Set up Alias for sketching

Choose Preferences > Workflows > Paint , or select Paint mode when launching Alias.

This automatically sets up the Alias interface so non-sketching features are hidden and sketching features are more accessible.

To set up Alias for sketching

Choose Preferences > Workflows > Paint , or select Paint mode when launching Alias, to automatically:

To hide editor windows during brush strokes

  1. Choose Preferences > General Preferences  ❒ to open the General Preferences options.
  2. Click Paint in the left panel, then set Hide Windows During Stroke as follows:
    • 0—Windows are not hidden during brush strokes.
    • ANY OTHER VALUE—Windows are hidden during brush strokes. The value of this option is the number of seconds windows remain hidden after you complete a brush stroke. For example, if this option is set to 2, windows are hidden during a brush stroke and re-appear 2 seconds after you complete the stroke.
  3. Click Go.

To set the main linear unit

  1. Choose Preferences > Construction Options to open the Construction Options window.
  2. Click Units and then Linear to show the current linear units.
  3. Set Main Units.

To show only sketching-related menus and tools

Choose Preferences > Workflows > Paint .

NoteTo show all tools and menus again, choose Preferences > Menus > Long Menus .

To show or hide the Paint Panel

Choose Windows > Control Panel .

To turn on sketching-specific marking menus

Choose Preferences > Workflows > Paint .

NoteTo turn on standard marking menus, choose another workflow.