functions.h File Reference

#include "arrays.h"
#include "..\..\ifnpub.h"
#include "..\..\GetCOREInterface.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


struct  DumpValueData
class  CallContext
class  StructMethod
class  SMCallContext
class  PluginMethod
class  UserProp
class  UserGeneric
class  ValueConverter
class  InterfaceMethod
class  StaticInterfaceMethod


#define def_generic(fn, name)   ScripterExport Value* fn##_vf(Value** arglist, int arg_count)
#define FPS_CACHE_SIZE   512
#define is_function(v)   ((v)->_is_function())
#define is_maxscriptfunction(v)   ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == class_tag(MAXScriptFunction))
#define FN_MAPPED_FN   0x0001
#define FN_BODY_FN   0x0002
#define FN_HAS_REFARGS   0x0004
#define FN_MAPPED_EVAL   0x0008
#define is_structMethod(v)   ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == INTERNAL_STRUCT_METHOD_TAG)
#define is_pluginMethod(v)   ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == INTERNAL_MSPLUGIN_METHOD_TAG)
#define def_user_prop(_prop, _cls, _getter, _setter)   _cls##_class.add_user_prop(#_prop, _getter, _setter)
#define def_user_generic(_fn, _cls, _name)   _cls##_class.add_user_generic(#_name, _fn)
#define VALUECONVERTER_INTERFACE_ID   Interface_ID(0x19f37b9f, 0x39ed5680)
#define is_iobject(v)   ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == class_tag(IObjectValue))
#define is_fpstaticinterface(v)   ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == class_tag(FPInterfaceValue))
#define is_fpmixininterface(v)   ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == class_tag(FPMixinInterfaceValue))
#define is_fpstaticmethodinterface(v)   ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == class_tag(FPStaticMethodInterfaceValue))


enum  primitive_flag { LAZY_PRIMITIVE = 0x0001, DEBUGGER_SAFE = 0x0002 }


 visible_class (Function) class Function
 visible_class (Generic) class Generic
 visible_class (MappedGeneric) class MappedGeneric
 visible_class (NodeGeneric) class NodeGeneric
 visible_class (Primitive) class Primitive
 visible_class (MappedPrimitive) class MappedPrimitive
 visible_class (MAXScriptFunction) class MAXScriptFunction
 visible_class (UserGenericValue) class UserGenericValue
 visible_class (InterfaceFunction) class InterfaceFunction
 visible_class (ActionPredicate) class ActionPredicate
 visible_class (IObjectValue) class IObjectValue
 visible_class (FPInterfaceValue) class FPInterfaceValue
ScripterExport void print_FP_interface (CharStream *out, FPInterface *fpi, bool getPropNames=true, bool getMethodNames=true, bool getInterfaceNames=true, bool getActionTables=true)
 visible_class (FPMixinInterfaceValue) class FPMixinInterfaceValue
 visible_class (FPStaticMethodInterfaceValue) class FPStaticMethodInterfaceValue

Define Documentation

#define def_generic (   fn,
)    ScripterExport Value* fn##_vf(Value** arglist, int arg_count)

Definition at line 15 of file functions.h.

#define FPS_CACHE_SIZE   512

Definition at line 18 of file functions.h.

#define is_function (   v)    ((v)->_is_function())
#define is_maxscriptfunction (   v)    ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == class_tag(MAXScriptFunction))
#define FN_MAPPED_FN   0x0001

Definition at line 211 of file functions.h.

#define FN_BODY_FN   0x0002

Definition at line 212 of file functions.h.

#define FN_HAS_REFARGS   0x0004

Definition at line 213 of file functions.h.

#define FN_MAPPED_EVAL   0x0008

Definition at line 214 of file functions.h.

#define is_structMethod (   v)    ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == INTERNAL_STRUCT_METHOD_TAG)

Definition at line 234 of file functions.h.

#define is_pluginMethod (   v)    ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == INTERNAL_MSPLUGIN_METHOD_TAG)

Definition at line 276 of file functions.h.

#define def_user_prop (   _prop,
)    _cls##_class.add_user_prop(#_prop, _getter, _setter)

Definition at line 330 of file functions.h.

#define def_user_generic (   _fn,
)    _cls##_class.add_user_generic(#_name, _fn)

Definition at line 333 of file functions.h.

#define VALUECONVERTER_INTERFACE_ID   Interface_ID(0x19f37b9f, 0x39ed5680)

Definition at line 381 of file functions.h.

#define is_iobject (   v)    ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == class_tag(IObjectValue))
#define is_fpstaticinterface (   v)    ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == class_tag(FPInterfaceValue))
#define is_fpmixininterface (   v)    ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == class_tag(FPMixinInterfaceValue))
#define is_fpstaticmethodinterface (   v)    ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == class_tag(FPStaticMethodInterfaceValue))

Enumeration Type Documentation


Definition at line 124 of file functions.h.

    LAZY_PRIMITIVE  =   0x0001, // don't pre-evaluate args for lazy primitives
    DEBUGGER_SAFE   =   0x0002, // safe to call from debugger

Function Documentation

visible_class ( Function  )

Definition at line 31 of file functions.h.

               : public Value
// Whether the function can be called from debugger thread stored in Collectable::flags3 - bit 0. Default is false.
    MCHAR*      name;
    MCHAR*      struct_name;    // packaged in a struct if non-null

                   Function() { name = NULL; struct_name = NULL; }
    ScripterExport Function(MCHAR* name, MCHAR* struct_name=NULL);
    ScripterExport Function(MCHAR* name, MCHAR* struct_name, bool debuggerSafe);
    ScripterExport ~Function();

                classof_methods (Function, Value);
#   define      is_function(v) ((v)->_is_function())
    BOOL        _is_function() { DbgAssert(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(this)); return 1; }

    ScripterExport void sprin1(CharStream* s);
    ScripterExport void export_to_scripter();
visible_class ( Generic  )

Definition at line 69 of file functions.h.

              : public Function
    value_vf    fn_ptr;

                Generic() { }
 ScripterExport Generic(MCHAR* name, value_vf fn, MCHAR* struct_name = NULL);
 ScripterExport Generic(MCHAR* name, value_vf fn, MCHAR* struct_name, short init_flags=0);
                Generic(MCHAR* name) : Function(name) { }

                classof_methods (Generic, Function);
    BOOL        _is_function() { DbgAssert(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(this)); return 1; }
    ScripterExport void init(MCHAR* name, value_vf fn);
    void        collect() { delete this; }

    ScripterExport Value* apply(Value** arglist, int count, CallContext* cc=NULL);
visible_class ( MappedGeneric  )

Definition at line 89 of file functions.h.

                    : public Generic
                MappedGeneric() { }
 ScripterExport MappedGeneric(MCHAR* name, value_vf fn);
 ScripterExport MappedGeneric(MCHAR* name, value_vf fn, short init_flags);
                MappedGeneric(MCHAR* name) : Generic(name) { }

                classof_methods (MappedGeneric, Generic);
    BOOL        _is_function() { DbgAssert(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(this)); return 1; }
    void        collect() { delete this; }

    ScripterExport Value* apply(Value** arglist, int count, CallContext* cc=NULL);
visible_class ( NodeGeneric  )

Definition at line 106 of file functions.h.

                  : public MappedGeneric
 ScripterExport NodeGeneric(MCHAR* name, value_vf fn);
 ScripterExport NodeGeneric(MCHAR* name, value_vf fn, short init_flags);
                NodeGeneric(MCHAR* name) : MappedGeneric(name) { }

                classof_methods (NodeGeneric, MappedGeneric);
    BOOL        _is_function() { DbgAssert(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(this)); return 1; }
    void        collect() { delete this; }

    ScripterExport Value* apply(Value** arglist, int count, CallContext* cc=NULL);
visible_class ( Primitive  )

Definition at line 130 of file functions.h.

                : public Function
    short       flags;
    value_cf    fn_ptr;

                Primitive() { flags=0; }
 ScripterExport Primitive(MCHAR* name, value_cf fn, short init_flags=0);
 ScripterExport Primitive(MCHAR* name, MCHAR* structure, value_cf fn, short init_flags=0);
                Primitive(MCHAR* name) : Function(name) { flags=0; }

                classof_methods (Primitive, Function);
    BOOL        _is_function() { DbgAssert(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(this)); return 1; }
    void        collect() { delete this; }

    ScripterExport Value* apply(Value** arglist, int count, CallContext* cc=NULL);
visible_class ( MappedPrimitive  )

Definition at line 150 of file functions.h.

                      : public Primitive
 ScripterExport MappedPrimitive(MCHAR* name, value_cf fn);
 ScripterExport MappedPrimitive(MCHAR* name, value_cf fn, short init_flags);

                classof_methods (MappedPrimitive, Primitive);
    BOOL        _is_function() { DbgAssert(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(this)); return 1; }
    void        collect() { delete this; }

    ScripterExport Value* apply(Value** arglist, int count, CallContext* cc=NULL);
visible_class ( MAXScriptFunction  )

Definition at line 167 of file functions.h.

                        : public Function
    short       parameter_count;
    short       local_count;
    short       keyparm_count;
    short       flags;
    Value**     keyparms;
    Value*      body;
    HashTable*  local_scope;
    value_cf    c_callable_fn;
    Array*      paramNames;
    Value*      owner;

 ScripterExport MAXScriptFunction(MCHAR* name, int parm_count, int keyparm_count, Value** keyparms,
                                  int local_count, Value* body, HashTable* local_scope, short flags = 0);
 ScripterExport MAXScriptFunction(MCHAR* name, int parm_count, int keyparm_count, Value** keyparms,
                                  int local_count, Value* body, HashTable* local_scope, Array* param_names, 
                                  Value* owner, short flags = 0);
#   define      is_maxscriptfunction(v) ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == class_tag(MAXScriptFunction))

                classof_methods (MAXScriptFunction, Function);
    BOOL        _is_function() { DbgAssert(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(this)); return TRUE; }
    void        collect() { delete this; }
    void        gc_trace();
    void        sprin1(CharStream* s);

    Value*      apply(Value** arglist, int count, CallContext* cc=NULL);
    Value*      apply_no_alloc_frame(Value** arglist, int count, CallContext* cc=NULL);

    value_cf    get_c_callable_fn();

    Value*      operator()(Value** arg_list, int count);

    // added 3/21/05. Used by debugger to dump locals, parms, and externals to standard out
    void        dump_local_vars_params_and_externals(Value** paramsFrame, Value** localsFrame, int indentLevel);

    Value*      wrap_arg(Value* arg);
visible_class ( UserGenericValue  )

Definition at line 312 of file functions.h.

                       : public Function
    Value*      fn_name;
    Value*      old_fn;   // if non-NULL, the original global fn that this usergeneric replaced
 ScripterExport UserGenericValue(Value* name, Value* old_fn);

                classof_methods (UserGenericValue, Function);
    BOOL        _is_function() { DbgAssert(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(this)); return TRUE; }
    void        collect() { delete this; }
    void        gc_trace();

    Value*      apply(Value** arglist, int count, CallContext* cc=NULL);
visible_class ( InterfaceFunction  )

Definition at line 349 of file functions.h.

                        : public Function
    FPInterfaceDesc* fpid;
    FPFunctionDef*   fd;

                InterfaceFunction(FPInterface* fpi, FPFunctionDef* fd);

                classof_methods (InterfaceFunction, Function);
    BOOL        _is_function() { DbgAssert(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(this)); return TRUE; }
    void        collect() { delete this; }
    void        gc_trace();
    void        sprin1(CharStream* s);

    Value*      apply(Value** arglist, int count, CallContext* cc=NULL);
    Value*      get_property(Value** arg_list, int count);

    // parameter conversion utilities
    ScripterExport static void    val_to_FPValue(Value* v, ParamType2 type, FPValue& fpv, FPEnum* e, Tab<void*> *stringStorage, Array* valueStore);
    ScripterExport static void    val_to_FPValue(Value* v, ParamType2 type, FPValue& fpv, FPEnum* e, Tab<void*> *stringStorage);
    ScripterExport static void    val_to_FPValue(Value* v, ParamType2 type, FPValue& fpv, FPEnum* e=NULL);
    ScripterExport static Value*  FPValue_to_val(FPValue& fpv, FPEnum* e=NULL);
    ScripterExport static void    release_param(FPValue& fpv, ParamType2 type, Value* v, FPEnum* e=NULL);
    ScripterExport static void    init_param(FPValue& fpv, ParamType2 type);
    ScripterExport static void    validate_params(FPInterface* fpi, FunctionID fid, FPParamDef* pd, ParamType2 type, int paramNum, FPValue& val, Value* v);
    ScripterExport static FPEnum* FindEnum(short id, FPInterfaceDesc* fpid);
visible_class ( ActionPredicate  )

Definition at line 431 of file functions.h.

                      : public InterfaceFunction
    short       pred;

    ActionPredicate(FPInterface* fpi, FPFunctionDef* fd, short pred);

                classof_methods (ActionPredicate, Function);
    BOOL        _is_function() { DbgAssert(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(this)); return TRUE; }
    void        collect() { delete this; }

    Value*      apply(Value** arglist, int count, CallContext* cc=NULL);
visible_class ( IObjectValue  )

Definition at line 452 of file functions.h.

                   : public Value
    IObject* iobj;                  // the IObject pointer

            IObjectValue(IObject* io);
#   define  is_iobject(v) ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == class_tag(IObjectValue))

            classof_methods (IObjectValue, Value);
    void    collect() { delete this; }
    void    sprin1(CharStream* s);

    MSTR    to_filename(); // returns guidstring if wraps AssetUser
    void    to_fpvalue(FPValue& v) { v.iobj = iobj; v.type = TYPE_IOBJECT; }

    def_generic (show_interfaces,  "showInterfaces"); 
    def_generic (get_interfaces, "getInterfaces");
    def_generic (get_interface, "getInterface");

// End of 3ds max 4.2 Extension

    BaseInterface* GetInterface(Interface_ID id) { return iobj->GetInterface(id); }

    //accesses interfaces on the IObject
    Value*  get_property(Value** arg_list, int count);
    Value*  set_property(Value** arg_list, int count);
visible_class ( FPInterfaceValue  )

Definition at line 485 of file functions.h.

                       : public Value, public InterfaceNotifyCallback
    FPInterface* fpi;           // interface
    HashTable*   fns;           // interface fn lookup
    HashTable*   props;         // interface prop lookup
    FPInterface::LifetimeType lifetime; // interface lifetime control type
    static bool  enable_test_interfaces;  // test interface enable flag
    // Whether to call fpi->ReleaseInterface stored in Collectable::flags3 - bit 0

    ScripterExport FPInterfaceValue(FPInterface* fpi);   
    FPInterfaceValue(FPInterfaceProxy* proxy);

    // Needed to solve ambiguity between Collectable's operators and MaxHeapOperators
    using Collectable::operator new;
    using Collectable::operator delete;

#   define  is_fpstaticinterface(v) ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == class_tag(FPInterfaceValue))

            classof_methods (FPInterfaceValue, Value);
            def_generic ( show_interface,       "showInterface"); // LAM: 08/29/00
            def_generic ( get_props,            "getPropNames"); // LAM: added 2/1/02
            def_generic ( isDeleted,            "isDeleted");   // LAM: 11/23/01 - added - doesn't break SDK
            use_generic( eq,                    "=" );          // LAM: 11/23/01 - added - doesn't break SDK
            use_generic( ne,                    "!=" );         // LAM: 11/23/01 - added - doesn't break SDK
    void    collect() { delete this; }
    void    gc_trace();
    void    sprin1(CharStream* s);

// The following method has been added
// in 3ds max 4.2.  If your plugin utilizes this new
// mechanism, be sure that your clients are aware that they
// must run your plugin with 3ds max version 4.2 or higher.

    void    to_fpvalue(FPValue& v) { 
        v.fpi = fpi; 
        v.type = TYPE_INTERFACE; 

// End of 3ds max 4.2 Extension

    // from InterfaceNotifyCallback
    void    InterfaceDeleted(BaseInterface* bi) { UNUSED_PARAM(bi); fpi = NULL; }  

    // accesses methods & props in the interface
    Value*  _get_property(Value* prop);
    Value*  _set_property(Value* prop, Value* val);

    Value*  get_property(Value** arg_list, int count);
    Value*  set_property(Value** arg_list, int count);

    static void UpdateEditorOnResolve(bool update = true);

    void    resolve_proxy();
    void    set_interface(FPInterface* fpi);

    FPInterfaceProxy*   m_fpip;
    static bool         s_updateEditorOnResolve;
ScripterExport void print_FP_interface ( CharStream *  out,
FPInterface fpi,
bool  getPropNames = true,
bool  getMethodNames = true,
bool  getInterfaceNames = true,
bool  getActionTables = true 
visible_class ( FPMixinInterfaceValue  )

Definition at line 558 of file functions.h.

                            : public Value, public InterfaceNotifyCallback
            FPMixinInterfaceValue(FPInterface* fpi);
    static  FPMixinInterfaceValue* FPMixinInterfaceValue::interface_cache[128];
    friend void Collectable::gc();
    friend void Collectable::mark();
    FPInterface* fpi;                       // interface
    FPInterface::LifetimeType lifetime;     // interface lifetime control type
    // Whether to call fpi->ReleaseInterface stored in Collectable::flags3 - bit 0

    // Needed to solve ambiguity between Collectable's operators and MaxHeapOperators
    using Collectable::operator new;
    using Collectable::operator delete;

    static  ScripterExport FPMixinInterfaceValue* intern(Value* prop_name, Value* target);
    static  ScripterExport FPMixinInterfaceValue* intern(FPInterface* fpi);
#   define  is_fpmixininterface(v) ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == class_tag(FPMixinInterfaceValue))

            classof_methods (FPMixinInterfaceValue, Value);
            def_generic ( show_interface,       "showInterface"); // LAM: 08/29/00
            def_generic ( isDeleted,            "isDeleted");   // LAM: 11/23/01 - added - doesn't break SDK
            use_generic( eq,                    "=" );          // LAM: 11/23/01 - added - doesn't break SDK
            use_generic( ne,                    "!=" );         // LAM: 11/23/01 - added - doesn't break SDK
            def_generic ( get_props,            "getPropNames"); // LAM: added 2/1/02
    void    collect() { delete this; }
    void    sprin1(CharStream* s);

// The following method has been added
// in 3ds max 4.2.  If your plugin utilizes this new
// mechanism, be sure that your clients are aware that they
// must run your plugin with 3ds max version 4.2 or higher.

    void    to_fpvalue(FPValue& v) { v.fpi = fpi; v.type = TYPE_INTERFACE; }

// End of 3ds max 4.2 Extension

    // from InterfaceNotifyCallback
    void    InterfaceDeleted(BaseInterface* bi); 

    // accesses methods & props in the interface
    Value*  _get_property(Value* prop);
    Value*  _set_property(Value* prop, Value* val);

    Value*  get_property(Value** arg_list, int count);
    Value*  set_property(Value** arg_list, int count);
visible_class ( FPStaticMethodInterfaceValue  )

Definition at line 622 of file functions.h.

                                   : public Value, public InterfaceNotifyCallback
            FPStaticMethodInterfaceValue(FPInterface* fpi, ParamType2 type, void* object);
    static  FPStaticMethodInterfaceValue* interface_cache[FPS_CACHE_SIZE];
    friend void Collectable::gc();
    friend void Collectable::mark();
    FPInterface* fpi;           // interface
    FPValue      value;         // the target object as FPValue first argument
    FPInterface::LifetimeType lifetime; // interface lifetime control type
    // Whether to call fpi->ReleaseInterface stored in Collectable::flags3 - bit 0

    // Needed to solve ambiguity between Collectable's operators and MaxHeapOperators
    using Collectable::operator new;
    using Collectable::operator delete;

    static  ScripterExport FPStaticMethodInterfaceValue* intern(FPInterface* fpi, ParamType2 type, void* object);
#   define  is_fpstaticmethodinterface(v) ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == class_tag(FPStaticMethodInterfaceValue))

            classof_methods (FPStaticMethodInterfaceValue, Value);
            def_generic ( show_interface,       "showInterface"); // LAM: 08/29/00
            def_generic ( isDeleted,            "isDeleted");   // LAM: 11/23/01 - added - doesn't break SDK
            use_generic( eq,                    "=" );          // LAM: 11/23/01 - added - doesn't break SDK
            use_generic( ne,                    "!=" );         // LAM: 11/23/01 - added - doesn't break SDK
            def_generic ( get_props,            "getPropNames"); // LAM: added 2/1/02
    void    collect() { delete this; }
    void    sprin1(CharStream* s);

    // from InterfaceNotifyCallback
    void    InterfaceDeleted(BaseInterface* bi) { UNUSED_PARAM(bi); fpi = NULL; }  

    // accesses methods & props in the interface
    Value*  _get_property(Value* prop);
    Value*  _set_property(Value* prop, Value* val);

    Value*  get_property(Value** arg_list, int count);
    Value*  set_property(Value** arg_list, int count);