Character animation

Classes used include FBCharacter, FBActor and FBMarkerSet.

You can use scripts to connect motion data to an actor:

  1. Create an actor with FBActor.
  2. Use functions in FBActor to set the actor’s body color, skeleton color, pivot color, marker size, pivot size, pivot information, etc.
  3. Translate, rotate, and scale the actor to fit a marker cloud with FBActor::SetActorTranslation, FBActor::SetDefinitionRotationVector, and FBActor::SetDefinitionScaleVector.
  4. Attach a marker set to an actor with FBMarkerSet::FBMarkerSet.
  5. Set offsets with FBMarkerSet::SetMarkerTOffset and oriented flag with FBMarkerSet::SetMarkerOriented.
  6. Apply the markers to the markerset. You must use the enum pyfbsdk::FBSkeletonNodeId to specify the node id in the markerset.
  7. Set active (snap/lock/etc.) with functions in FBActor.