Enable multi-touch input from the trackpad


(Mac OS X only.) Mudbox currently supports the bluetooth-connected Apple Magic Trackpad or Magic Mouse, as well as the built-in multi-touch trackpad in newer model MacBooks.

ImportantIf you enable a trackpad as your multi-touch device, turn off Swipe between full-screen apps and Mission control under Trackpad > More Gestures in your System Preferences to prevent conflicts between the Mudbox gestures and the default gestures defined for the trackpad.

To enable your Trackpad as a gestural input device

  1. Open the Preferences window (Windows > Preferences).
  2. Expand the User Interface preferences heading, then set the Use Trackpad preference to the option you want.
    • Set to Cursor and Multi-touch to enable the trackpad as a gestural input device, but continue to use it also as your regular pointing device.

      In this mode, 1-finger swipe on the trackpad only moves the cursor and does not tumble the view. To tumble the view, use Shift + 2-finger swipe.

    • If you have a secondary input device connected to your MacBook (such as a mouse or non-multi-touch tablet), you can select Multi-touch Gestures Only to use the Trackpad exclusively for gestural input.

      In this mode, 1-finger swipe on the trackpad tumbles the camera as well as moving the cursor. To move the cursor without navigating, use Shift + 1-finger swipe).

      This lets you use the trackpad for navigation while using your second device for sculpting and painting.

    NoteNavigation using the trackpad only works when the cursor is over the 3d View. Outside of the 3D View you can still use the trackpad to click buttons and so on.

Related topics

Multi-Touch input gestures

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