Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
AccumulatorEntryThis class defines one entry object held by the KFbxUserNotification class
DefaultDeletionPolicy< T >
fbxBlobFBX SDK blob class
fbxDateTimeFBX SDK date&time class
fbxDistanceFBX SDK distance class
fbxHalfFloatFBX SDK half-float class
FBXObjectDeletionPolicy< FBXObjectT >
KFbxEmbeddedFilesAccumulatorThis processor is used to accumulate the list of file dependencies (embedded files) in a hierarchy of objects
KFbxEmbeddedFilesAccumulator::KFbxPropertyUrlIndexMap the object to the property's hierarchical name
KFbxEmbeddedFilesAccumulator::KFbxPropertyUrlIndexCompareComparer for KFbxPropertyUrlIndexSet, which outputs consistent partial orders for KFbxPropertyUrlIndex pairs
KFbxProcessorThe class and its derived classes(e.g
KFbxProcessorXRefCopyThis class contains objects This class also provides access to global settings and take information
KFbxProcessorXRefCopy::KFbxAutoRevertPropertyChangesThis is just a safety net to make sure RevertPropertyChanges is called when this goes out of scope
KFbxProcessorXRefCopy::KFbxPropertyUpdateSince KFbxProperty is an opaque type, we can't do an efficient operator < on it, and must keep the data on the object, which can be compared through pointers, and then we can further compare against the property name
KFbxProcessorXRefCopyUserLibrarySpecialized xref copy processor
FbxSdkDeletionPolicy< T >
fbxVectorTemplate2< T >
fbxVectorTemplate3< T >
fbxVectorTemplate4< T >
KFbxXRefManagerThis class manages external references to files
FreeDeletionPolicy< T >
KArrayTemplate< Type >Class for array of elements such as pointers and plain old data structures
KBaseAllocatorAn allocator class for use as a template parameter to one of the container class (KMap, KSet2, KDynamicArray...) must implement these
KBaseArray< TypeSize >Template version base class used to store an array of fixed-size elements
KBaseArray< TypeSize >::KHeader
KBaseArrayFast< TypeSize >A fast implementation of KBaseArray
KBaseArrayFast< TypeSize >::KHeader
KBaseStaticArray< Type >
KCharCompareFunctor class to compare "C" strings
KCharPtrSetThis class contains the data structure support for char pointer set
KDefaultRenderResolutionRender and resolution information
KDynamicArray< VALUE_TYPE, ALLOCATOR >Template class for dynamic array holding objects
KErrorThis class provides access to the last error integer ID and is used for translating from integer error ID to strings
KEventBaseBase class for event management
KFbxKFbx represents an FBX file
KFbxAnimCurveAn animation curve, defined by a collection of keys (KFbxAnimCurveKey), and indicating how a value changes over time
KFbxAnimCurveBaseThis is the base class for implementing animation curves
KFbxAnimCurveDefDefinitions used for the FBX animation curves and keys
KFbxAnimCurveFilterBase class for animation curve filters
KFbxAnimCurveFilterConstantKeyReducerConstant key reducing filter
KFbxAnimCurveFilterGimbleKillerGimbleKiller filter
KFbxAnimCurveFilterKeyReducerKey reducing filter
KFbxAnimCurveFilterKeySyncKey sync filter
KFbxAnimCurveFilterMatrixConverterMatrix conversion filter
KFbxAnimCurveFilterResampleResampling filter
KFbxAnimCurveFilterScaleKey scale filter
KFbxAnimCurveFilterTSSTime shift and scale filter
KFbxAnimCurveFilterUnrollUnroll filter
KFbxAnimCurveKeyThis is the interface for the FBX animation curve keys
KFbxAnimCurveKeyBaseThis is the base class interface for the FBX animation curve keys
KFbxAnimCurveKeyImplThis is the interface for implementation of animation key objects
KFbxAnimCurveKFCurveThis class is an implementation for the FBX animation curves interface KFbxAnimCurve
KFbxAnimCurveKFCurveKeyThis class implements the interface KFbxAnimCurveKeyImpl for FBX animation curve keys
KFbxAnimCurveNodeThis class is an composite of animation curves and is called as animation curve node
KFbxAnimEvalClassicAn evaluator implementation that behaves like the original FBX SDK (2010 and previous) evaluation system
KFbxAnimEvalStateThis class hold results from animation evaluations
KFbxAnimEvaluatorThe principal interface for animation evaluators
KFbxAnimLayerThe animation layer is a collection of animation curve nodes
KFbxAnimStackThe Animation stack is a collection of animation layers
KFbxAssignBOFA pass through operator used to assign constants to parameters
KFbxAxisSystemThis class represents the coordinate system of the scene and can convert scenes to other coordinate systems
KFbxBindingOperatorThis object represents a binding operation on a KFbxObject or KFbxProperty
KFbxBindingOperator::FunctionIt represents a binding relationship between current object and the target
KFbxBindingOperator::FunctionCreator< FUNCTION >The concrete factory class for binding function
KFbxBindingOperator::FunctionCreatorBaseThe abstract factory class for binding function
KFbxBindingOperator::FunctionRegistryThis utility class is used for fast accessing the binding function creators by name
KFbxBindingTableA binding table represents a collection of bindings from source types such as KFbxObjects, or KFbxLayerElements to corresponding destinations, usually a third party shader parameters
KFbxBindingTableBaseA binding table represents a collection of bindings from source types such as KFbxObjects, or KFbxLayerElements to destinations which can be of similar types
KFbxBindingTableEntryA binding table entry stores a binding between a source and a destination
KFbxBlendShapeFBX SDK blend shape deformer class
KFbxBlendShapeChannelClass for blend shape channels
KFbxBoundaryKFbxBoundary describes a trimming boundary for a trimmed NURBS object
KFbxCacheThis object contains methods for accessing point animation in a cache file
KFbxCameraThis node attribute contains methods for accessing the properties of a camera
KFbxCameraManipulatorThis class can be used to provide basic camera manipulation in any program using this library
KFbxCameraStereoThis node attribute contains methods for accessing the properties of a stereo camera
KFbxCameraSwitcherThis node attribute contains methods for accessing the properties of a camera switcher
KFbxCharacterCharacter is person or animal with pre-defined skeleton system
KFbxCharacterLinkThis class represents a link between a given FBX node and the associated node in the character hierarchy
KFbxCharacterPoseA character pose is a character and an associated hierarchy of nodes
kFbxClassIdInternal class used to differentiate objects during run-time
KFbxCloneManagerThe clone manager is a utility for cloning entire networks of KFbxObjects
KFbxCloneManager::CloneSetElementThis represents an element in KFbxCloneManager::CloneSet to be cloned
KFbxCloneManager::KFbxObjectCompareFunctor to compare object pointers
KFbxClusterClass for clusters (links)
KFbxCollectionA KFbxObject derived container for KFbxObjects
KFbxCollectionExclusiveClass for exclusive collections
KFbxColorClass to represent colors in RGBA format using doubles
KFbxConditionalBOFA conditional operator that outputs one out of two properties, based on the value of a predicate property
KFbxConnectEventClass handles Connection events
KFbxConnectionPointFilterClass to manage ConnectFilter
KFbxConstraintBase class for weighted animation constraints
KFbxConstraintAimAn aim constraint governs an object's orientation so that the object points to other objects
KFbxConstraintCustomThis constraint class contains methods for custom constraint
KFbxConstraintParentThe parent constraint creates a parent-to-child relationship between any two objects, from any two hierarchies
KFbxConstraintPositionThis constraint class contains methods for accessing the properties of a position constraint
KFbxConstraintRotationThis constraint class contains methods for accessing the properties of a rotation constraint
KFbxConstraintScaleThis constraint class contains methods for accessing the properties of a scale constraint
KFbxConstraintSingleChainIKThis constraint class contains methods for accessing the properties of a single chain IK constraint
KFbxContainerGeneric container for object grouping and encapsulation
KFbxContainerTemplateClass for Container Template files
KFbxControlSetThis class contains all methods to either set-up an exported control rig or query information on an imported control rig
KFbxControlSetLinkThis class represents a link between a given character's FK node and the associated node in the character hierarchy
KFbxControlSetPlugPlug class for control set
KFbxCriteriaDefines a filtering criteria for a query of objects, connections and properties, so that only those satisfying the criteria are affected by the query
KFbxDataTypeFBX SDK data type class
KFbxDefaultMemoryAllocatorDefault implementation of memory allocator
KFbxDeformerBase class for skin deformer (KFbxSkin) and vertex cache deformer (KFbxVertexCacheDeformer)
KFbxDisplayLayerClass for display layers
KFbxDocumentKFbxDocument is a base class for KFbxScene and KFbxLibrary classes
KFbxDocumentInfoThis class contains scene thumbnails and user-defined summary data
KFbxDualQuaternionFBX SDK dual quaternion class to represent rigid transformation, which is combined by two quaternions
KFbxEffectorAn effector wraps a character node (KFbxNode) used to animate its control rig (KFbxControlSet) via inverse kinematics
KFbxEntryViewEntry view class represents entries in entry tables
KFbxEventPopulateSystemLibraryLibrary events are triggered when an application requires specific library content
KFbxEventPostExportEvent that is emitted to plugins after a file is exported to the FBX format
KFbxEventPostImportEvent that is emitted to plugins after a FBX file has been imported
KFbxEventPreExportEvent that is emitted to plugins before a file is exported to the FBX format
KFbxEventPreImportEvent that is emitted to plugins before a FBX file has been imported
KFbxEventReferencedDocumentEvent that is emitted on loading document when a referenced document is encountered while loading external references
KFbxConstMemberFuncEventHandler< EventType, ListenerType >
KFbxEmitterBase class to emit event with the specified event type
KFbxEvent< EventT >FBX event class, derived from KFbxEventBase, and it contains a type ID for event
KFbxEventBaseFBX SDK event base class
KFbxEventHandlerFBX event handler class contains a listener and a callback function
KFbxFuncEventHandler< EventType >
KFbxListenerFBX SDK listener class
KFbxMemberFuncEventHandler< EventType, ListenerType >
KFbxEventUpdateSystemLibraryThis library event is triggered when an application requires an update to a specific library
KFbxEventWriteLocalizationThis library event is used by the asset building system to request that a library provides its localization information
KFbxExporterClass to export SDK objects into an FBX file
KFbxExposureControlThis object contains the properties of exposure control
KFbxExternalDocRefListenerTypical handler for the referenced document events
KFbxExternalDocumentInfoContains data about an external document
KFbxFileGeneric utility class to manipulate files on different file systems similarly
KFbxFileHeaderInfoFBX header information used at beginning of the FBX file to get or set important values like the file format version number (mFileVersion)
KFbxFileTextureThis class describes image mapping on top of geometry
KFbxGenericNodeEmpty node containing properties
KFbxGeometryThe base class of geometric objects that support control point deformations (e.g
KFbxGeometryBaseThis class is the base class for geometric object such as meshes, NURBS and patches
KFbxGeometryConverterThis class provides the functionality to convert geometry nodes attributes (KFbxMesh, KFbxNurb and KFbxPatch) and mainly focuses on the two major categories: Triangulation and conversion between NURBS and Patches surfaces
KFbxGeometryWeightedMapThis class provides the structure to build a correspondence between 2 geometries
KFbxGlobalCameraSettingsThis class contains the global camera settings
KFbxGlobalLightSettingsThis class contains functions for accessing global light settings
KFbxGlobalLightSettings::KFbxShadowPlaneStruct used to define the shadow plane
KFbxGlobalSettingsThis class contains functions for accessing global settings
KFbxGlobalTimeSettingsThis class contains functions for accessing global time settings
KFbxGlobalTimeSettings::KFbxTimeMarkerThis is a struct to define time markers
KFbxGoboA gobo is a filter placed over a spot light to project light patterns through fog on a surface
KFbxImplementationThis object represents the shading node implementation
KFbxImplementationFilterThis object represents a shading node filter criteria based on the shading node implementation
KFbxImporterClass to import an FBX file into SDK objects
KFbxIncompatibleWithKArrayTemplate< T >
KFbxIOBase class for FBX file importer and exporter
KFbxIOPluginRegistryThis class serves as the registrar for file formats
KFbxIOSettingsKFbxIOSettings is a collection of properties, arranged as a tree, that can be used by FBX file readers and writers to represent import and export options
KFbxIterator< KFbxProperty >A utility class for iterating over the properties (KFbxProperty) of any KFbxObject
KFbxIteratorDst< Type >
KFbxIteratorSrc< Type >
KFbxKFCurveFilterBase class for animation curve filters
KFbxKFCurveFilterConstantKeyReducerConstant Key reducing filter
KFbxKFCurveFilterGimbleKillerGimbleKiller filter
KFbxKFCurveFilterKeyReducerKey reducing filter
KFbxKFCurveFilterKeySyncKey sync filter
KFbxKFCurveFilterMatrixConverterMatrix conversion filter
KFbxKFCurveFilterResampleResampling filter
KFbxKFCurveFilterScaleKey scale filter
KFbxKFCurveFilterTSSTime shift and scale filter
KFbxKFCurveFilterUnrollUnroll filter
KFbxLayerKFbxLayer class provides a base for the layering mechanism
KFbxLayerContainerContains a collection of KFbxLayer objects
KFbxLayeredTextureKFbxLayeredTexture is a combination of multiple textures(KFbxTexture) blended sequentially
KFbxLayerElementBase class for elements of layers (KFbxLayer)
KFbxLayerElementArrayKFbxLayerElementArray is the base class for KFbxLayerElementArrayTemplate, it provides lock handling and data array manipulation of the data buffer for KFbxLayerElement
KFbxLayerElementArrayReadLock< T >
KFbxLayerElementArrayTemplate< T >KFbxLayerElementArrayTemplate provides data array manipulation of the data buffer for KFbxLayerElement
KFbxLayerElementBinormalLayer element for mapping Binormals to a geometry
KFbxLayerElementCreaseLayer element for indicating crease of components of a geometry
KFbxLayerElementHoleLayer element for indicating hole of polygon of a geometry
KFbxLayerElementMaterialLayer element for mapping materials (KFbxSurfaceMaterial) to a geometry
KFbxLayerElementNormalLayer element for mapping Normals to a geometry
KFbxLayerElementPolygonGroupLayer element for grouping related polygons together
KFbxLayerElementSmoothingLayer element for indicating smoothness of components of a geometry
KFbxLayerElementTangentLayer element for mapping Tangents to a geometry
KFbxLayerElementTemplate< Type >This class complements the KFbxLayerElement class
KFbxLayerElementTextureLayer element for mapping Textures to a geometry
KFbxLayerElementUserDataLayer element for mapping custom user data to a geometry
KFbxLayerElementUVLayer element for mapping UVs to a geometry
KFbxLayerElementVertexColorLayer element for mapping Vertex Colors to a geometry
KFbxLayerElementVisibilityLayer element for indicating if specified components are shown/hidden
KFbxLessCompare< T >
KFbxLibraryThis library class represents libraries that store sub-libraries and shading objects
KFbxLightThis node attribute contains methods for accessing the properties of a light
KFbxLimitsKFbxLimits defines a limit range for one transform component (either translation, rotation or scaling)
KFbxLimitsUtilitiesThis class represent a utility of limits for transforms
KFbxLineA line is a geometry made of points
KFbxLoadingStrategyAbstract class used to implemented some plug-in loading strategy
KFbxLodGroupDefines a LOD (Level of Detail) group
KFbxMap< K, T, Compare >A simple map class representing a dictionary-like data structure
KFbxMapKStringCompareThis class is used to compare strings
KFbxMarkerThis node attribute contains the properties of a marker
KFbxMaterialConverterThis class provides functions to restructure the material and textures applied to geometries from FBX v5 material system to v6-and-up or the other way around
KFbxMatrixFBX SDK matrix class
KFbxMemoryAllocatorThis class provides services for memory management
KFbxMeshA mesh is a geometry made of polygons
KFbxMesh::KDuplicateVertexInternal structure used to keep the duplicate vertex information
KFbxMesh::KFbxComponentMapInternal structure used to keep the mapping information between edges and polygons
KFbxMesh::KVertexNormalInfoInternal structure used to compute the normals on a mesh
KFbxMutexProvides simple mutex lock functionality
KFbxMutexHelperSimple class that unlocks the mutex when it goes out of scope
KFbxNameFilterThis class represents a name filter on an object
KFbxNodeRepresents an element in the scene graph
KFbxNodeAttributeThis class is the base class to all types of node attributes
KFbxNodeDirectionBOFA evaluation operator that get the node direction and returns transform value, based on the value of a predicate property
KFbxNodeEvalStateThis class hold results for node evaluation
KFbxNodeLimitsManages a separate KFbxLimits object for the translation, rotation, and scaling transform components of a node
KFbxNodePositionBOFA evaluation operator that get the node position and returns transform value, based on the value of a predicate property
KFbxNullThis node attribute contains the properties of a null node
KFbxNurbA NURBS surface is a type of parametric geometry
KFbxNurbsCurveA Non-Uniform Rational B-Spline (NURBS) curve is a type of parametric geometry
KFbxNurbsSurfaceA NURBS surface is a type of parametric geometry
KFbxObjectThe base class of most FBX objects
KFbxObjectFilterThis object represents a filter criteria on an object
KFbxObjectMap< T, Compare >This class maps types to objects
KFbxObjectMetaDataThis class is used to hold meta-data information on nodes
KFBXObjectScopedPtr< FBXObjectT >
KFbxObjectStringMapThis class maps name strings to objects
KFbxOpticalReferenceThis node attribute contains the properties of an optical reference
KFbxPatchA patch is a type of node attribute with parametric surface
KFbxPeripheralKFbxPeripheral is an interface to load/unload content of KFbxObject from memory to somewhere you defined, for example, to a temporary file on disk
KFbxPlugTop level class for any FBX object that requires ClassId functionality
KFbxPluginThe base class to inherit from when creating new plug-ins for the FBX SDK
KFbxPluginContainerManages registration and ownership of FBX SDK plug-ins (FbxPlugin)
KFbxPluginDataData used to communicate information between an application and the plug-in
KFbxPluginDefinitionStructure used by plug-ins for identification purposes
KFbxPoseThis class contains the description of a Pose and provide some methods to access Pose info in one FBX scene
KFbxPoseInfoThis structure contains the description of a named pose
KFbxProceduralGeometryBase class for procedural geometry
KFbxProceduralTextureContains the information to generate a texture procedurally
KFbxProgressClass for progress reporting
KFbxPropertyClass to hold user properties
KFbxProperty::KFbxPropertyNameCacheThis is an internal structure that you can use to build and clear the name map of properties. You can use the name map to speed up searching for property names
KFbxPropertyHandleClass to manage property handle
KFbxPropertyMap< T, Compare >This class maps types to properties
KFbxPropertyStringMapThis class maps strings to properties
KFbxQuaternionFBX SDK quaternion class
KFbxQueryBase class to manage query
KFbxQueryClassIdClass to manage query class Id
KFbxQueryConnectionTypeClass to manage query connection type
KFbxQueryEvent< QueryT >A query event is something that is emitted by an entity, with the goal of being filled by someone that listen to it
KFbxQueryIsAClass to manage query property
KFbxQueryOperatorClass to manage query operator
KFbxQueryPropertyClass to manage query property
KFbxReaderBase class of other readers used internally
KFbxReferenceThis class contains reference files
KFbxRenamingStrategyThe KFbxRenamingStrategy object can be set to rename all the objects in a scene
KFbxRenamingStrategyBaseBase class for renaming strategy
KFbxRenamingStrategyFbx5This class contains the description of the FBX renaming strategy for fbx file format 5
KFbxRenamingStrategyFbx6This class contains the description of the FBX renaming strategy for fbx file format 6
KFbxRenamingStrategyUtilitiesThis class contains a set of utilities, which are used by the FBX renaming strategy
KFbxRootNodeUtilityThis class collects static functions for manipulating Fbx_Root nodes
KFbxSceneThis class contains the description of a 3D scene
KFbxSceneRenamerThe KFbxSceneRenamer provides a way to easily rename objects in a scene without using the KFbxRenamingStrategy class
KFbxScopedLoadingDirectoryA plug-in loading strategy that loads all DLLs with a specific extension from a specific directory
KFbxScopedLoadingFileNameA plug-in loading strategy that loads a single DLL by specifying the file name in the constructor, and unloads the DLL in its destructor
KFbxSdkManagerSDK object manager
KFbxSdkScopedPtr< T >
KFbxSelectionNodeKFbxSelectionNode is an auxiliary class for Selection Set
KFbxSelectionSetFBX SDK selection set class
KFbxShapeA shape describes the deformation on a set of control points, which is similar to the cluster deformer in Maya
KFbxSkeletonThis class specializes a node attribute to represent the elements forming "bone" chains
KFbxSkinFBX SDK skin class
KFbxSpotDistributionChooserBOFA chooser operator that check spot distribution and returns the correct value, based on the value of a predicate property
KFbxStatisticsThis class
KFbxStatisticsFbxLocal class used only inside the kfbxreaderfbxXXX.cxx files
KFbxSubDeformerFBX SDK sub-deformer class
KFbxSurfaceLambertThis class contains settings for Lambert Materials
KFbxSurfaceMaterialThis class contains material settings
KFbxSurfacePhongThis class contains settings for Phong Materials
KFbxSwitchBOFA switch operator that outputs one out of n properties, based on the value of a predicate property
KFbxSymbolIDBOFA symbol(string) operator that search the string table and return its corresponding unique id, based on the value of a predicate property
KFbxSystemUnitThis class describes the units of measurement used within a particular scene
KFbxSystemUnit::KFbxUnitConversionOptionsStruct to define various options that you can use to convert the system unit of a scene
KFbxTakeInfoThis class contains take information from an imported file or exported to an output file
KFbxTextureThis class is the base class for textures, ie classes KFbxFileTexture, KFbxLayeredTexture and KFbxProceduralTexture
KFbxThumbnailSimple class to hold RGBA values of a thumbnail image
KFbxTrimNurbsSurfaceKFbxTrimNurbsSurface describes a NURBS surface with regions trimmed or cut away with trimming boundaries
KFbxTypedProperty< T >This template class is used to contain user properties of specific data types
KFbxTypedProperty< fbxReference * >This template class is specialized using the pointer of class fbxReference to hold user properties whose data type are fbxReference
KFbxUnaryQueryOperatorClass to manage unary query operator
KFbxUserNotificationThis class accumulates user notifications and sends them to any device opened by the derived classes
KFbxUserNotification::AESequenceIdentify one detail in all accumulator entries by record the entry object and its detail id
KFbxUserNotificationFilteredIteratorThis class iterates through the accumulated messages depending on the configuration flags (filter)
KFbxVector2FBX SDK 2-elements vector class
KFbxVector4FBX SDK 4-elements vector class
KFbxVertexCacheDeformerThis class deforms control points of a geometry using control point positions stored in the associated cache object
KFbxVideoFBX SDK video class
KFbxWeightedMappingDefine a weighted bidirectional mapping relation on objects
KFbxWeightedMapping::KElementRecord one mapping from one object
KFbxWriterBase class of other writers used internally
KFbxXMatrixFBX SDK affine matrix class
KFCurveEventAnimation curve event class
KFCurveFilterScaleCompensateThis filter try to compensate parent's scale to children's scale
KFCurveKeyDefines a key within an animation curve
KFCurveNodeThis class provides the structure to build a curve node hierarchy
KFCurveNodeEventCurve node event class
KFCurveTangeantInfoDefines a tangent derivative and weight
KFCurveUtilsCurve utilities
KHungryAllocatorThis allocator only frees the allocated memory when it is deleted
KIntrusiveList< T, NodeIndex >
KIntrusiveList< T, NodeIndex >::IntrusiveListConstIterator
KIntrusiveList< T, NodeIndex >::IntrusiveListIterator
KLayerInfoThis KLayerInfo structure is used to identify a layer by name and id number
KListNode< T >
KMemoryAllocatorSimple Memory allocator
KMemoryPoolClass KMemory pool
KMemoryReusePoolA pool of memory blocks of arbitrary size
KMemoryUsageCounterSimple Memory Usage Counter
KNameA name is a case-sensitive string ID of a property, a node, a node attribute, a texture, etc
KNumberRenamingStrategyImplements a renaming strategy that resolves name clashes by adding number postfixes
KPair< S, T >
KPriFCurveKeyKPriFCurveKey is used as the internal storage format for motion data
KPriFCurveKeyAttrKPriFCurveKeyAttr stores the additional attributes for KFCurveKey
KRedBlackTree< DATA_TYPE, KEY_COMPARE_FUNCTOR, ALLOCATOR >Implements an efficient ordered data storage
KRedBlackTree< DATA_TYPE, KEY_COMPARE_FUNCTOR, ALLOCATOR >::RecordTypeThis class represents a node in the tree
KRenamingStrategyThis base class is an abstract implementation of a renaming strategy for avoiding name clashes
KScopedPtr< T, DeletionPolicyT >
KSetClass to manipulate set
KStaticArray< Type, Count >
KStaticArray2d< Type, Count1, Count2 >
KStringUtility class to manipulate strings
KStringCompareFunctor class to compare KString, and is suitable for use in KMap
KStringListTemplate< Type >
KTimeClass to encapsulate time units
KTimeSpanClass to encapsulate time intervals
RedBack_ConstIteratorType< RecordType >
RedBack_IteratorType< RecordType >Implements an efficient ordered data storage
SimpleType< T >
SimpleType< const T >
SimpleType< T * >
SimpleType< T[n]>