cMuscleStretch node

This is a deformer node that does basic 3-point deformation on any object. Can be used for fast muscle deformation.

Manual Squish

Lets you make the muscle squash down even if the length does not change. This causes the squash/stretch scale settings to be applied to the geometry. Higher values cause a stretch deformation, lower values cause a squash deformation.

Max Stretch

Sets the percentage at which the stretch is at maximum. A value of 2 means the muscle can grow 2 times longer than the default to get fully stretched.

Stretch Start/Stretch Mid/Stretch End

Set the X-Z scale factor for the object when the muscle length grows.

Max Squash

Sets the percentage at which the squash is at maximum. A value of 0.5 means the muscle can be half as long as the default to get fully squashed.

Squash Start/Squash Mid/Squash End

Set the X-Z scale factor for the object when the muscle length shrinks.

X Factor/Z Factor

Allow the overall X and Z squashing to be adjusted to get non-uniform squash and stretch.

Weight Start/Weight Mid/Weight End

Set the "pull" of each control to the geometry. These settings can help fine-tune how the start, middle, and end of the muscle looks as the controls move.

Reset Frame

Sets the frame where jiggle resets. Any frame on or before this gets zero jiggle effect. This can be keyed, usually with stepped keys to allow for jiggle to be reset midway through an animation, such as if you have multiple shots and there is fast action between frames causing the need for jiggle to reset.

Jiggle Start/Jiggle Mid/Jiggle End

Set the strength of the jiggle for the start, middle, and end of the object. Higher values mean bigger motion.

Cycle Start/Cycle Mid/Cycle End

Set the number of frames it takes for the related section to bounce. Smaller values result in a faster, higher frequency bounce, larger values result in a slower bounce.

Rest Start/Rest Mid/Rest End

Set the number of frames it takes for the related section to stop jiggling. Smaller values mean the motion stops sooner, larger values cause the jiggle to last longer.

Dampen On Squash

Causes the jiggle to dampen off and get faster if the object is in a stretched state.

Dampen On Stretch

Causes the jiggle to dampen off and get faster if the object is in a stretched state.

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