The Apply Max IK tool enables you to use the IK systems in 3ds Max to animate CATRigs. You can use splines to control long tails, or HI/IK on digits to give a character’s fingers and toes IK controls. The 3ds Max IK Systems can affect only one layer at a time. This gives you the ability to use IK and FK on the same character at different times in the animation. Alternatively, you can assign the 3ds Max IK system to a relative layer at the bottom of the stack to control all layers on your character.
When assigning Spine IK, the tool needs a spline to use to control the IK system. The tool can create a new spline based on the CATBone hierarchy you have selected.
Click Yes and a spline will be created using the shape of the tail as a guide. You can also choose an existing spline to control your character.
The spline will be created with the number of knots specified on the Apply IK dialogue. Now you can animate the Point helpers to drive the animation of the tail.
HI/IK System applied to the toe of the Lizard.