a new model in the 3D View based on the predefined
sculpt templates. Default models include: Basic Head, Bull, Cube, Plane, Reptile, Sphere,
and Tree Stump.
Creates a pre-built curve
based on pre-defined geometric shapes. Default curves in the menu include: Circle, French
Curve, Square, and Straight
Creates a new camera.
To edit a new camera's properties you select it in the Object
List and then edit its properties in the Properties window.
Creates a new light.
The light options are: Directional, Point,
and Image Based. A Directional light
is the default light for the 3D View.
Select the light in the Object List and
then edit its properties using the Properties window.
Creates a new material.
The default material types are: Mudbox Material, Simple
Blinn, Lit Sphere Material, and CgFX-based
Material. Select a material in the Object
List to edit its properties using the Properties window.
Selection Set
Creates a selection set
composed of the selected faces and objects. The selection set appears
in the Object List and selects the
associated items when selected.