Crowd Look At Goal


Orients a deformer in a proxy rig in a CrowdFX simulation to point at the actor's current goal. This may be an interim goal, such as a wall exit point.

This compound can be used only in the Simulation region of the Point_Cloud object after Set Locomotion.

For more information, see Looking at Objects or Goals.

Tasks: Crowds/Constraints

Output Ports: Execute

In Proxy Deformer Name

The name of the deformer to align. Typically, this is the head bone in the actor's Rig_Proxy hierarchy. You can also use a spine bone to rotate the torso.

Child Transform Compensation

Does not apply the corresponding transformation to the deformer's descendant nodes.


The number of frames over which to blend from looking at the previous goal when using Goal Sequencer, Closest Goal, or Follow Curve.

Max Angle

The maximum that the deformer can turn, in degrees. This can be used to prevent actors from spinning their heads completely around.

Local Vector

The vector to align toward the target position. To determine the value to use, inspect the actor's rig (see Displaying the Rig Proxy), select the deformer, and activate the Translate tool in Local mode. For example, use +Z (0, 0, 1) with the default pedestrian.

TipIf the simulation includes multiple actor sources, you can plug multiple instances of this node into a Select Case node with its Condition port driven by Get Actor ID. This allows you to use different values for different actor types.