Reference > Trays > 
Select/Move Tools tray

The following tools appear on the Select/Move Tools tray:


Quickly select items in Mudbox trays using the number keys on your keyboard. Pressing keys 1 through 9 selects the corresponding tool in the active tray. Middle-drag your frequently used tools to the first nine positions on a tray.

Tool name Icon Purpose



Selects individual faces as you stroke over the model. Edit the Size property to increase or decrease the area of selection for the stroke. Clicking off the model cancels the current selection.



Selects the object as you stroke over the model. Edit the Size property to increase or decrease the area of selection on the stroke. Clicking off the model in the cancels the selection.



Lets you move items by dragging the transform manipulator. Drag any arrow that appears at the center of the object to move along that axis. Drag the center handle to move freely across the 3D View.



Lets you rotate items by dragging the rotate manipulator. Drag the circular rings on the manipulator that appears at the center of the object to rotate about the different axes.



Lets you scale items proportionally or non-proportionally by dragging the scale manipulator. Drag any manipulator box that appears at the center of the object to scale non-proportionally along that axis. Drag the center manipulator box to scale uniformly in all directions.


If you select two or more objects, the transformation tools (Translate, Rotate, Scale) transform the objects as a group around a common pivot (the pivot of the active object). Non-proportional scaling is limited to the local space of each object.

Pressing the X hotkey and dragging to transform objects works on a single object at a time, even if other objects are selected.

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Select and move items