Set the background color

To set the background color for a new canvas plane

  1. In the Canvas > New Canvas option window, set Background style to Current Brush Color, Black, White or Transparent.
  2. Click OK.

To change the background color of an existing canvas plane

  1. Select a canvas (make it active).

    See Select a canvas.

  2. Choose Windows > Editors > Canvas Layer Editor to see the layers on the canvas.
  3. Click on the Background layer to make it active.
  4. Choose Paint > Flood Fill from the palette.
  5. Choose a background color from the Flood Fill Options in the Paint Control Panel.
  6. Click on the canvas in the view to apply the paint.
    NoteRemember to select a different layer in the Canvas Layer Editor before you start sketching.

To learn how to change the color of the paint, see Set brush paint color.