Ray Type Switch


| Color Switch

Category: Processing > Switch

Shader Family: Texture

Output: Color

Selects the color or texture to be displayed (output), depending on the type of ray hitting the object.


The shader's name. Enter any name you like, or leave the default.

Visible Rays


Defines the color when an eye ray is hitting the object.


Defines the color when a refractive transparency ray is hitting the object.


Defines the color when a reflective ray is hitting the object.

Shadow Rays

Shadow Color

Defines the color when a shadow ray is hitting the object.

Shadow Modulation

Override with Shadow Color or multiply the returned color with the Shadow Color.

Photon Rays/Final Gathering


Defines the color when a photon ray is hitting the object.

Final Gathering

Defines the color when a final gathering ray is hitting the object.

Use Eye port for final gathering

When selected, final gathering is evaluated through the eye input port.

Use FG port for final gathering

When selected, final gathering is evaluated through the fg input port.

Render Tree Usage

In the render tree, use this shader to define a texture or texture effect for the various rays that hit an object. For example, the Reflection input can be a gradient, the Shadow input can be a fractal, and the eye ray can be an image clip. This shader can then be output to either the Surface connection of the Material node or a Color input on a surface shader.