Public Member Functions

IBitmapIO_Tga Class Reference

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Detailed Description

See also:
Class FPStaticInterface, Class BitmapIO

This class is available in release 4.0 and later only.

This class represents the interface for the Bitmap IO TGA format. The interface ID is defined as BMPIO_INTERFACE.

All methods of this class are Implemented by the System.

#include <istdplug.h>

Inheritance diagram for IBitmapIO_Tga:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

virtual int  GetColorDepth ()=0
virtual void  SetColorDepth (int bpp)=0
virtual BOOL  GetCompressed ()=0
virtual void  SetCompressed (BOOL compressed)=0
virtual BOOL  GetAlphaSplit ()=0
virtual void  SetAlphaSplit (BOOL alphaSplit)=0
virtual BOOL  GetPreMultAlpha ()=0
virtual void  SetPreMultAlpha (BOOL preMult)=0

Member Function Documentation

virtual int GetColorDepth ( ) [pure virtual]
This method returns the color depth, which would be 16, 24, or 32.
virtual void SetColorDepth ( int  bpp ) [pure virtual]
This method allows you to set the color depth.
int bpp

The color depth, being either 16, 24, or 32.
virtual BOOL GetCompressed ( ) [pure virtual]
This method returns TRUE if the compression flag is set, otherwise FALSE.
virtual void SetCompressed ( BOOL  compressed ) [pure virtual]
This method allows you to set the compression flag.
BOOL compressed

TRUE to set the compression flag, otherwise FALSE.
virtual BOOL GetAlphaSplit ( ) [pure virtual]
This method returns TRUE if the alpha split flag is set, otherwise FALSE.
virtual void SetAlphaSplit ( BOOL  alphaSplit ) [pure virtual]
This method allows you to set the alpha split flag.
BOOL alphaSplit

TRUE to set the alpha split flag, otherwise FALSE.
virtual BOOL GetPreMultAlpha ( ) [pure virtual]
This method returns TRUE if the premultiplied alpha flag is set, otherwise FALSE.
virtual void SetPreMultAlpha ( BOOL  preMult ) [pure virtual]
This method allows you to set the premultiplied alpha flag.
BOOL preMult

TRUE to set the premultiplied alpha flag, otherwise FALSE.

IBitmapIO_Tga IBitmapIO_Tga IBitmapIO_Tga IBitmapIO_Tga IBitmapIO_Tga IBitmapIO_Tga IBitmapIO_Tga IBitmapIO_Tga IBitmapIO_Tga IBitmapIO_Tga
IBitmapIO_Tga IBitmapIO_Tga IBitmapIO_Tga IBitmapIO_Tga IBitmapIO_Tga IBitmapIO_Tga IBitmapIO_Tga IBitmapIO_Tga IBitmapIO_Tga IBitmapIO_Tga