Class List

Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
CSharpUtilities::ArrayProducerContains static generic ToArray method for producing an Array from a collection
CSharpUtilities::DelegateCallerConvenient stand-in for the thread-safe delegate invocation idiom
CSharpUtilities::DesktopScreenThis is an adpater of System.Windows.Forms.Screen, in order to get rid of System.Windows.Forms dependency for WPF dlls
CSharpUtilities::Enumerable< T >Dummy Enumerable to serve as a wrapper around an Enumerator for easy use in a foreach loop
CSharpUtilities::ExtendedEnum< T >Provides an extension of the typesafe enum idiom for complex types
CSharpUtilities::ExtendedEnumBaseBase class used to identify the classes that derive from ExtendedEnum
CSharpUtilities::ExtendedResourceManagerThis class extends standard ComponentResourceManager and adds the support to MultiIcon, Icon and Image resources
CSharpUtilities::FileUtilitiesClass that contains useful file-related operations
CSharpUtilities::IconDeviceIndependentBitmapA IconDeviceIndependentBitmap stores a device independent bitmap (DIB)
CSharpUtilities::IconToolsA utility class for converting Icon formats used in Windows Forms and WPF
CSharpUtilities::IconUtilitiesThis utility class is used for manipulating icons
CSharpUtilities::KeyStateA first-class object, bit masks and query functions for the DragEventArgs.KeyState and QueryContinueDragEventArgs.KeyState properties as defined in the msdn documentation
CSharpUtilities::MaxBindingOperationsCollection of convenience methods for establishing data bindings in code
CSharpUtilities::MultiIconMultiIcon is a reader and container for icon resources
CSharpUtilities::Pair< TFirst, TSecond >Generic Pair structure, often useful for keeping ordered lists of associated objects
CSharpUtilities::PairList< TFirst, TSecond >Ordered associative list
CSharpUtilities::RoutedKeyEventArgsEncapsulates arguments for KeyDown, KeyUp and KeyPress .NET events for events that may “bubble up” the source component's parent chain
CSharpUtilities::Set< T >Collection of distinct objects
CSharpUtilities::StringTrimmerA value converter that simply calls Trim() on a string value
CSharpUtilities::StringUtilitiesUseful general utilites for working with strings
CSharpUtilities::SynchronizingBackgroundWorkerReplaces the standard BackgroundWorker provided by the .NET Framework to fix what seems to be a bug causing the BackgroundWorker to fire events in the wrong thread
CSharpUtilities::UserInterfaceUtilitiesContains static utility methods related to UI and drawing
CSharpUtilities::ValueChangedEventArgs< ValueType >EventArgs type indicating that a value has already changed from and old value to a new value
CSharpUtilities::ValueChangeEventArgsBase< ValueType >Abstract value change event args
CSharpUtilities::ValueChangingEventArgs< ValueType >EventArgs containing data for signalling that a data value will change value
CSharpUtilities::VariableGuardEncapsulates safely temporarily setting a variable value while some operation is performed
CSharpUtilities::WeakEventMaintains a list of event handlers through weak references
CSharpUtilities::WeakEventHandlerServes instead of a standard event handler to avoid maintaining a strong reference to the handler target causing a possible memory leak
CSharpUtilities::WpfUtilitiesGeneral utility methods for working with WPF
CSharpUtilities::WpfUtilities::RECTData type created for marshalling to a Windows API RECT
ManagedServices::abstractExposes native MaxSDK utility functions to managed code
ManagedServices::AnimationFrameChangeListenerExposes an event to signal that the current animation frame in Max has changed
ManagedServices::ClassDescFactoryCreates and serves native ClassDescs during plug-in assembly load
ManagedServices::ClassDescOwnerWraps a native ClassDesc, taking ownership of the wrapped object and deleting it during disposal
ManagedServices::ClassDescReferenceWraps a native ClassDesc pointer
ManagedServices::ClassDescWrapperWraps a native ClassDesc pointer
ManagedServices::CuiUpdaterProvides access to User Interface customization information and events to managed code
ManagedServices::DeleteArrayPolicyDestructor policy class calling the array delete operator (delete [])
ManagedServices::DeletePolicyDestructor policy class calling the delete operator
ManagedServices::DeleteThisPolicyDestructor policy class calling DeleteThis
ManagedServices::FileDialogFilterListA filter list class used in file open/file save dialogs
ManagedServices::IManagedHsvCallbackA managed Callback interface that an object can implement to receive callback messages from an HSVCallback
ManagedServices::IMaxValueCtrlWndMsgInterface class used to communicate from a wrapped native control to its managed listener
ManagedServices::Internal::InternalAppSDKManaged exposure for IAppInternal SDK functions
ManagedServices::Internal::WindowDecoratorDecorates a WPF Window object with 3ds Max-specific functionality
ManagedServices::KeyboardConvenient access to Keyboard and Mouse utility functions
ManagedServices::ManagedHsvCallbackImplementation of HSVCallback, which forwards to a managed IManagedHsvCallback interface
ManagedServices::MaxActionItemExposes a CUI Action Item interface for managed code
ManagedServices::MaxColorPickerThe class simply wraps native max color picker so that managed code can handle max color picker
ManagedServices::MaxColorSwatchManaged wrapper intended for exposing a native Max color swatch control intended to be hosted in a WPF container
ManagedServices::MaxNotificationEventArgsEventArgs class for the NotificationRaised event declared on MaxNotificationListener
ManagedServices::MaxNotificationListenerEventArgs class for the NotificationRaised event declared on MaxNotificationListener
ManagedServices::MaxSpinnerManaged wrapper for native max spinners, intended for use with WPF HwndHost
ManagedServices::MouseConvenient access to mouse functions
ManagedServices::NativeAnimationFrameChangeListenerNative class responsible for monitoring frame change notifications from Max
ManagedServices::sealed< T, DestructorPolicy >Native resource guard providing automatic clean up of native pointer types inside managed code
MaxCustomControls::ActionItemEventArgsEventArgs containing the ICuiAction affected by the event
MaxCustomControls::AdvancedSearch::AdvancedFilterFiltering conditions to determine which nodes should be displayed
MaxCustomControls::AdvancedSearch::ConditionHelperProvides helper functions that are used to obtain Condition fields (e.g PropertyDescriptor by Property display name)
MaxCustomControls::AdvancedSearch::ReferenceValueRepositoryItemRepositoryItem specialized to serve its editor from a ComparisonControlPrototypeBase
MaxCustomControls::BaseCustomizationStateA base class which provides the basic implementation of ICustomizationState.Client's CustomizationState object should derive from this class
MaxCustomControls::BaseMaterialControls::ClearSortMenuItemThis menu item is used for clearing the sort state of a given column
MaxCustomControls::BaseMaterialControls::CustomizedComboBoxEditThe class expanded devexpress ComboBoxEdit and is used for editing MaxMaterialBindings.IComboBoxDataSource
MaxCustomControls::BaseMaterialControls::MaterialColumnPressedStateOverridden state used after a mouse up event occurs on a column header
MaxCustomControls::BaseMaterialControls::MaterialExplorerTreeListThis class expand ExplorerTreeList and add the ability to allow user click column headers for three times and clear the sort state of that column
MaxCustomControls::BaseMaterialControls::MaterialFilterDescriptionRegistryThis class provides all material browser/explorer related filters
MaxCustomControls::BaseMaterialControls::MaterialTreeListHandlerThis class expand ExplorerTreeList and add the ability to allow user click column headers for three times and clear the sort state of that column
MaxCustomControls::BaseMaterialControls::RepositoryCustomizedComboBoxOverrides the standard DevExpress RepositoryItemComboBox
MaxCustomControls::BaseMaterialControls::RepositoryCustomizedComboBoxViewInfoSpecializes ComboBoxViewInfo to control when buttons are drawn in the editor
MaxCustomControls::BaseMaterialControls::RichMaterialExplorerControlThis is a basic explorer control for material explorer and material browser
MaxCustomControls::BaseMaterialControls::RichMaterialExplorerControlStateThis class should store the states of richMaterialExplorerControl such as the filterUnunsedChannel, thumbnail size
MaxCustomControls::BaseMaterialControls::SelectAllMaterialsCommandThis command is used to select all the Material nodes in a RichMaterialExplorerControl
MaxCustomControls::BaseMaterialControls::SelectAllTexmapsCommandThis command is used to select all the Texmap nodes in a RichMaterialExplorerControl
MaxCustomControls::BaseMaterialControls::ToggleDisplayThumbnailCommandThis command is used to toggle the DisplayThumbnail state of an ExplorerControl
MaxCustomControls::BaseMaterialControls::ToggleTraversalEmptyMapsCommandThis command toggle the "TraversalEmptyMaps" option of material explorer
MaxCustomControls::BeforeDragDropNodeEventArgsThis class store the information used for BeforeDragDropNodeEvent
MaxCustomControls::ColumnSortStateA State class that represents the sort state of a specific tree list column
MaxCustomControls::CommandSystem::ChangeExpandStateCommandThis class can be used to collapse or expand a set of tree list nodes which satisfy a specific condition
MaxCustomControls::CommandSystem::ChangeExpandStateOperationThis class can be used to collapse or expand a set of tree list nodes which satisfy a specific condition
MaxCustomControls::CommandSystem::CheckableCommandThis command is an abstract for those commands which have an internal state that can be checked
MaxCustomControls::CommandSystem::CollapseAllCommandThis command is used to expand all the nodes in the explorerTreeList
MaxCustomControls::CommandSystem::CollapseSelectedCommandThis command is used to expand all the selected nodes in the explorerTreeList
MaxCustomControls::CommandSystem::CommandMenuItemMenu Item encapsulating an ExplorerFramework Command
MaxCustomControls::CommandSystem::CommandToolStripButtonToolStripButton specialization of a command
MaxCustomControls::CommandSystem::CommandUtilitesThis utility class helps create Menu Item(s) with given command(s)
MaxCustomControls::CommandSystem::DisableAllFiltersCommandThis command aims for disabling all filters in the filter control
MaxCustomControls::CommandSystem::EnableAllFiltersCommandThis command aims for enabling all filters in the filter control
MaxCustomControls::CommandSystem::ExpandAllCommandThis command is used to expand all the nodes in the explorerTreeList
MaxCustomControls::CommandSystem::ExpandSelectedCommandThis command is used to expand all the selected nodes in the explorerTreeList
MaxCustomControls::CommandSystem::InvertAllFiltersCommandThis command aims for inverting all the filters in the filter control
MaxCustomControls::CommandSystem::InvertToggleFilterCommandThe Checked state of this command is true if its filter is disabled, And it Checked state is false otherwise
MaxCustomControls::CommandSystem::LaunchColumnChooserCommandThis command aims for launching the column chooser of the explorer control
MaxCustomControls::CommandSystem::OperateAllFiltersCommandThis command is an intermidate class for operating on all filters in the filter registry
MaxCustomControls::CommandSystem::SelectAllCommandThis command is used to select all the nodes in the explorerTreeList
MaxCustomControls::CommandSystem::SelectInvertCommandThis command is used to invert the selection of the explorerTreeList
MaxCustomControls::CommandSystem::SelectNoneCommandThis command is used to clear the selection of the explorerTreeList
MaxCustomControls::CommandSystem::ShowNameEditorCommandThis command is used to activate the cell editor to batch edit all the selected nodes' names
MaxCustomControls::CommandSystem::StubCommandThe StubCommand performs all default operations for a derived version of it
MaxCustomControls::CommandSystem::ToggleControlVisibleCommandThis command aims for toggling the display of the given control
MaxCustomControls::CommandSystem::ToggleFilterCommandThis command aims for toggling a filter
MaxCustomControls::CommandSystem::ToggleFilterCommandCreatorThis utility class helps create a toggleFilterCommand according to a given filterDescription
MaxCustomControls::CommandSystem::ToggleLockEditingCommandThis command is used to toggle the EditingEnabled property of a ExplorerControl
MaxCustomControls::CommandSystem::ToggleSelectChildrenCommandThis command toggles the "Select Children" state of an Explorer
MaxCustomControls::CuiActionAccessPointStatic placeholder class
MaxCustomControls::CuiActionCommandAdapterBy deriving from this class (which includes ICommand and ICuiAction) and placing the DLL containing the implemented class in bin, 3ds Max will dynamically load an instance of this class as an action in its CUI interface
MaxCustomControls::CuiDockableContentAdapterAn adapter for the ICuiDockableContent interface that provides default implementations of many of the interface methods
MaxCustomControls::CuiUpdatableReceives notifications for application Custom User Interface (CUI) changes or updates
MaxCustomControls::CustomizationUtilitiesThis class is used internally to provide helper functions to load/save from/into a dictionary
MaxCustomControls::DockStatesContains the Dock enum values
MaxCustomControls::ExplorerCellValueChangedEventArgsArguments class used when an Explorer cell value has been changed
MaxCustomControls::ExplorerContainerImplements some basic functionality that is both useful and required by any Form that wishes to hold an ExplorerControl component
MaxCustomControls::ExplorerControlBase UI View component for representing a tree-structure hierarchy of TraversalNodes
MaxCustomControls::ExplorerCustomizationStateA State class that represents the customization state of an explorer form
MaxCustomControls::ExplorerListDataSpecializes DevExpress's ListData class to improve its performance and fix some bugs
MaxCustomControls::ExplorerNodesComparerOverrides DevExpress's base NodesComparer to customize and optimize sorting
MaxCustomControls::ExplorerTreeListHandlerThe handler for explorer treelist
MaxCustomControls::ExtendedCheckEditOverride the CheckEdit here so that the CheckState will not be changed if mouse is not released within the region of the CheckBox in the editor
MaxCustomControls::ExtendedColorEditorOverride the default ColorEdit to serve as ColorEditor, which can create Max color picker form instead of default
MaxCustomControls::ExtendedPopupColorEditFormOverride the default PopupBaseForm to serve color picker instead of default
MaxCustomControls::ExtendedResourceManagerThis class extends MaxCustomControlResources and adds the support to CSharpUtilities.MultiIcon
MaxCustomControls::FilterDescriptionThe internal filter description class for the filter of a filter-toolbar
MaxCustomControls::FilterDescriptionRegistryThe class FilterDescriptionRegistry provides detailed description for each filter within a filter list
MaxCustomControls::FormCustomizationStateThis class stores the states of a form such as size, location
MaxCustomControls::ICuiActionThis base interface should be implemented if the user wants to expose a new CUI action whose entry-point is a .NET assembly
MaxCustomControls::ICuiActionCommandBy implementing this interface and placing the DLL containing the implemented class in bin, 3ds Max will, as a result, dynamically load an instance of this class as an action in its CUI interface
MaxCustomControls::ICuiActionCreatorAn interface that allows the client to batch-create and declare CuiActions
MaxCustomControls::ICuiDockableContentBy implementing this interface (which includes ICuiAction), and placing the class in a DLL that is deposited in bin, 3ds Max will dynamically load this class as an action in its CUI interface
MaxCustomControls::ICustomizationStateInterface definition for CustomizationState
MaxCustomControls::IDynamicActionCreatorNotifies 3ds Max that a new ActionItem was created dynamically after the application initialization phase and must be published in the CUI system
MaxCustomControls::ISerializableThe interface for serializable objects
MaxCustomControls::IShowEditorConfigThis interface might be implemented by any DevExpress.EditViewInfo.When a specific typed EditViewInfo is implemented with this interface, the cell with this EditViewInfo would be quired to determine if its editor should be shown based on the mouse position within this cell
MaxCustomControls::MaterialBrowserControls::BaseMaterialBrowserContainerBase Material Browser for modal and modeless version Material Browser
MaxCustomControls::MaterialBrowserControls::DefaultModalessMaterialBrowserStateDefault configuration settings for Material Explorers
MaxCustomControls::MaterialBrowserControls::DefaultModalMaterialBrowserStateDefault configuration settings for Material Explorers
MaxCustomControls::MaterialBrowserControls::DefaultRichMaterialBrowserControlStateDefault configuration settings for SceneMaterialBrowser control
MaxCustomControls::MaterialBrowserControls::MaterialBrowserCustomizationStateCustomizationState class for saving and loading MaterialBrowser's states
MaxCustomControls::MaterialBrowserControls::MaterialBrowserFilterRegistryThis class provides all material browser related filters
MaxCustomControls::MaterialBrowserControls::ModalMaterialBrowserModal form of the Material Browser dialog
MaxCustomControls::MaterialBrowserControls::ModelessMaterialBrowserThis is the new modeless material browser used to replace the old material/map browser
MaxCustomControls::MaterialBrowserControls::RichMaterialBrowserControlThis is a modified explorer control for material browser's tree list
MaxCustomControls::MaterialExplorerControls::ChangeSortStrategyCommandThis command changes the sort strategy of SceneMaterialExplorer
MaxCustomControls::MaterialExplorerControls::DefaultMaterialExplorerCustomizationStateDefault configuration settings for Material Explorers
MaxCustomControls::MaterialExplorerControls::DefaultSceneMaterialExplorerStateDefault configuration settings for SceneMaterialExplorer control
MaxCustomControls::MaterialExplorerControls::DefaultSelectedMaterialExplorerStateDefault configuration settings for SelectedMaterialExplorer control
MaxCustomControls::MaterialExplorerControls::MaterialExplorerCustomizationStateCustomizationState class for saving and loading MaterialExplorer's states
MaxCustomControls::MaterialExplorerControls::SceneMaterialExplorerControlSpecializes the RichMaterialExplorerControl for the top part of ME
MaxCustomControls::MaterialExplorerControls::SceneMaterialExplorerFilterRegistryThis class provides all scene material explorer related filters
MaxCustomControls::MaterialExplorerControls::SelectedMaterialExplorerControlSpecializes the RichMaterialExplorerControl for the bottom part of ME
MaxCustomControls::MaterialExplorerControls::SelectedMaterialExplorerFilterRegistryThis class provides all selected material explorer related filters
MaxCustomControls::MaterialExplorerControls::ToggleDisplayObjectsCommandThis command toggle the "DisplayObjects" option of scene material explorer
MaxCustomControls::MaterialExplorerControls::ToggleSyncToMaterialExplorerCommandThis command is used to toggle the "SyncToMaterialExplorer" property of selected material explorer
MaxCustomControls::MaterialExplorerControls::ToggleSyncToMaterialLevelCommandThis command is used to toggle the "SyncToMaterialLevel" property of selected material explorer
MaxCustomControls::MaxCheckEditViewInfoOverrides the default DevExpress ColorEditViewInfo to provide customized Show-Editor-Configuration for check editor
MaxCustomControls::MaxColorEditViewInfoOverrides the default DevExpress ColorEditViewInfo to suppress drawing the dropdown menu button when the editor does not have focus
MaxCustomControls::MaxCuiBinderThis manager is responsible for notifying interested parties of any changes in the application Custom User Interface (CUI) system settings
MaxCustomControls::MaxCustomControlResourcesA strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc
MaxCustomControls::MaxEditorLocalizerA localization class for the DevExpress editor controls
MaxCustomControls::MaxExplorerControls::DragDropNodeCommandEventHandlerThis class helps a max explorer container handle the drag and drop related events The drag and drop could occur between different explorers or from explorer to max viewport
MaxCustomControls::MaxFormThis class is an augmented Form designed for use with the Max platform
MaxCustomControls::MaxListBoxThe application specific implementation of ListBox
MaxCustomControls::MaxRepositoryItemCheckEditOverride the default MaxRepositoryItemCheckEdit to serve a specialized view info object used to customize the show-editor behaviors for any boolean cell
MaxCustomControls::MaxRepositoryItemColorEditOverride the default RepositoryItemColorEdit to serve a specialized view info object used to paint Color cells
MaxCustomControls::MaxRepositoryItemSpinEditOverrides the standard DevExpress RepositoryItemSpinEdit
MaxCustomControls::MaxRepositoryItemSpinEditMapMaps numerical primitive types (integer, float, etc.) to the correct MaxRepositoryItemSpinEdit instance
MaxCustomControls::MaxSpinEditViewInfoSpecializes BaseSpinEditViewInfo to control when buttons are drawn in the editor
MaxCustomControls::MaxTextBoxSpecializes TextBox to native key handling on the Max platform
MaxCustomControls::MaxToolStripComboBoxSpecializes ToolStripComboBox to handle keyboard-focus issues on the Max platform
MaxCustomControls::MaxToolStripStateThis class record the location and status of a toolstrip in its parent panel
MaxCustomControls::MaxToolStripSystemRendererSpecializes ToolStripSystemRenderer to add support for the max CUI system
MaxCustomControls::MaxToolStripTextBoxSpecializes ToolStripTextBox to handle keyboard-focus issues on the Max platform
MaxCustomControls::MaxTreeListColumnSpecializes TreeListColumn to optimize sizing
MaxCustomControls::MaxTreeListColumnCollectionSpecializes DevExpress's TreeListColumnCollection to supply our specialized column class: MaxTreeListColumn
MaxCustomControls::MaxTreeListHandlerOverrides a lot of the DevExpress standard behaviour with custom behaviour
MaxCustomControls::MaxTreeListLocalizerRedirects the TreeList's UI component resources to localizable resource file entries
MaxCustomControls::MaxTreeListResourcesA strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc
MaxCustomControls::MaxTreeListViewInfoThis class override base TreeListViewInfo and add a dirty flag to the ViewInfo.MaxIndent property
MaxCustomControls::MaxUserControlSpecializes UserControl for use with the Max platform
MaxCustomControls::NodeCommandEventHandlerExecutes the given NodeCommand whenever a Node Event is received
MaxCustomControls::NodeDefaultExpandStateThis class is used to determine the default expand state of a specific node
MaxCustomControls::NumericSuffixBatchHandlerThis class is used to handle properties which need to be handled specially during batch edit
MaxCustomControls::ProgressDialogManages executing ExplorerFramework.Commands
MaxCustomControls::Properties::ResourcesA strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc
MaxCustomControls::QueryContinueDragNodeEventArgsThis class store the information used for QueryContinueDrag event
MaxCustomControls::QuickRegexFindHandlerPerforms searches in an ExplorerControl as the user types the search key
MaxCustomControls::RenameInstanceDialogForm for renaming an explorer
MaxCustomControls::SceneExplorerControls::CachedFontThis class encapsulates four fonts of different fontStyle for the given Font
MaxCustomControls::SceneExplorerControls::CachedFontContainerThis class works as a cache for saving Font
MaxCustomControls::SceneExplorerControls::CachedNodeHitInfoThis class encapsulates all the rename related states for a hit on a focused name cell
MaxCustomControls::SceneExplorerControls::ChangeSceneExplorerLayoutCommandThis class is used to change the toolbar layout of scene explorer
MaxCustomControls::SceneExplorerControls::ComparisonShadowTypeBaseClass that provides a comparison control for the Shadow Type property
MaxCustomControls::SceneExplorerControls::ContainerToolbarEncapsulates Commands and buttons for Container functionality
MaxCustomControls::SceneExplorerControls::DefaultModalExplorerCustomizationStateDefault configuration for the Modal Scene Explorer
MaxCustomControls::SceneExplorerControls::DefaultSceneExplorerCustomizationStateDefault configuration settings for Scene Explorers
MaxCustomControls::SceneExplorerControls::DynamicsToolbarEncapsulates Commands and buttons for the physX dynamics functionality
MaxCustomControls::SceneExplorerControls::ManageSceneExplorerFormForm enabling the user to add, delete, load, save, and rename Scene Explorers
MaxCustomControls::SceneExplorerControls::ManageSceneExplorerForm::InstanceEventArgsEventArgs for events pertaining to Explorer instances
MaxCustomControls::SceneExplorerControls::ModalSceneExplorerDialogModal form of the Scene Explorer dialog
MaxCustomControls::SceneExplorerControls::NodeRenameHelperThis class acts as a utility class for the node rename feature of scene explorer
MaxCustomControls::SceneExplorerControls::RichSceneExplorerControlSpecializes the ExplorerControl for the Scene Explorer
MaxCustomControls::SceneExplorerControls::SceneExplorerCommandTableThe specific CommandTable for the scene explorer
MaxCustomControls::SceneExplorerControls::SceneExplorerComparisonManagerExtends the ComparisonControlManager to add support for specialized comparisons required by the Scene Explorer data
MaxCustomControls::SceneExplorerControls::SceneExplorerCustomizationStateExtends ExplorerCustomizationState to include configuration data specific to Scene Explorers
MaxCustomControls::SceneExplorerControls::SceneExplorerDialogPresents the Scene node data set as a tree-hierarchy in a modeless window
MaxCustomControls::SceneExplorerControls::SceneExplorerFilterDescriptionRegistryDerive the FilterDescriptionRegistry to customize the initialization info for filters in the filter tool-bar of Scene Explorer Control
MaxCustomControls::SceneExplorerNodeExpandStateThis class is used to determine the default expand state of a specific node
MaxCustomControls::SceneMaterialExplorerExpandStateThis class is used to determine the default expand state of a specific node
MaxCustomControls::SelectedMaterialExplorerExpandStateThis class is used to determine the default expand state of a specific node
MaxCustomControls::SpinEditorNumberFormatProvides a custom format for spin editors
MaxCustomControls::TextFocusHelperConsolidates Focus-related event handlers preventing key events from being inadvertently sent to Max
MaxCustomControls::ToolStripContainerLayoutThis class records the layout information of all toolbars inside a given ToolStripContainer
MaxCustomControls::ToolStripPanelLayoutRecords and perform the layout of all toolbars in a ToolStripPanel
MaxCustomControls::ToolStripRowLayoutRecords and perform the layout of all toolbars in a row of a ToolStripPanel
MaxCustomControls::UIOptionsStatic options used to configure this library in general
MaxCustomControls::Win32APIActs as a C# bridge to certain Win32 core functions
MaxCustomControls::Win32HandleWrapperWraps a HWND Win32 window handle and implements the IWin32Window interface
WPFCustomControls::ApplicationExplicitActs as an entry point for the assembly, not it's not run automatically
WPFCustomControls::ColorSwatchUserControl for selecting a Color
WPFCustomControls::ContextQueries::ContextQueryBase class for performing a Boolean query on the state of the scene
WPFCustomControls::ContextQueries::EditSlicePlaneEnabledContextQueryEvaluates to true when Edit Geometry is set to "Slice Plane"
WPFCustomControls::ContextQueries::LayoutContextQueryEvaluates the given panel and the ribbon's current orientation and autohide mode, comparing against the list of registered valid states
WPFCustomControls::ContextQueries::MaxscriptContextQueryExecutes maxscript code to perform a Boolean query on the current scene state
WPFCustomControls::ContextQueries::MultiContextQueryContextQuery combining the results of multiple sub-queries
WPFCustomControls::ContextQueries::NurmsEnabledContextQueryEvaluates to true when the current object has NURMS Subdivision enabled
WPFCustomControls::ContextQueries::RibbonContextHelperUtility methods for building ContextQueries and associating them with Ribbon components
WPFCustomControls::ContextQueries::RibbonPanelContextQueryIntermediate abstract base class for ContextQueries that query a RibbonPanel for some property
WPFCustomControls::ContextQueries::SharedContextQueryA shared query - overrides SharedInstance, Clone and ContextDefinitionChanged and provides an appropriate default implementation for these members
WPFCustomControls::ContextQueries::SharedMaxscriptContextQueryA shared maxscript query - overrides SharedInstance, Clone and ContextDefinitionChanged and provides an appropriate default implementation for these members
WPFCustomControls::ContextQueries::SingleEditablePolyObjectSelectedContextQueryEvaluates to true when the current scene and modifier stack selection is a single Editable Poly object
WPFCustomControls::ContextQueries::SingleEditPolyModifierSelectedContextQueryEvaluates to true when the current scene and modifier stack selection is a single Editable Poly object
WPFCustomControls::ContextQueries::SoftSelectionEnabledContextQueryEvaluates to true when the current object is in soft selection mode
WPFCustomControls::ContextQueries::SubdivisionDisplacementEnabledContextQueryEvaluates to true when Subdivision Displacement is enabled
WPFCustomControls::ContextQueries::SubObjectContextQueryQueries whether the currently selected object's sub-object mode matches the given expected mode
WPFCustomControls::ContextQueries::TweakUvwEnabledContextQueryEvaluates to true when PolyTools Tweak UVW Mode is Enabled
WPFCustomControls::Converters::AlignmentToVisibilityConverterA converter for the GridSplitter ControlTemplate
WPFCustomControls::Converters::AndMultiValueConverterConverts a set of Boolean input values into a single Boolean output value by performing a logical 'and
WPFCustomControls::Converters::BooleanMappingConverterMaps Object Equality to Boolean values
WPFCustomControls::Converters::BooleanValueInverterConverts a Boolean value by inverting it
WPFCustomControls::Converters::ColorToSolidColorBrushConverterConverts a SolidColorBrush to a Color
WPFCustomControls::Converters::DefaultTextConverterProvides the DefaultText value if the value given to Convert is null, UnsetValue, or an empty string
WPFCustomControls::Converters::DoubleToStringConverterA value converter (used by WPF) to convert a Double value into a string, and vice-versa
WPFCustomControls::Converters::DrawingColorConverterConverts between System.Drawing.Color and System.Windows.Media.Color
WPFCustomControls::Converters::EnumConverterConverts from Enum values to human-readable localizable Strings
WPFCustomControls::Converters::FileNameConverterConverts a path to just the filename component
WPFCustomControls::Converters::IntegerToDecimalConverterConverts to and from decimal format
WPFCustomControls::Converters::IntegerToStringConverterA value converter (used by WPF) to convert a Int32 value into a string, and vice-versa
WPFCustomControls::Converters::IsNotNullConverterA useful converter for checking if a value is not null
WPFCustomControls::Converters::IsNullConverterA useful converter for checking if a value is null
WPFCustomControls::Converters::LessThanConverterConverts an IComparable value to Boolean given by evaluating if the IComparable is less than the converter parameter
WPFCustomControls::Converters::MappingConverterConverter for mapping from one set of arbitrary values to another set of values, using Object.Equals
WPFCustomControls::Converters::MultiBooleanToVisibilityConverterConverts a sequence of booleans and returns Visible or Collapsed according to the logical result
WPFCustomControls::Converters::NAndMultiConverterPerforms an AND on a list of booleans and returns the NOT value of this
WPFCustomControls::Converters::NumberToStringConverterA generic converter that will parse a string using the format of a the supplied NumberType
WPFCustomControls::Converters::OrMultiValueConverterConverts a set of Boolean input values into a single Boolean output value by performing a logical 'or
WPFCustomControls::Converters::ResourceKeyConverterUses the input value as a resource key to look up a string resource in the given ResourceManager
WPFCustomControls::Converters::VisibilityConverterConverts between boolean values and the Visibility enum
WPFCustomControls::Converters::WrapWithCollectionConverterConverts a single object to a ReadOnlyCollection containing that single object
WPFCustomControls::CuiMenuItemA menu item that will reflect its Command member if the Command is a ICuiAction object
WPFCustomControls::Customization::ActionItemSelectorInteraction logic for ActionItemSelector.xaml
WPFCustomControls::Customization::ContentLockedAttributeA customization attribute that can be applied to items to indicate that the content of a control is locked - not intented for user customization
WPFCustomControls::Customization::ContextQueryBuilderWindowPresents a tree of conditions, enabling the user to construct a context query for a given UI item property
WPFCustomControls::Customization::ContextViewInteraction logic for ContextView.xaml
WPFCustomControls::Customization::EnumSelectorA control which represents an Enum selection, but whose values can be localized and rendered in human-readable form
WPFCustomControls::Customization::FlaggedEnumSelectorA control which represents a Flag-based Enum selection, but whose values can be localized and rendered in human-readable form
WPFCustomControls::Customization::InsertArrowConstructs a small arrow for displaying the insertion point during drag and drop
WPFCustomControls::Customization::NumberCellEditorInteraction logic for NumberCellEditor.xaml
WPFCustomControls::Customization::RibbonCustomizationPropertiesViewInteraction logic for RibbonCustomizationPropertiesView.xaml
WPFCustomControls::Customization::RibbonPreviewViewInteraction logic for RibbonPreviewView.xaml
WPFCustomControls::Customization::RibbonPropertyDirectoryContains a cross-reference of classes to properties to serialize
WPFCustomControls::Customization::RibbonPropertyDirectoryEntryDescribes a property entry for the RibbonPropertyDirectory
WPFCustomControls::Customization::RibbonTreeViewPanelInteraction logic for RibbonModelView.xaml
WPFCustomControls::Customization::StripUriInfoConverterA specialized converter which takes a String in Uri format and returns the cleaner Absolute or filename Path version
WPFCustomControls::Customization::TrimByValueConverterTakes a double value and subtracts (or adds, if the value is negative) a certain amount
WPFCustomControls::Customization::ViewModel::CellTemplateSelectorThe Template selector for the Properties data grid
WPFCustomControls::Customization::ViewModel::ContextQueryEntryViewModel representing the current state of an available ContextQuery within a particular MultiContextQuery instance
WPFCustomControls::Customization::ViewModel::ContextViewModelViewModel object for the ContextView UI element
WPFCustomControls::Customization::ViewModel::MultiContextQueryEntryView Model object representing a query composed of child queries
WPFCustomControls::Customization::ViewModel::NodePropertiesThe viewmodel object for the RibbonCustomizationPropertiesView class
WPFCustomControls::Customization::ViewModel::PropertyRowA viewmodel object for a property
WPFCustomControls::Customization::ViewModel::RibbonTreeViewInteraction logic for RibbonTreeViewNew.xaml
WPFCustomControls::Customization::ViewModel::RibbonTypeTemplateSelectorThis class is used to map the DataTemplates defined in RibbonTreeView to Ribbon types so that they can be represented in the TreeView
WPFCustomControls::Customization::ViewModel::RibbonViewModelThe main ViewModel of the Ribbon Customization Dialog
WPFCustomControls::Customization::ViewModel::ViewModelNodeFactoryProduces a ViewModelNode given the node's source item
WPFCustomControls::Customization::WidgetA placeholder for ribbon item types, that are placed in 'widget list'
WPFCustomControls::Customization::WidgetsSelectorInteraction logic for WidgetsSelector.xaml
WPFCustomControls::DoublePrecisionFormatterConverts a value to floating point value with a specific precision, specified by the Precision property
WPFCustomControls::DragAdornerAn adorner that can be used generically to add the element as the drag object in a drag-and-drop operation
WPFCustomControls::DragEndNotifierHandy default implementation for IDragEndNotifier
WPFCustomControls::FloatingFrame::FloatingRibbonFrameCallbackThis is the class that places all the event handler of a floating RibbonPanelFrame
WPFCustomControls::FloatingFrame::MaxFloatingFrameA utility class for a Ribbon Floating frame
WPFCustomControls::IDragEndNotifierNotifies registered observers participating in a drag and drop operation that the interaction has ended
WPFCustomControls::MaxColorSwatchUserControlInteraction logic for MaxColorSwatchUserControl.xaml
WPFCustomControls::MaxRibbonCheckBoxRibbonCheckBox misguidedly shadows the IsChecked member it inherits from RibbonCommandItem
WPFCustomControls::MaxRibbonRadioButtonGroupSpecialized to allow for the setting of the current item based on a maxscript callback function
WPFCustomControls::MaxRibbonSplitButtonSpecialized to allow for the setting of the current item based on a maxscript callback function
WPFCustomControls::MaxRibbonTabExtends RibbonTab to add visibility handling and maintain the user's visibility selection explicitly
WPFCustomControls::MaxWpfColorSwatchA WPF implementation of a Color Swatch for the Ribbon
WPFCustomControls::MaxWpfControlBaseThe base class for Max-specific WPF-implemented ribbon controls
WPFCustomControls::MaxWpfRibbonSpinnerA WPF implementation of a Spinner Control data object for the ribbon
WPFCustomControls::OpenPageCommandConcrete ICommand to open apply the "Open" Windows ShellExecute verb to the CommandParameter string
WPFCustomControls::RequeryableCommandAdapterIntermediate abstract base class automatically requesting CanExecute reevaluation when the CommandManager fires a RequerySuggested event
WPFCustomControls::ReverseBindingCreates a data binding from a DependencyObject's DependencyProperty to a CLR property on an Object
WPFCustomControls::ReverseBindingStorageStores ReverseBindings, keyed by their target object and target property name
WPFCustomControls::TextFieldExtends the base WPF TextBox to add key bindings: Return and Enter commit the current Text value to its binding source, Esc reverts the Text value to current value in the binding source
WPFCustomControls::UIElementAdornerGeneral concrete Adorner class, displaying any UIElement as an Adorner
WPFCustomControls::ValidationRules::DoubleValidationRuleValidates that a given text input is a valid floating-point number format
WPFCustomControls::ValidationRules::IntegerValidationRuleValidates that a given text input is a valid integer format
WPFCustomControls::ValidationRules::MaxValidationRuleBase abstract class for Validation Rules which supplies a unified localizable error message dictionary
WPFCustomControls::ViewportContainerRoot container for holding 3ds Max Viewport content
WPFCustomControls::WelcomeScreenWindowWindow presenting Essential Skills Movies and some Open File tools
WPFCustomControls::WindowBoundsMementoStores a Window's size and location during the current session
WPFCustomControls::WpfSpinnerInteraction logic for WpfSpinner.xaml