Create a Character track


In the following procedure, you create a Character track in the Story window, define the character affected by the track, and add some animation.

  1. In the Story window, right-click in the Action Track list (A) and select Insert > Character Animation Track from the contextual menu.

    Story window A. Action Track list

    A Character Animation track is added (A).

    Story window A. Character track

  2. Select Mia in the track’s Character menu (A).

    Story window A. Mia selected in the Character menu.

  3. Drag walkaround.fbx from the Asset browser to the Character track.

    walkaround.fbx asset being dragged into the Character track.

  4. Drag the clip so that it begins at frame 0. The clip should end at frame 78.

    Clip dragged to frame 0 on the Character track .


    You can Ctrl-drag to zoom and Shift-drag to pan in the Character track.

  5. Play the animation (Ctrl-Spacebar).

    At frame 0, the character’s right foot is in front and the left foot is in back. At frame 78, Mia is turning. If you were to loop the animation at this point, there would be a jump in the walk cycle.

  6. Go to frame 32. At this frame, Mia’s right foot is flat on the ground and her left foot is slightly lifted.

    Change your camera view so you can see Mia from the front.

    Mia at frame 32.

  7. With the clip still selected, click the Razor button (A).

    Story window A. Razor button

    The clip is sliced in two at frame 32.

    The original clip is sliced in two.

  8. Go to frame 60. At this frame, Mia is in almost the same pose as she was at frame 32.

    Mia at frame 60.

  9. Select the second clip if it is not already selected, then click the Razor button.

    The second clip is sliced at frame 60, and you now have three clips.

    Three clips in the Character track

  10. Ctrl-click the first clip, so that the first and third clips are selected, then press Delete, as you only need the middle clip.
  11. Drag the remaining clip to start at frame 0.

    The clip starts at frame 0 and ends at frame 28.