MaxCustomControls::UIOptions Class Reference

Detailed Description

Static options used to configure this library in general.

List of all members.

Static Public Member Functions

static void  InitializeForMax ()
  Initializes Max-specific constants and hooks up the specialized ToolStrip renderer.


static bool  LaunchedFromMax [get, set]
  Indicates if this library is loaded in Max and needs its specialized handling.
static bool  IsDesignerMode [get, set]
  Indicates if this library is loaded in the Visual Studio designer.

Member Function Documentation

static void MaxCustomControls::UIOptions::InitializeForMax ( ) [inline, static]

Initializes Max-specific constants and hooks up the specialized ToolStrip renderer.

(Reserved for use in Max.)

Property Documentation

bool MaxCustomControls::UIOptions::LaunchedFromMax [static, get, set]

Indicates if this library is loaded in Max and needs its specialized handling.

In an effort to make this library not-Max specific, this property has been added to allow client code to dynamically check whether it is running in the context of a Max session. The underlying assumption also is that if this value is true, then IsDesignerMode is false.

bool MaxCustomControls::UIOptions::IsDesignerMode [static, get, set]

Indicates if this library is loaded in the Visual Studio designer.

This is a mechanism that client code can use to determine whether the code being run is done in the context of a running application, or in the context of the Visual Studio (or other IDE) designer. Sometimes it is useful and necessary to exclude certain calls based on whether the code is being run by the designer or not.

MaxCustomControls::UIOptions MaxCustomControls::UIOptions MaxCustomControls::UIOptions MaxCustomControls::UIOptions MaxCustomControls::UIOptions MaxCustomControls::UIOptions MaxCustomControls::UIOptions MaxCustomControls::UIOptions MaxCustomControls::UIOptions MaxCustomControls::UIOptions
MaxCustomControls::UIOptions MaxCustomControls::UIOptions MaxCustomControls::UIOptions MaxCustomControls::UIOptions MaxCustomControls::UIOptions MaxCustomControls::UIOptions MaxCustomControls::UIOptions MaxCustomControls::UIOptions MaxCustomControls::UIOptions MaxCustomControls::UIOptions