Blending between Pose States


When you create the crowd simulation, one Pose State compound is created in the Skeleton Simulation ICE tree for each loaded action source (see How Action Sources Are Used in the Crowd Simulation). Pose states set the transformations of the deformers in the rig proxy for each actor instance in the crowd simulation based on the data that is set in the Initialize Locomotion Data or Initialize Stadium Data compounds. For locomotion simulations, the pose states are switched based on the actor's speed. For stadium simulations, the pose states are switched according to any custom conditions you have set in this ICE tree.

In each Pose State compound, you can set how it blends with the previous pose state. How you want to blend between pose states often depends on the type of animation used for the pose: a locomotion action cycle such as a walk or run; a stationary action cycle such as idling or arm waving; or a "one-time" non-cycling action such as falling down and dying or jumping up and landing.

The settings you choose for the Cycle Modes and States Interpolation parameters in the Pose State compound can help make better transitions according to the type of animation. Here are some general guidelines:

Blending between Locomotion Cycles

If you're blending between locomotion actions whose animation cycles are similar and repeating, such as blending from a walk cycle to a run cycle, these settings in the appropriate Pose State compound will probably work the best:

Blending into or between Stationary Cycles

If you're blending between stationary cycles, such as standing or arm waving, these settings in the Pose State compound will probably work the best. This also applies when switching from a locomotion cycle into a stationary one, such as an actor switching from running to standing and waving his arms.

Blending into "Single Action" Poses

If you're blending from any type of action into a "single action" non-cycling pose, such as falling down and dying, or delivering a knockout punch, these settings in the Pose State compound will probably work the best.