Track priority

Clips placed on the same track blend horizontally. In cases where there are multiple tracks of the same type, the top tracks have priority. These tracks are read vertically, blending from top to bottom. The top-most “track” is in fact the Transport Controls window.

You can change how multiple animation tracks are read by using track options like Additive, Override, and Passthrough.

NoteA Constraint track must be placed below the track containing the animation that the constraint is meant to affect. To move a track, click on its name and drag it up or down to the desired location.

When you have many clips on one track, you can merge or “flatten” them into a clip by processing the track. You can also do this to multiple tracks and subtracks, provided they are all the same track type.

You can merge clips of tracks and subtracks into a clip to save the result of the animation clips in your scene without altering the original animation clips.