Tools samples
Sample Description
tool_template Tool template.
toolaudio Shows how to make an audio tool.
toolbatch Plot multiple motion files on one character.
toolcharacter Go through the steps for plotting motion data to a character.
toolcluster Cluster tool template.
toolconstraint Constraint tool template.
toolconstraintrelation How to create a new relation constraint in MB
toolgrabview3d Write the rendered 3D view into a file.
toolimportexport Import and export different file formats.
toolmaterial Affect material properties.
toolmedia Media import/display tool.
toolmirrorpose Tool used to mirror selected objects in the viewer.
toolnote Insert notes in the scene.
toolpath3d Example of FBModelPath3D, FBConstraint, FBSet.
toolpathplot Plot a camera's path with models.
toolpersistent Keep persistent data for a tool.
toolphysics Shows basic physics manipulation using the SDK.
toolplugs Tool showing the plugs events usage.
toolpose Display loaded poses.
toolscene Display the scene and its contents.
toolskeleton Demonstration of the creation of a skeleton.
toolstory Template showing how to use the FBStory classes.
tooluidemo Demonstrates the different UI elements available.
tooluserdata Add user data to any model.
toolview3d Show the scene in a 3D view.