_face_flags, epmod_get_vertex_flags, epmod_get_edge_flags, epmod_get_face_flags, epmod_get_verts_using_edge, epmod_get_edges_using_vert, epmod_get_faces_using_edge, epmod_get_elements_using_face, epmod_get_faces_using_vert, epmod_get_verts_using_face, epmod_set_vert, epmod_move_selection, epmod_move_slicer, epmod_rotate_selection, epmod_rotate_slicer, epmod_scale_selection, epmod_scale_slicer, epmod_list_operations, epmod_set_hinge_edge, epmod_get_hinge_edge, epmod_bridge_edges, epmod_in_slice, epmod_show_operation_dialog, epmod_showing_operation_dialog, epmod_close_operation_dialog, epmod_get_primary_node, epmod_get_node_tm, epmod_set_cut_end, epmod_get_last_cut_end, epmod_clear_last_cut_end, epmod_cut_cancel, epmod_divide_edge, epmod_divide_face,epmod_ring_sel, epmod_loop_sel,epmod_convert_selection_to_border, epmod_paintdeform_commit, epmod_paintdeform_cancel, epmod_matid_floater,epmod_matid_floatervisible, epmod_smgrp_floater,epmod_smgrp_floatervisible };
const int meshSelLevel[] |
Definition at line 34 of file iEPolyMod.h.