Graphite Modeling Tools Tab
Command entry:Modeling ribbon Graphite Modeling Tools tab

The Graphite Modeling Tools tab contains the tools you use most often for polygon modeling, organized into separate panels for easy, convenient access.

  • Polygon Modeling Panel

    The Polygon Modeling panel includes tools for switching sub-object levels, navigating the modifier stack, converting objects to editable poly and Edit Poly, and more.

  • Modify Selection Panel

    The Modify Selection panel provides tools for adding to and subtracting from sub-object selections, both in general and with respect to loops and rings.

  • Edit Panel

    The Edit panel provides a variety of tools for modifying polygon-based objects, including transform constraints, edge and loop creation, and editing texture coordinates.

  • Geometry (All) Panel

    The Geometry (All) panel provides a subset of modeling tools from the Edit Geometry rollout and adds Cap Poly for creating a polygon from a vertex or edge selection and the Quadrify tools for converting polygons to quadrilaterals.

  • [Sub-object] Panels

    When you access a sub-object level on the Polygon Modeling panel, a corresponding contextual panel with controls for editing at that level opens on the ribbon. The sub-object panels are:

  • Loops Panel

    The Loops panel features are for working with edge loops, and include tools for creating loops within polygons and at a distance, automatically adjusting a new loop to an object’s shape, random paths, and more.

  • Additional Panels

    The panels described in this topic provide tools for subdividing meshes, changing triangulation, aligning objects and sub-objects, hiding and unhiding sub-objects, and setting properties such as smoothing. These panels are available only on the Graphite Modeling Tools tab of the modeling ribbon.