Public Member Functions
CGeometryAccessor Class Reference

Detailed Description

The mesh geometry accessor provides an optimized access to the data and cluster property values of a geometry mesh object. CGeometryAccessor is suitable for data export application as it allows access to geometry data more quickly and efficiently than the regular geometry API classes.

CGeometryAccessor lets you access the regular geometry data as defined on a mesh or you can configure CGeometryAccessor to subdivide the data in order to obtain a higher level of resolution on the geometry. Be careful, however: the higher the resolution the longer the access time will be.

With CGeometryAccessor you can access regular geometry data such as:

Triangles are generated from the mesh polygons in the exact same order.

You can also access quickly all materials and cluster property values used by the mesh. The cluster property supported are:

User data map values can also be accessed directly with CGeometryAccessor.

The Material objects returned by CGeometryAccessor::GetMaterials can be used to optimize the access to the UV and vertex color values defined on these materials. With this shortcut you tackle only the materials used by the mesh which saves you from processing unused materials during your export operations.

See also:
PolygonMesh::GetGeometryAccessor, CClusterPropertyBuilder
Enumerates polygon vertex indices
        using namespace XSI;

        Application app;
        Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot();

        X3DObject mySphere;
        root.AddGeometry( L"Sphere", L"MeshSurface", L"", mySphere );

        PolygonMesh m = mySphere.GetActivePrimitive().GetGeometry();

        // gets a geometry accessor object with default parameters
        CGeometryAccessor ga = m.GetGeometryAccessor();

        // get the number of vertices for each polygons
        CLongArray pvCount;

        // get the vertex indices
        CLongArray vIndices;

        // log all polygon vertex indices
        LONG nPolyCount = ga.GetPolygonCount();
        for (LONG i=0, nOffset=0; i<nPolyCount; i++)
            CString strIndices;

            for ( LONG j=0; j<pvCount[i]; j++ )
                strIndices += CString(vIndices[nOffset+j]);
            nOffset += pvCount[i];
            app.LogMessage( CString(i) + L":" + strIndices );

Example2 : Get the UV values for all triangles of a geometry

        using namespace XSI;

        // Forward declaration
        PolygonMesh CreateMeshWithUVs( );

        // setup a mesh with some UV values
        PolygonMesh m = CreateMeshWithUVs( );

        // gets a geometry accessor object from the new mesh
        CGeometryAccessor ga = m.GetGeometryAccessor( );

        // gets all UVs on the mesh
        CRefArray uvs = ga.GetUVs( );

        // works with the first UV set on the geometry
        // UV values are stored as a flat list of float values grouped in
        // triplets (i.e. UVW), first triplet being the values at node 0, etc...
        ClusterProperty uvProp = uvs[ 0 ];
        CFloatArray uvValues;
        uvProp.GetValues( uvValues );

        // retrieve all node indices per triangle on the geometry
        // nodes are grouped in triplets, first triplet being the nodes for
        // triangle 0, etc...
        CLongArray triNodeIds;
        ga.GetTriangleNodeIndices( triNodeIds );

        // loops over triangles and log their UV values
        Application app;
        LONG triID = 0;
        for ( LONG i=0; i<triNodeIds.GetCount( ); i+=3 )
            app.LogMessage( L"Triangle " + CString( triID++ ) );

            // loop over each triangle node, use the node id to index into the
            // UV value array
            for ( LONG j=0; j<3; j++ )
                LONG nodeId = triNodeIds[ i+j ];

                // shift by 3 since the datum size for a UV value is 3 (i.e. UVW)
                LONG uvIdx = nodeId*3;
                float u = uvValues[ uvIdx + 0 ];
                float v = uvValues[ uvIdx + 1 ];
                float w = uvValues[ uvIdx + 2 ];

                CString strUVW;
                strUVW += CString( u ) + L" " + CString( v ) + L" " + CString( w );

                app.LogMessage( L"   Node " + CString( nodeId ) + L": " + strUVW );

        PolygonMesh CreateMeshWithUVs( )
            Application app;
            Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot( );

            X3DObject myGrid;
            root.AddGeometry( L"Grid", L"MeshSurface", L"", myGrid );

            PolygonMesh m = myGrid.GetActivePrimitive( ).GetGeometry( );

            CClusterPropertyBuilder cpb = m.GetClusterPropertyBuilder( );

            // add UV properties on the grid
            ClusterProperty cp = cpb.AddUV( );

            float uvws[] =
                0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f,
                0.2f, 0.2f, 0.2f,
                0.3f, 0.3f, 0.3f,
                0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f,
                0.5f, 0.5f, 0.5f,
                0.6f, 0.6f, 0.6f,
                0.7f, 0.7f, 0.7f,
                0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f

            // set UV values for the node ids stored in nodeIds
            LONG nodeIds[ ] = {0,1,2,3,8,9,10,11};

            // to demonstrate chunking we set the values 4 at a time
            LONG nChunk = 4;

            // set the first 4 UVs
            cp.SetValues( nodeIds, uvws, nChunk );

            // set the last ones
            // shift nodeIds with a nChunk factor
            // shift uvws with a nChunk*3 factor, 3 being the datum size of a UV (i.e. UVW)
            cp.SetValues( &nodeIds[ nChunk ], &uvws[ nChunk*3 ], nChunk );

            return m;

#include <xsi_geometryaccessor.h>

Inheritance diagram for CGeometryAccessor:
Inheritance graph

List of all members.

Public Member Functions

  CGeometryAccessor ()
  ~CGeometryAccessor ()
  CGeometryAccessor (const CRef &in_ref)
  CGeometryAccessor (const CGeometryAccessor &in_obj)
bool  IsA (siClassID in_ClassID) const
siClassID  GetClassID () const
CGeometryAccessor operator= (const CGeometryAccessor &in_obj)
CGeometryAccessor operator= (const CRef &in_ref)
MATH::CTransformation  GetTransform () const
LONG  GetPolygonCount () const
CStatus  GetPolygonVerticesCount (CLongArray &out_array) const
CStatus  GetPolygonTurnInternalEdgeOffsets (CLongArray &out_array) const
CStatus  GetPolygonMaterialIndices (CLongArray &out_matIndices) const
CStatus  GetPolygonMaterialIndicesByMaterial (const CRef &in_refMat, CBitArray &out_polyIndices) const
LONG  GetVertexCount () const
CStatus  GetVertexIndices (CLongArray &out_array) const
CStatus  GetVertexPositions (CDoubleArray &out_array) const
CStatus  GetVertexCreaseValues (CFloatArray &out_array) const
LONG  GetEdgeCount () const
CStatus  GetEdgeIndices (CLongArray &out_array) const
CStatus  GetEdgeCreaseValues (CFloatArray &out_array) const
CStatus  GetHardEdges (CBitArray &out_array) const
LONG  GetNodeCount () const
CStatus  GetNodeIndices (CLongArray &out_array) const
CStatus  GetNodeNormals (CFloatArray &out_array) const
LONG  GetTriangleCount () const
CStatus  GetTriangleVertexIndices (CLongArray &out_array) const
CStatus  GetTriangleNodeIndices (CLongArray &out_array) const
CStatus  GetPolygonTriangleIndex (LONG in_tindex, LONG &out_pindex) const
CStatus  GetPolygonTriangleIndices (CLongArray &out_array) const
CRefArray  GetClusterProperties (siClusterPropertyType in_type) const
CRef  GetClusterProperty (siClusterPropertyType in_type, const CString &in_nName) const
CRefArray  GetUVs () const
CRef  GetUV (const CString &in_nName) const
CRefArray  GetVertexColors () const
CRef  GetVertexColor (const CString &in_nName) const
CRefArray  GetUserNormals () const
CRef  GetUserNormal (const CString &in_nName) const
CRefArray  GetUserMotions () const
CRef  GetUserMotion (const CString &in_nName) const
CRefArray  GetEnvelopeWeights () const
CRef  GetEnvelopeWeight (const CString &in_nName) const
CRefArray  GetShapeKeys () const
CRef  GetShapeKey (const CString &in_nName) const
CRefArray  GetWeightMaps () const
CRef  GetWeightMap (const CString &in_nName) const
CRefArray  GetUserDataMaps (siClusterType in_type) const
CRefArray  GetMaterials () const
CRefArray  GetClusters (siClusterType in_clsType) const
CRefArray  GetClusters () const

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

Default constructor.

Default destructor.

CGeometryAccessor ( const CRef in_ref )


in_ref constant reference object.
CGeometryAccessor ( const CGeometryAccessor in_obj )

Copy constructor.

in_obj constant class object.

Member Function Documentation

bool IsA ( siClassID  in_ClassID ) const [virtual]

Returns true if a given class type is compatible with this API class.

in_ClassID class type.
true if the class is compatible, false otherwise.

Reimplemented from CBase.

siClassID GetClassID ( ) const [virtual]

Returns the type of the API class.

The class type.

Implements CBase.

CGeometryAccessor& operator= ( const CGeometryAccessor in_obj )

Creates an object from another object. The newly created object is set to empty if the input object is not compatible.

in_obj constant class object.
The new CGeometryAccessor object.
CGeometryAccessor& operator= ( const CRef in_ref )

Creates an object from a reference object. The newly created object is set to empty if the input reference object is not compatible.

in_ref constant class object.
The new CGeometryAccessor object.
MATH::CTransformation GetTransform ( ) const

Returns the local transformation of the underlying PolygonMesh object.

The transformation.
LONG GetPolygonCount ( ) const

Returns the number of polygons of the geometry.

Polygon count.
CStatus GetPolygonVerticesCount ( CLongArray out_array ) const

Returns an array containing the number of vertices for each polygon in the geometry.

Return values:
out_array Array containing the vertex count for each polygon.
CStatus GetPolygonTurnInternalEdgeOffsets ( CLongArray out_array ) const

Returns an array containing the turn-internal-edge offset for each polygon in the geometry. This offset is used by the tesselator to create a triangulation as if the polygon had been defined using its vertex [offset, offset+1, offset+2, ...] instead of [0,1,2,...]

Return values:
out_array Array containing the turn-internal-edge offset for each polygon.
8.0 (2010)
CStatus GetPolygonMaterialIndices ( CLongArray out_matIndices ) const

Returns the polygon indices corresponding to each element in the array of materials returned by CGeometryAccessor::GetMaterials. The array also indicates which Polygon uses which Material.

Return values:
out_matIndices Array of Material indices.
CStatus::OK Success.
See also:
CGeometryAccessor::GetMaterials, CGeometryAccessor::GetPolygonMaterialIndicesByMaterial, PolygonMesh::GetGeometryAccessor
        using namespace XSI;

        Application app;
        Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot();

        X3DObject mySphere;
        root.AddGeometry( L"Sphere", L"MeshSurface", L"", mySphere );

        PolygonMesh m = mySphere.GetActivePrimitive().GetGeometry();

        CLongArray pIndices(3);
        pIndices[0] = 0;
        pIndices[1] = 5;
        pIndices[2] = 25;

        Cluster myCls;
        m.AddCluster(siPolygonCluster, L"", pIndices, myCls );

        Material clsMat;
        myCls.AddMaterial( L"Phong", false, L"MyPhong", clsMat );

        // gets a geometry accessor object with default parameters
        CGeometryAccessor ga = m.GetGeometryAccessor();

        // get the material objects used by the mesh
        CRefArray materials = ga.GetMaterials();

        // get the material indices used by each polygon
        CLongArray pmIndices;

        // log all polygon material indices
        LONG nPolyCount = pmIndices.GetCount();
        for (LONG i=0; i<nPolyCount; i++)
            Material mat(materials[ pmIndices[i] ]);
            app.LogMessage( CString(i) + L":" + mat.GetFullName() );
CStatus GetPolygonMaterialIndicesByMaterial ( const CRef in_refMat,
CBitArray out_polyIndices 
) const

Returns a bit array that matches the number of polygons on the geometry where each true bit indicates that the corresponding Polygon uses the specified Material.

in_refMat Material to look for.
Return values:
out_polyIndices Bit array matching the specified polygon indices.
See also:
CGeometryAccessor::GetPolygonMaterialIndices, CGeometryAccessor::GetMaterials, PolygonMesh::GetGeometryAccessor
        using namespace XSI;

        Application app;
        Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot();

        X3DObject mySphere;
        root.AddGeometry( L"Sphere", L"MeshSurface", L"", mySphere );

        PolygonMesh m = mySphere.GetActivePrimitive().GetGeometry();

        // add cluster with 3 polygons
        CLongArray pIndices(3);
        pIndices[0] = 25;
        pIndices[1] = 30;
        pIndices[2] = 50;

        Cluster myCls;
        m.AddCluster(siPolygonCluster, L"", pIndices, myCls );

        Material clsMat;
        myCls.AddMaterial( L"Phong", false, L"MyPhong", clsMat );

        // gets a tessellator object with default parameters
        CGeometryAccessor ga = m.GetGeometryAccessor();

        // get the polygon indices using material clsMat
        CBitArray polyIndices;
        ga.GetPolygonMaterialIndicesByMaterial(clsMat, polyIndices);

        // log all polygon indices using this material
        app.LogMessage( L"Log all polygons using material: " + clsMat.GetName() );
        LONG nPolyCount = polyIndices.GetTrueCount();
        LONG nIdx = polyIndices.GetIterator();
        while (polyIndices.GetNextTrueBit(nIdx))
            app.LogMessage( CString(nIdx) );

        // gets a tessellator object to get the subdivided polygons
        CGeometryAccessor gaSubd = m.GetGeometryAccessor(

        gaSubd.GetPolygonMaterialIndicesByMaterial(clsMat, polyIndices);

        app.LogMessage( L"Log all subdivided polygons (level 1) using material: " + clsMat.GetName() );
        nIdx = polyIndices.GetIterator();
        while (polyIndices.GetNextTrueBit(nIdx))
            app.LogMessage( CString(nIdx) );
LONG GetVertexCount ( ) const

Returns the number of vertices in the geometry.

Vertex count.
CStatus GetVertexIndices ( CLongArray out_array ) const

Returns an array containing the vertex indices for each Polygon. The vertices are stored as a flat list and ordered by polygons, first group being the vertices of polygon 0, etc.

The array is formatted as:

 {poly0<v0,v1..vN>, poly1<v0,v1..vN>... polyN<v0,v1..vN>} 
Return values:
out_array Array of vertex indices.
CStatus::OK Success.
CStatus GetVertexPositions ( CDoubleArray out_array ) const

Returns an array of double values containing the vertex positions (xyz) of the entire geometry. The positions are stored as a flat list and can be indexed into with the indices returned from, for example, CGeometryAccessor::GetVertexIndices, CGeometryAccessor::GetTriangleVertexIndices.

The array is formatted as:

 {x0,y0,z0, ... xN,yN,zN} 
Return values:
out_array Array of vertex positions.
CStatus::OK Success.
CStatus GetVertexCreaseValues ( CFloatArray out_array ) const

Returns an array of float values containing the crease value for each vertex of the geometry.

Return values:
out_array Array of crease values.
CStatus::OK Success.
LONG GetEdgeCount ( ) const

Returns the number of edges in the Geometry.

Edge count.
CStatus GetEdgeIndices ( CLongArray out_array ) const

Returns an array containing the edge indices for each polygon. The indices are stored as a flat list and ordered by polygons, first group being the edge indices of polygon 0, etc.

The array is formatted as:

 {p0<e0,e1,..eN>, p1<e0,e1,..eN>... pN<e0,e1,..eN>} 
Return values:
out_array Array of edge indices.
CStatus::OK Success.
CStatus GetEdgeCreaseValues ( CFloatArray out_array ) const

Returns an array of float values containing the crease value for each edge of the geometry.

Return values:
out_array Array of edge crease values.
CStatus::OK Success.
CStatus GetHardEdges ( CBitArray out_array ) const

Returns a bit array of values indicating whether each edge in the geometry is hard or not.

Return values:
out_array Array of bit fields.
CStatus::OK Success.
LONG GetNodeCount ( ) const

Returns the number of polygon nodes in the geometry.

Node count.
CStatus GetNodeIndices ( CLongArray out_array ) const

Returns an array containing the node indices for each polygon in the geometry. The nodes are stored as a flat list and ordered by polygons, first group being the nodes of polygon 0, etc.

The array is formatted as:

 {poly0<n0,n1..nN>, poly1<n0,n1..nN>... polyN<n0,n1..nN>} 
Return values:
out_array Array of node indices.
CStatus::OK Success.
CStatus GetNodeNormals ( CFloatArray out_array ) const

Returns an array of float values containing the node normals (xyz) for the entire geometry. The normals are stored as a flat list and ordered by nodes, first group being the normals of node 0, etc.

The array is formatted as:

 {x0,y0,z0, ... xN,yN,zN} 
The array may contain user normal values if user normal properties exist on the geometry. In this case the corresponding geometric normal values are hidden by the user normal values. You may use CGeometryAccessor::GetUserNormals if you wish to access only the user normal values.
Return values:
out_array Array of node normal values.
CStatus::OK Success.
        using namespace XSI;

        Application app;
        Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot();

        X3DObject myCube;
        root.AddGeometry( L"Cube", L"MeshSurface", L"", myCube );

        PolygonMesh m = myCube.GetActivePrimitive().GetGeometry();
        CGeometryAccessor ga = m.GetGeometryAccessor();

        CFloatArray nodeArray;

        for (LONG i=0; i<nodeArray.GetCount(); i+=3)
            float x = nodeArray[i+0];
            float y = nodeArray[i+1];
            float z = nodeArray[i+2];

            app.LogMessage( CString(x) + L" " + CString(y) + L" " + CString(z) );
LONG GetTriangleCount ( ) const

Returns the number of triangles in the geometry.

Triangle count.
CStatus GetTriangleVertexIndices ( CLongArray out_array ) const

Returns an array containing the vertex indices for each triangulated polygon. The vertex indices are stored in the array as a flat list of values grouped in triplets, the first triplet being the vertices of triangle 0, etc.

The array is formatted as:

 {t0<v0,v1,v2>, t1<v0,v1,v2>... tN<v0,v1,v2>} 
Return values:
out_array Array of triangle vertex indices.
CStatus::OK Success.
CStatus GetTriangleNodeIndices ( CLongArray out_array ) const

Returns an array containing the node indices for each triangulated polygon. The node indices are stored in the array as a flat list of values and grouped in triplets, first triplet being the nodes for triangle 0, etc.

The array is formatted as:

 {t0<n0,n1,n2>, t1<n0,n1,n2>... tN<n0,n1,n2>} 
Return values:
out_array Array of triangle node indices, formatted as:
CStatus::OK Success.
CStatus GetPolygonTriangleIndex ( LONG  in_tindex,
LONG &  out_pindex 
) const

Returns the index of the polygon that was used to generate the triangle specified with in_tindex. This function is best used when you want to find the polygon index of a specific triangle. However, you should consider using CGeometryAccessor::GetPolygonTriangleIndexArray instead if you need to find all polygon triangle indices in the entire geometry.

in_tindex A triangle index.
Return values:
out_pindex The polygon index used for generating the input triangle index.
CStatus::OK Valid polygon index.
CStatus::False Invalid triangle index used.
See also:
CGeometryAccessor::GetPolygonTriangleIndexArray, CGeometryAccessor::GetTriangleVertexIndexArray, CGeometryAccessor::GetTriangleNodeIndexArray
CStatus GetPolygonTriangleIndices ( CLongArray out_array ) const

Returns the indices for the polygons used to generate all triangles of the geometry. The array size is equal to CGeometryAccessor::GetTriangleCount and contains all the polygon indices for the entire geometry. The array index matches the triangle index and the array value corresponds to the polygon used for generating that triangle. For example, for a 2x2 grid, the array would be


The information returned is similar to what CGeometryAccessor::GetPolygonTriangleIndex returns, but it contains information relating to all triangles of the geometry.

Return values:
out_array Array of triangle indices.
CStatus::OK Success.
See also:
CGeometryAccessor::GetPolygonTriangleIndex, CGeometryAccessor::GetTriangleVertexIndexArray, CGeometryAccessor::GetTriangleNodeIndexArray
CRefArray GetClusterProperties ( siClusterPropertyType  in_type ) const

Returns an array of ClusterProperty objects connected to the geometry.

in_type Type of cluster properties to query.
CRefArray Array of references to cluster properties
See also:
CGeometryAccessor::GetMaterials, CGeometryAccessor::GetUserDataMaps, ClusterProperty
CRef GetClusterProperty ( siClusterPropertyType  in_type,
const CString in_nName 
) const

Finds the ClusterProperty object connected to the geometry matching the specified name.

in_type Type of cluster properties to query.
in_nName The property name.
CRef A reference to the cluster property object.
See also:
CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperties, ClusterProperty
CRefArray GetUVs ( ) const

Returns an array of UV property objects connected to the clusters of this geometry. This function is a more convenient alternative to using CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperties.

CRefArray Array of references to UV properties.
See also:
CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperties, ClusterProperty
CRef GetUV ( const CString in_nName ) const

Finds the UV property object connected to the geometry which matches the specified name. This function is a more convenient alternative to using CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperty.

in_nName The property name.
CRef A reference to the cluster property object.
See also:
CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperty, ClusterProperty
CRefArray GetVertexColors ( ) const

Returns an array of color vertex property objects connected to the clusters of this geometry. This function is a more convenient alternative to using CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperties.

CRefArray Array of references to color vertex properties.
See also:
CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperties, ClusterProperty
CRef GetVertexColor ( const CString in_nName ) const

Finds the vertex color property object connected to the geometry which matches the specified name. This function is a more convenient alternative to using CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperty.

in_nName The property name.
CRef A reference to the cluster property object.
See also:
CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperty, ClusterProperty
CRefArray GetUserNormals ( ) const

Returns an array of user normal property objects connected to the clusters of this geometry. This function is a more convenient alternative to using CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperties.

CRefArray Array of references to user normal properties.
See also:
CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperties, CGeometryAccessor::GetNodeNormals, ClusterProperty
CRef GetUserNormal ( const CString in_nName ) const

Finds the user normal property object connected to the geometry which matches the specified name. This function is a more convenient alternative to using CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperty.

in_nName The property name.
CRef A reference to the cluster property object.
See also:
CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperty, ClusterProperty
CRefArray GetUserMotions ( ) const

Returns an array of user motion property objects connected to the clusters of this geometry. This function is a more convenient alternative to using CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperties.

CRefArray Array of references to user motion properties.
See also:
CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperties, ClusterProperty
CRef GetUserMotion ( const CString in_nName ) const

Finds the user motion property object connected to the geometry which matches the specified name. This function is a more convenient alternative to using CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperty.

in_nName The property name.
CRef A reference to the cluster property object.
See also:
CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperty, ClusterProperty
CRefArray GetEnvelopeWeights ( ) const

Returns an array of EnvelopeWeight property objects connected to the clusters of this geometry. This function is a more convenient alternative to using CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperties.

CRefArray Array of references to EnvelopeWeight properties.
See also:
CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperties, EnvelopeWeight
CRef GetEnvelopeWeight ( const CString in_nName ) const

Finds the EnvelopeWeight property object connected to the geometry which matches the specified name. This function is a more convenient alternative to using CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperty.

in_nName The property name.
CRef A reference to the cluster property object.
See also:
CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperty, EnvelopeWeight
CRefArray GetShapeKeys ( ) const

Returns an array of shape key property objects connected to the clusters of this geometry. This function is a more convenient alternative to using CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperties.

CRefArray Array of references to shape key properties.
See also:
CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperties, ClusterProperty
CRef GetShapeKey ( const CString in_nName ) const

Finds the shape key property object connected to the geometry which matches the specified name. This function is a more convenient alternative to using CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperty.

in_nName The property name.
CRef A reference to the cluster property object.
See also:
CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperty, ClusterProperty
CRefArray GetWeightMaps ( ) const

Returns an array of weight map property objects connected to the clusters of this geometry. This function is a more convenient alternative to using CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperties.

CRefArray Array of references to weight map properties.
See also:
CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperties, ClusterProperty
CRef GetWeightMap ( const CString in_nName ) const

Finds the weight map property object connected to the geometry which matches the specified name. This function is a more convenient alternative to using CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperty.

in_nName The property name.
CRef A reference to the cluster property object.
See also:
CGeometryAccessor::GetClusterProperty, ClusterProperty
CRefArray GetUserDataMaps ( siClusterType  in_type ) const

Returns an array of UserDataMap objects connected to the geometry which matches the specified cluster type.

in_type Type of cluster to query (one of the siClusterType values).
CRefArray Array of references to user data map properties.
See also:
CRefArray GetMaterials ( ) const

Returns an array of all Material objects assigned to the geometry.

CRefArray Array of references to material properties.
See also:
        Application app;
        Model root = app.GetActiveSceneRoot();

        // create a cube
        X3DObject myCube;
        root.AddGeometry( L"Cube",L"MeshSurface",L"" ,myCube );

        PolygonMesh mesh = myCube.GetActivePrimitive().GetGeometry();

        Material myMaterial;

        // add a polygon cluster to the cube
        Cluster myCls;
        CLongArray vIndices(4);
        vIndices[0] = 0;
        vIndices[1] = 1;
        vIndices[2] = 2;
        vIndices[3] = 3;

        mesh.AddCluster(siPolygonCluster, L"", vIndices, myCls );

        Material myClsMat;

        // list all materials on the geometry
        CGeometryAccessor ga = mesh.GetGeometryAccessor();
        CRefArray mats = ga.GetMaterials();

        LONG nCount = mats.GetCount();
        for ( LONG i=0; i<nCount; i++ )
            Material mat(mats[i]);
            app.LogMessage( L"Material " + CString(i) + L": " + mat.GetName() );
CRefArray GetClusters ( siClusterType  in_clsType ) const

Returns an array of clusters on the geometry matching the specified type.

in_clsType Type of cluster requested (one of the siClusterType values).
CRefArray Array of references to clusters.
See also:
CRefArray GetClusters ( ) const

Returns an array of all clusters defined in the geometry.

CRefArray Array of references to clusters.
See also:

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