MassFX > 
Using MassFX in 3ds Max

This section provides introductory and overview material about the concepts and building blocks used in MassFX. If you haven't used MassFX before, this is a great place to start.

  • The MassFX Interface

    This topic provides an overview of the various ways of interacting with MassFX in 3ds Max.

  • Rigid Bodies & Constraints

    Rigid bodies and constraints are the core components of a MassFX simulation. The topics in this section are intended to help you understand how to use them.

  • Skeletons

    Animated characters can participate in MassFX simulations as kinematic rigid bodies. This means that they can affect the simulation, but cannot be affected by it. For example, a character could knock down an obstacle in its way, but a large box falling on it would not change its behavior in the simulation.

  • Visualizing the Simulation

    As soon as you've set up a MassFX simulation, you can test the settings by playing it in the viewports. If problems occur, sometimes it's obvious what's going wrong, but if not you can use the MassFX Visualizer to analyze the simulation in detail.

  • Baking Simulation Results

    To render the results of a MassFX simulation, or if you want to tweak aspects of the simulation manually, you need to bake the project. Baking creates standard keyframed animation for dynamic objects and converts them to kinematic objects.

  • Exporting Rigid Bodies, Constraints, and Skeletons

    To use the MassFX information you author in a game or other real-time simulation, first export it. To do so, use the Export MassFX Scene command on the Animation menu Simulation - MassFX submenu Utilities submenu, or use Export Scene on the MassFX Tools dialog Utilities. Doing so opens the MassFX Export dialog: