The Layer manager is the interface to the CATLayer system. As you animate with 3ds Max CAT, you this rollout serves as the center of your layering workflow. Here you can add, remove, move layers up and down , adjust and animate global or local layer weightings, and more.
Click to switch between CATModes: Animation and Setup. See CATModes.
Display the 'Ranges View' for all the layers. See Ranges View.
Add a new layer to the layer stack. Click and hold on the Abs button to open the flyout, drag down to the layer type to add, and release to create the layer. See Layer Types.
Paste the copied layer into the current layer stack. This tool is useful for quickly duplicating layers on one CATRig, or for copying animation from one rig to another in the same scene. It is better than using the animation saving and loading tools because some types of controllers, such as Reaction, cannot be saved using the Clip file saver.
Collapse a time range of your animation to an existing or new layer. See Collapsing Animation Layers.
The layer color. This determines the color of the layer’s transform node (see following), as well as the rig color in Layer Color mode.
Create a transform node for the current layer in the layer stack. Transform nodes are available for absolute layers only. See Layer Transform Gizmo.
These controls determine how the highlighted layer interacts with those before it in the layer stack; that is, those preceding it in the list. Except for Solo and Time Warp, the controls are unavailable for the first layer in the stack.
The extent to which the highlighted layer affects the overall animation. For details, see Blending Between Layers.
To edit
the animation curve for a layer’s Global Weight value, click the Curve
Editor: Global Weights button.
The extent to which animation in the highlighted layer for selected bones affects the overall animation. For details, see Feathered Weighting.
To edit
the animation curve for a layer’s Global Weight value, click the Curve
Editor: Local Weights button.
Enables control of the velocity of an animation layer. This value is typically animated. For details, see Layer Time Warps.
To edit
the animation curve for a layer’s Time Warp value, click the Curve
Editor: Time Warps button.