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GizmoClass Class Reference

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Detailed Description

See also:
Class ReferenceTarget, Class ClassDesc2, Class IgizmoBuffer, Hit Test Types, Hit Test Flags, Class HitRecord, Class SubObjAxisCallback, Class Sub-Object Coordinate Systems

This class is available in release 4.0 and later only.

This is a simple reference class for plugin gizmos for the skin modifier. This allows developers to create plugin deformers for skin. This class is of super object type REFTARGET and must use the category BonesDefGizmoDeformer for skin to detect it.

If the client of GizmoClass maintains several parameter blocks then the client must implement the methods NumSubs(), SubAnim(i), SubAnimName(i), NumRefs(), GetReference(i) and SetReference(i) and call the GizmoClass methods when 'i' refers to the parameters maintained by GizmoClass.
Data Members:
Class_ID cid;

The Class ID of the gizmo.

ISkin *bonesMod;

The pointer back to the skin modifier so the gizmo can ask for basic information about the modifier.

IParamBlock2 *pblock_gizmo_data;

The param block provided for the gizmo to store its data.

#include <iskin.h>

Inheritance diagram for GizmoClass:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  GizmoClass ()
int  NumParamBlocks ()
IParamBlock2 GetParamBlock (int i)
IParamBlock2 GetParamBlockByID (BlockID id)
int  NumRefs ()
  Returns the total number of references this ReferenceMaker can hold.
RefTargetHandle  GetReference (int i)
  Returns the 'i-th' reference.
void  DeleteThis ()=0
int  NumSubs ()
Animatable SubAnim (int i)
MSTR  SubAnimName (int i)
int  SubNumToRefNum (int subNum)
RefResult  NotifyRefChanged (Interval changeInt, RefTargetHandle hTarget, PartID &partID, RefMessage message)
  Receives and responds to messages.
virtual void  BeginEditParams (IObjParam *ip, ULONG flags, Animatable *prev)
virtual void  EndEditParams (IObjParam *ip, ULONG flags, Animatable *next)
virtual IOResult  Load (ILoad *iload)
  Called for loading data.
virtual IOResult  Save (ISave *isave)
  Called for saving data.
virtual void  GetWorldBoundBox (TimeValue t, INode *inode, ViewExp *vpt, Box3 &box, ModContext *mc)
virtual int  Display (TimeValue t, GraphicsWindow *gw, Matrix3 tm)
virtual Interval  LocalValidity (TimeValue t)
virtual BOOL  IsEnabled ()
virtual BOOL  IsVolumeBased ()
virtual BOOL  IsInVolume (Point3 p, Matrix3 tm)
virtual Point3  DeformPoint (TimeValue t, int index, Point3 initialP, Point3 p, Matrix3 tm)
virtual void  SetInitialName ()
virtual const MCHAR *  GetName ()
virtual void  SetName (const MCHAR *name)
virtual void  SetName (MCHAR *name)
virtual BOOL  InitialCreation (int count, Point3 *p, int numbeOfInstances, int *mapTable)
virtual void  PreDeformSetup (TimeValue t)
virtual void  PostDeformSetup (TimeValue t)
virtual IGizmoBuffer CopyToBuffer ()
virtual void  PasteFromBuffer (IGizmoBuffer *buffer)
virtual void  Enable (BOOL enable)
virtual BOOL  IsEditing ()
virtual void  EndEditing ()
virtual void  EnableEditing (BOOL enable)
virtual int  HitTest (TimeValue t, INode *inode, int type, int crossing, int flags, IPoint2 *p, ViewExp *vpt, ModContext *mc, Matrix3 tm)
virtual void  SelectSubComponent (HitRecord *hitRec, BOOL selected, BOOL all, BOOL invert=FALSE)
virtual void  Move (TimeValue t, Matrix3 &partm, Matrix3 &tmAxis, Point3 &val, Matrix3 tm, BOOL localOrigin=FALSE)
virtual void  GetSubObjectCenters (SubObjAxisCallback *cb, TimeValue t, INode *node, Matrix3 tm)
virtual void  GetSubObjectTMs (SubObjAxisCallback *cb, TimeValue t, INode *node, Matrix3 tm)
virtual void  ClearSelection (int selLevel)
virtual void  SelectAll (int selLevel)
virtual void  InvertSelection (int selLevel)

Public Attributes

ISkin bonesMod
IParamBlock2 pblock_gizmo_data

Protected Member Functions

virtual void  SetReference (int i, RefTargetHandle rtarg)
  Stores a ReferenceTarget as its 'i-th' reference`.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

GizmoClass ( ) [inline]
{ pblock_gizmo_data = NULL; bonesMod = NULL; }

Member Function Documentation

int NumParamBlocks ( ) [inline, virtual]
This method returns the number of parameter blocks.
Default Implementation:
{ return 1; }

Reimplemented from Animatable.

{ return 1; }
IParamBlock2* GetParamBlock ( int  i ) [inline, virtual]
This method return 'i-th' ParamBlock2 in this instance (or NULL if not available).
int i

The zero based index of the ParamBlock2 to return.

Reimplemented from Animatable.

                if (i == 0) return pblock_gizmo_data;
                else return NULL;
IParamBlock2* GetParamBlockByID ( BlockID  id ) [inline, virtual]
This method returns a pointer to the ParamBlock2 as specified by the ID passed (or NULL if not available).
BlockID id

The BlockID of the ParamBlock2 instance.

Reimplemented from Animatable.

                if (pblock_gizmo_data->ID() == id) return pblock_gizmo_data ;
                 else return  NULL; 
int NumRefs ( ) [inline, virtual]

Returns the total number of references this ReferenceMaker can hold.

The plugin implements this method to indicate the total number of of references it can make. This includes all references whether they are NULL (inactive) or non-NULL (active) at the time when this method is called. A plugin can hold a variable number of references, thus the return value of this method is not to be cached and reused by client code.

The total number of references this plugin can hold. The default implementation is return 0.

Reimplemented from ReferenceMaker.

{return 1;}
RefTargetHandle GetReference ( int  i ) [inline, virtual]

Returns the 'i-th' reference.

The plugin implements this method to return its 'i-th' reference. The plug-in simply keeps track of its references using an integer index for each one. This method is normally called by the system.

i - The index of the reference to retrieve. Valid values are from 0 to NumRefs()-1.
The reference handle of the 'i-th' reference. Note that different calls to this method with the same 'i' value can result in different reference handles being retrieved, as the plugin changes the scene objects it references as its 'i-th' reference.

Reimplemented from ReferenceMaker.

        if (i==0)
            return (RefTargetHandle)pblock_gizmo_data;
        return NULL;
virtual void SetReference ( int  i,
RefTargetHandle  rtarg 
) [inline, protected, virtual]

Stores a ReferenceTarget as its 'i-th' reference`.

The plugin implements this method to store the reference handle passed to it as its 'i-th' reference. In its implementation of this method, the plugin should simply assign the reference handle passed in as a parameter to the member variable that holds the 'i-th' reference. Other reference handling methods such as ReferenceMaker::DeleteReference(), or ReferenceMaker::ReplaceReference() should not be called from within this method. The plugin itself or other plugins should not call this method directly. The system will call this method when a new reference is created or an existing one is replaced by calling ReferenceMaker::ReplaceReference().

i - The index of the reference to store. Valid values are from 0 to NumRefs()-1.
rtarg - The reference handle to store.

Reimplemented from ReferenceMaker.

        if (i==0)
            pblock_gizmo_data = (IParamBlock2*)rtarg;
void DeleteThis ( ) [pure virtual]
Self deletion.

Reimplemented from Animatable.

int NumSubs ( ) [inline, virtual]
The system uses a virtual array mechanism to access the sub-anims of a plug-in. This method returns the total number of sub-anims maintained by the plug-in. If a plug-in is using a parameter block to manage its parameters it should just return 1 for all the parameters directed by the parameter block.
The number of sub-anims used by the plug-in.
Default Implementation:
{ return 0; }

Reimplemented from Animatable.

{return 1;}
Animatable* SubAnim ( int  i ) [inline, virtual]
This method returns a pointer to the 'i-th' sub-anim. If a plug-in is using a parameter block to manage all its parameters it should just return a pointer to the parameter block itself from this method. This method may return NULL so developers need to check the return value before calling other sub anim methods (such as SubAnimName()).
i This is the index of the sub-anim to return.
Default Implementation:
{ return NULL };

Reimplemented from Animatable.

{ return GetReference(i);}
MSTR SubAnimName ( int  i ) [inline, virtual]
This method returns the name of the 'i-th' sub-anim to appear in track view. The system has no idea what name to assign to the sub-anim (it only knows it by the virtual array index), so this method is called to retrieve the name to display. Developer need to make sure the 'i-th' SubAnim() is non-NULL or this method will fail.
i The index of the parameter name to return
The name of the 'i-th' parameter.

Reimplemented from Animatable.

{return _M(""); }
int SubNumToRefNum ( int  subNum ) [inline, virtual]
This method is used for copying and pasting in the track view. It converts an anim index to a reference index or returns -1 if there is no correspondence. If a client does not wish an anim to be copied or pasted then it can return -1 even if there is a corresponding reference num.
subNum The anim index to return the corresponding reference index of.
Default Implementation:
{ return -1}
The reference index corresponding to the anim index passed. Return -1 if there is no correspondence.

Reimplemented from Animatable.

{return -1;}
RefResult NotifyRefChanged ( Interval  changeInt,
RefTargetHandle  hTarget,
PartID partID,
RefMessage  message 
) [inline, virtual]

Receives and responds to messages.

A plugin which makes references must implement a method to receive and respond to messages broadcast by its dependents. This is done by implementing NotifyRefChanged(). The plugin developer usually implements this method as a switch statement where each case is one of the messages the plugin needs to respond to. The Method StdNotifyRefChanged calls this, which can change the partID to new value. If it doesn't depend on the particular message& partID, it should return REF_DONTCARE.

  • For developer that need to update a dialog box with data about an object you reference note the following related to this method: This method may be called many times. For instance, say you have a dialog box that displays data about an object you reference. This method will get called many time during the drag operations on that object. If you updated the display every time you'd wind up with a lot of 'flicker' in the dialog box. Rather than updating the dialog box each time, you should just invalidate the window in response to the NotifyRefChanged() call. Then, as the user drags the mouse your window will still receive paint messages. If the scene is complex the user may have to pause (but not let up on the mouse) to allow the paint message to go through since they have a low priority. This is the way many windows in 3ds Max work.
changeInt - This is the interval of time over which the message is active. Currently, all plug-ins will receive FOREVER for this interval.
hTarget - This is the handle of the reference target the message was sent by. The reference maker uses this handle to know specifically which reference target sent the message.
partID - This contains information specific to the message passed in. Some messages don't use the partID at all. See the section List of Reference Messages for more information about the meaning of the partID for some common messages.
message - The message parameters passed into this method is the specific message which needs to be handled.
The return value from this method is of type RefResult. This is usually REF_SUCCEED indicating the message was processed. Sometimes, the return value may be REF_STOP. This return value is used to stop the message from being propagated to the dependents of the item.

Implements ReferenceMaker.

        return REF_SUCCEED;
virtual void BeginEditParams ( IObjParam ip,
ULONG  flags,
Animatable prev 
) [inline, virtual]
This method is called by the system when the user may edit the item's (object, modifier, controller, etc.) parameters.
ip Interface pointer. The developer can use it to call methods such as AddRollupPage(). Note that this pointer is only valid between BeginEditParams() and EndEditParams(). It should not be used outside this interval.
flags Describe which branch of the command panel or dialog the item is being edited in. The following are possible values:

Indicates an item is being edited in the create branch.

Indicates a controller is being edited in the motion branch.

Indicates a controller is being edited in the Pivot subtask of the hierarchy branch.

Indicates a controller is being edited in the IK subtask of the hierarchy branch.

Indicates a controller is being edited in the Link Info subtask of the hierarchy branch.

prev Pointer to an Animatable object. This parameter may be used in the motion and hierarchy branches of the command panel. This pointer allows a plug-in to look at the ClassID of the previous item that was being edited, and if it is the same as this item, to not replace the entire UI in the command panel, but simply update the values displayed in the UI fields. This prevents the UI from 'flickering' when the current item begins its edit. For example, if you are in the motion branch and are looking at an item's PRS controller values, and then select another item that is displayed with a PRS controller, the UI will not change - only the values displayed in the fields will change. If however you selected a target camera that has a lookat controller (not a PRS controller) the UI will change because a different set of parameters need to be displayed. Note that for items that are edited in the modifier branch this field can be ignored.

Reimplemented from Animatable.

virtual void EndEditParams ( IObjParam ip,
ULONG  flags,
Animatable next 
) [inline, virtual]
This method is called when the user is finished editing an objects parameters. The system passes a flag into the EndEditParams() method to indicate if the rollup page should be removed. If this flag is TRUE, the plug-in must un-register the rollup page, and delete it from the panel.
ip An interface pointer. The developer may use the interface pointer to call methods such as DeleteRollupPage().

flags The following flag may be set:

If TRUE, the item's user interface should be removed.

next Animatable pointer. Can be used in the motion and hierarchy branches of the command panel. It allows a plug-in to look at the ClassID of the next item that was being edited, and if it is the same as this item, to not replace the entire UI in the command panel. Note that for items that are edited in the modifier branch this field can be ignored.

Reimplemented from Animatable.

virtual IOResult Load ( ILoad iload ) [inline, virtual]

Called for loading data.

Called by the system to allow the plug-in to load its data. See the section on Loading and Saving for an overview of the load - save process.

iload - This interface pointer may be used to call methods to read data from disk.
The default implementation is return IO_OK.
  • IO_OK means the result was acceptable, with no errors.
  • IO_ERROR This should be returned if an error occurred.

Reimplemented from ReferenceMaker.

{return IO_OK;}
virtual IOResult Save ( ISave isave ) [inline, virtual]

Called for saving data.

Called by the system to allow the plugin to save its data.

isave - This pointer may be used to call methods to write data to disk. See the section on Loading and Saving for an overview of the load/save process.
The default implementation is return IO_OK.
  • IO_OK means the result was acceptable, with no errors.
  • IO_ERROR This should be returned if an error occurred.

Reimplemented from ReferenceMaker.

{return IO_OK;}
virtual void GetWorldBoundBox ( TimeValue  t,
INode inode,
ViewExp vpt,
Box3 box,
ModContext mc 
) [inline, virtual]
virtual int Display ( TimeValue  t,
GraphicsWindow gw,
Matrix3  tm 
) [inline, virtual]
virtual Interval LocalValidity ( TimeValue  t ) [inline, virtual]
{return FOREVER;}
virtual BOOL IsEnabled ( ) [inline, virtual]
This method returns whether or not this gizmo is active or not.
Default Implementation:
{ return TRUE; }
{ return TRUE; }
virtual BOOL IsVolumeBased ( ) [inline, virtual]
This method returns whether or not this gizmo is volume based or not. If it is volume based IsInVolume is used to check to see if a point is deformed otherwise a tab list of points is used to determine if a point is affected.
Default Implementation:
{ return FALSE; }
{return FALSE;}
virtual BOOL IsInVolume ( Point3  p,
Matrix3  tm 
) [inline, virtual]
If IsVolumBased returns TRUE his function is called to determine if the point is deformed.
Point3 p

The point to be checked in the skinned objects local space.

Matrix3 tm

This matrix will transform the point into world space.
Default Implementation:
{ return FALSE; }
{ return FALSE;}
virtual Point3 DeformPoint ( TimeValue  t,
int  index,
Point3  initialP,
Point3  p,
Matrix3  tm 
) [inline, virtual]
This method does the actual deformation of the points. Both initial and current point positions are passed in so the deformer has a chance to start from scratch minus the weighted transformation deformation. For instance a joint lattice deformer would want to work with the initial position while a bulge deformer would use the current point position.
TimeValue t

The time of the modification.

int index

Te index of the point into the object.

Point3 initialP

The initial position of the point.

Point3 p

The current deformed position of the point.

Matrix3 tm

The matrix to convert p and initialP into world space.
Default Implementation:
{ return p; }
        {return p;}
virtual void SetInitialName ( ) [inline, virtual]
This method is called to let the gizmo name it self after creation.
Default Implementation:
{ }
virtual const MCHAR* GetName ( ) [inline, virtual]
This method returns the name of he gizmo.
Default Implementation:
{ return NULL; }
{return NULL;}
virtual void SetName ( const MCHAR *  name ) [inline, virtual]
This method sets the name of the gizmo.
THCAR *name

The name to set the gizmo to.
Default Implementation:
{ }
virtual void SetName ( MCHAR *  name ) [inline, virtual]
Implement SetName(const MCHAR *name)
{ SetName(const_cast<const MCHAR*>(name)); }
virtual BOOL InitialCreation ( int  count,
Point3 p,
int  numbeOfInstances,
int *  mapTable 
) [inline, virtual]
This method is called when the gizmo is created. A list of points that where selected are passed in world space coordinates. This allows the gizmo to setup whatever initial parameters are needed when it is created. This should return TRUE if it was successful, else FALSE.
int count

The number of points that are to be affected.

Point3 *p

The list of points that where selected when the gizmo was created in world space.

int numbeOfInstances

The number of times that the modifier has been instanced.

int *mapTable

An index list of back into the original point list for the object for *p. This is used so the gizmo can map the points back into the original point list from the object so you can figure out later on where the points are.
Default Implementation:
{ return TRUE; }
{ return TRUE;}
virtual void PreDeformSetup ( TimeValue  t ) [inline, virtual]
This method is called before the actual deformation loop to allow the plug-in to create any temporary data it may need.
TimeValue t

The time of the modification.
Default Implementation:
{ }
virtual void PostDeformSetup ( TimeValue  t ) [inline, virtual]
This method is called after the actual deformation loop to allow the plug-in to create any temporary data it may need.
TimeValue t

The time of the modification.
Default Implementation:
{ }
virtual IGizmoBuffer* CopyToBuffer ( ) [inline, virtual]
This method will ask the plugin to create a copy buffer of its current parameters. The plugin needs to allocate the memory for this buffer. The skin modifier will take care of the destruction of this memory.
Default Implementation:
{ return NULL; }
{ return NULL;}
virtual void PasteFromBuffer ( IGizmoBuffer buffer ) [inline, virtual]
This method is called when the user paste data to the gizmo. The gizmo needs to cast his pointer into its copy class and the use the data to paste into it.
IGizmoBuffer *buffer

The buffer to paste from.
Default Implementation:
{ }
virtual void Enable ( BOOL  enable ) [inline, virtual]
This sets the current to gizmo to be enabled or disabled.
BOOL enable

TRUE to enable; FALSE to disable.
Default Implementation:
{ }
virtual BOOL IsEditing ( ) [inline, virtual]
This method returns whether the user is in the edit mode for the gizmo. When this is TRUE the gizmo will get its HitTest, SelectSubComponents, Move, SetSubObjectCenters, SetObjectTMs, ClearSelection, SelectAll, and InvertSelections will be passed from skin to the gizmo.
Default Implementation:
{ return FALSE; }
{ return FALSE;}
virtual void EndEditing ( ) [inline, virtual]
This is called when the system wants the gizmo to stop editing.
Default Implementation:
{ }
virtual void EnableEditing ( BOOL  enable ) [inline, virtual]
When the skin modifier wants the gizmo to disable any controls that are not used outside the sub object mode this function is called. This gives the gizmo a chance to disable/hide any UI elements that it does not want the user to manipulate when out of the subobject mode.
BOOL enable

TRUE to enable; FALSE to disable.
Default Implementation:
{ }
virtual int HitTest ( TimeValue  t,
INode inode,
int  type,
int  crossing,
int  flags,
IPoint2 p,
ViewExp vpt,
ModContext mc,
Matrix3  tm 
) [inline, virtual]
This method is called to determine if the specified screen point intersects the item. The method returns nonzero if the item was hit; otherwise 0. This method differs from its BaseObject version in that this is based a TM which is the matrix that transfroms the skin modifier into world space.
TimeValue t

The time to perform the hit test.

INode* inode

A pointer to the node to test.

int type

The type of hit testing to perform. See Scene and Node Hit Test Types. for details.

int crossing

The state of the crossing setting. If TRUE crossing selection is on.

int flags

The hit test flags. See Scene and Node Hit Testing Flags for details.

IPoint2 *p

The screen point to test.

ViewExp *vpt

An interface pointer that may be used to call methods associated with the viewports.

ModContext* mc

A pointer to the modifier context.

Matrix3 tm

The transform matrix to transform the skin into world space.
Nonzero if the item was hit; otherwise 0.
Default Implementation:
{ return 0; }
{return 0;}
virtual void SelectSubComponent ( HitRecord hitRec,
BOOL  selected,
BOOL  all,
BOOL  invert = FALSE 
) [inline, virtual]
This method is called to change the selection state of the component identified by hitRec.
HitRecord *hitRec

Identifies the component whose selected state should be set. See Class HitRecord .

BOOL selected

TRUE if the item should be selected; FALSE if the item should be de-selected.

BOOL all

TRUE if all components in the HitRecord chain should be selected; FALSE if only the top-level HitRecord should be selected. (A HitRecord contains a Next() pointer; typically you want to do whatever you're doing to all the Next()'s until Next() returns NULL).


This is set to TRUE when all is also set to TRUE and the user is holding down the Shift key while region selecting in select mode. This indicates the items hit in the region should have their selection state inverted.
Default Implementation:
{ }
virtual void Move ( TimeValue  t,
Matrix3 partm,
Matrix3 tmAxis,
Point3 val,
Matrix3  tm,
BOOL  localOrigin = FALSE 
) [inline, virtual]
When this method is called the plug-in should respond by moving its selected sub-object components.
TimeValue t

The time of the transformation.

Matrix3& partm

The 'parent' transformation matrix. This matrix represents a transformation that would take points in the modifier's space and convert them into world space points. This is constructed as the node's transformation matrix times the inverse of the ModContext's transformation matrix. The node whose transformation is used is the node the user clicked on in the scene - modifiers can be instanced so there could be more than one node.

Matrix3& tmAxis

The matrix that represents the axis system. This is the space in which the transformation is taking place.

Point3& val

This value is a vector with X, Y, and Z representing the movement along each axis.

Matrix3 tm

The transform matrix.

BOOL localOrigin=FALSE

When TRUE the transformation is occurring about the sub-object's local origin.
Default Implementation:
{ }
virtual void GetSubObjectCenters ( SubObjAxisCallback cb,
TimeValue  t,
INode node,
Matrix3  tm 
) [inline, virtual]
When the user is in a sub-object selection level, the system needs to get the reference coordinate system definition from the current modifier being edited so that it can display the axis. This method specifies the position of the center. The plug-in enumerates its centers and calls the callback cb once for each. This method differs from its BaseObject version in that this is based a TM which is the matrix that transfroms the skin modifier into world space.
SubObjAxisCallback *cb

The callback object whose methods may be called. See Class SubObjAxisCallback.

TimeValue t

The time to enumerate the centers.

INode *node

A pointer to the node.

Matrix3 tm

The transform matrix to transform the skin into world space.
Default Implementation:
{ }
virtual void GetSubObjectTMs ( SubObjAxisCallback cb,
TimeValue  t,
INode node,
Matrix3  tm 
) [inline, virtual]
When the user is in a sub-object selection level, the system needs to get the reference coordinate system definition from the current modifier being edited so that it can display the axis. This method returns the axis system of the reference coordinate system. The plug-in enumerates its TMs and calls the callback cb once for each. See Sub-Object Coordinate Systems. This method differs from its BaseObject version in that this is based a TM which is the matrix that transfroms the skin modifier into world space.
SubObjAxisCallback *cb

The callback object whose methods may be called.

TimeValue t

The time to enumerate the TMs.

INode *node

A pointer to the node.

Matrix3 tm

The transform matrix to transform the skin into world space.
Default Implementation:
{ }
virtual void ClearSelection ( int  selLevel ) [inline, virtual]
This method is called to clear the selection for the given sub-object level. All sub-object elements of this type should be deselected. This will be called when the user chooses Select None from the 3ds Max Edit menu.
int selLevel

Specifies the selection level to clear.
Default Implementation:
virtual void SelectAll ( int  selLevel ) [inline, virtual]
This method is called to select every element of the given sub-object level. This will be called when the user chooses Select All from the Edit menu.
int selLevel

Specifies the selection level to select.
Default Implementation:
virtual void InvertSelection ( int  selLevel ) [inline, virtual]
This method is called to invert the specified sub-object level. If the element is selected it should be deselected. If it's deselected it should be selected. This will be called when the user chooses Select Invert from the Edit menu.
int selLevel

Specifies the selection level to invert.
Default Implementation:

Member Data Documentation

GizmoClass GizmoClass GizmoClass GizmoClass GizmoClass GizmoClass GizmoClass GizmoClass GizmoClass GizmoClass
GizmoClass GizmoClass GizmoClass GizmoClass GizmoClass GizmoClass GizmoClass GizmoClass GizmoClass GizmoClass