Camera hotkeys
Rotate Alt + Left button Press the Alt key then drag in the 3D View while pressing the left button on the mouse/stylus. The camera rotates about its center of interest.
Track Alt + Middle button Press the Alt key then drag in the 3D View while pressing the middle button on the mouse/stylus. The camera moves in a sideways motion.
Dolly Alt + Right button Press the Alt key then drag in the 3D View while pressing the right button on the mouse/stylus. The camera moves toward its center of interest. You can also dolly using the scroll wheel if your mouse has this feature.
Roll Shift + Middle button Press the Shift key and then drag in the 3D View while pressing the middle button. The camera rolls about its barrel.
Focus F Place your cursor over the model and press the F key. The location beneath the cursor becomes the camera's new center of interest.
Frame All A Repositions the camera so that all visible geometry is within the camera's field of view.