Move around in a scene

Navigate around a scene

Walk around a scene

  1. Use the Arrow and Page Up/Page Down keys to walk in straight steps. Use the mouse buttons to change the camera angle so you can keep an object in focus as you walk around it.
  2. To return to the home (initial) view, press the Home key.

Focus in on a point of interest

Present a scene in presentation mode

In presentation (view-only) mode, you can orbit or walk around a scene, but not change it in any way. Most interface elements and windows are temporarily hidden. (They appear again when you return to edit mode, without any loss of data.)

  1. Press the Tab key or select Present > Presentation Mode to toggle to presentation mode.

    You can tell you’re in presentation mode when the message at the bottom says “Orbit”.

    (If the message says “Select,” you are in edit mode and can select and change objects.)

  2. Press the Tab key again (or select the menu choice again) to return to edit mode.

    For more information on presenting your scene, see Present the scene.

See Also