Refine the Curvature of the Nose

The nose of the fuselage is flat on top. Making it a bit more rounded improves the airplaneā€™s appearance.

Set up the lesson:

Improve the curvature of the top front portion of the fuselage:

  1. Click and Ctrl+click to select the three ridgeline edges in front of the cockpit, and the ridgeline edge immediately behind it.
    TipUse region selection for the small edge where you reinforced the front of the cockpit. If you select an edge by mistake, use Alt+click to deselect it.
  2. Move these edges up vertically a bit, to make the fuselage more rounded.

    Front view

Increase the curvature at the top of the engine cowl:

  1. Switch to the (Vertex) sub-object level.
  2. Click and Ctrl+click to select the three vertices along the top of the engine cowl.
  3. Move these vertices up a bit, as well.

    Front view

  4. Click (Vertex) to turn it off and exit the Vertex sub-object level.
  5. In the Perspective viewport, zoom out and press F4 to turn off Edged Faces.
  6. On the ribbon Edit panel, turn on (NURMS) once again.

    Now the fuselage is convincingly rounded.

  7. Turn off (NURMS).

Save your work:


Set Up Smoothing for the Fuselage