Servers Tab

The following table presents the information found on the Servers tab.

Column Description
Name Server name (host name)
Description A short description of the server, entered when the server was installed

The current activity of the server:

absent: Server is no longer seen by the manager, possibly down.

active: Server is currently working on a job.

suspended: Server has been put on hold.

idle: Server is inactive.

error: Server is experiencing a problem.

Perf. Index A value in the range [0–1] indicating the performance level of the server, relative to other servers on the same job. A score of 1 indicates this is the best-performing server.

A comma-separated list of installed plug-ins and adapters, for example:

Burn: The Burn renderer.

Command Line Tool: The Backburner cmdjob command-line plug-in allows you to submit batch, executable, or script files to Backburner as “custom” jobs.

mio: The MIO adapter is the processing engine responsible for carrying out transcoding jobs.

Wire: Installed with Stone and Wire. Can be used to import/export media, perform Wire transfers, etc. Used by the Wiretap SDK’s background I/O tool, wiretap_bgio_tool.