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Extract Texture Maps

Samples and extracts sculpted information from a source model (high resolution) and saves normal and displacement maps that can be applied to a target model (low resolution). As some 3D applications and games consoles do not efficiently support models with extremely high polygon counts. Using normal and displacement maps to represent the sculpted data works around these limitations by producing images that replicate the same sculpting effect via a texture map.

Sculpt Model Using Displacement Map

Displaces a target model using gray-scale image maps. A range of bit depths for displacement maps are supported.

Extract Ambient Occlusion Maps

Generates an ambient occlusion shading map and optionally assigns it to a paint layer on the Diffuse channel for the material. A range of file formats for the ambient occlusion maps are supported.

Related topics

Extract Texture Maps properties

Sculpt Model Using Displacement Map properties

Texture extraction overview

Extract a texture map

Extract Ambient Occlusion Maps properties

Troubleshoot texture extraction

Sculpt using a displacement map