bitmaps.h File Reference

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struct   mbm_window


#define  is_bitmap(v)   ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == class_tag(MAXBitMap))
#define  BM_SAVED   0x0001
#define  BM_READONLY   0x0002
#define  BM_FILEBACKED   0x0004
#define  MT_GIZMO_SELECTED   0x0001
#define  MT_GIZMO_MOVED   0x0002
#define  MT_ENABLED   0x0004
#define  MT_MATCH_RGB   0
#define  MT_MATCH_GRAY   1
#define  MT_MATCH_EDGE   2
#define  MT_MATCH_RANK   3
#define  MT_NO_HANDLE   0
#define  MT_CENTER   1
#define  MT_TOPLEFT_BOUNDS   2
#define  MT_BOTLEFT_BOUNDS   3


  applyable_class (MAXBitMap) class MAXBitMap
  applyable_class (MotionTracker) class MotionTracker

Define Documentation

#define is_bitmap (   v )    ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == class_tag(MAXBitMap))
#define BM_SAVED   0x0001

Definition at line 84 of file bitmaps.h.

#define BM_READONLY   0x0002

Definition at line 85 of file bitmaps.h.

#define BM_FILEBACKED   0x0004

Definition at line 86 of file bitmaps.h.

#define MT_GIZMO_SELECTED   0x0001

Definition at line 142 of file bitmaps.h.

#define MT_GIZMO_MOVED   0x0002

Definition at line 143 of file bitmaps.h.

#define MT_ENABLED   0x0004

Definition at line 144 of file bitmaps.h.

#define MT_MATCH_RGB   0

Definition at line 146 of file bitmaps.h.

#define MT_MATCH_GRAY   1

Definition at line 147 of file bitmaps.h.

#define MT_MATCH_EDGE   2

Definition at line 148 of file bitmaps.h.

#define MT_MATCH_RANK   3

Definition at line 149 of file bitmaps.h.

#define MT_NO_HANDLE   0

Definition at line 151 of file bitmaps.h.

#define MT_CENTER   1

Definition at line 152 of file bitmaps.h.


Definition at line 153 of file bitmaps.h.


Definition at line 154 of file bitmaps.h.


Definition at line 155 of file bitmaps.h.


Definition at line 156 of file bitmaps.h.


Definition at line 157 of file bitmaps.h.


Definition at line 158 of file bitmaps.h.


Definition at line 159 of file bitmaps.h.


Definition at line 160 of file bitmaps.h.

Function Documentation

applyable_class ( MAXBitMap  )

Define an equal operator (i.e. '==') for maxscript visible values.

Define a NOT equal operator (i.e. '!=') for maxscript visible values.

Definition at line 26 of file bitmaps.h.

                : public Value
    BitmapInfo            bi;                   // our BitMapInfo 
    Bitmap*               bm;                   // the actual bitmap
    Tab<MotionTracker*>   trackers;             // any motion trackers
    MotionTracker*        dragger;              // tracker currently under drag
    WNDPROC               main_window_proc;     // original display window proc if ours installed
    GBuffer*              gb;                   // GBuffer if non-NULL
    GBufReader*           gbr;                  // current GBuffer reader if non-NULL
    short                 flags;    

    static Tab<mbm_window> windows;             // table of MAXBitMap windows currently open

    ScripterExport MAXBitMap();
    ScripterExport MAXBitMap(BitmapInfo bi, Bitmap* bm);

    static void setup();
    static MAXBitMap* find_window_mbm(HWND hwnd);

                classof_methods (MAXBitMap, Value);
#   define      is_bitmap(v) ((DbgVerify(!is_sourcepositionwrapper(v)), (v))->tag == class_tag(MAXBitMap))
    void        collect() { delete this; }
    void        gc_trace();
    ScripterExport void sprin1(CharStream* s);

    Value*      new_motionTracker();
    void        install_window_proc();

#include "..\macros\define_implementations.h"
    def_visible_generic ( display,          "display"); 
    def_visible_generic ( unDisplay,        "unDisplay" ); 
    def_visible_generic ( save,             "save" ); 
    def_visible_generic ( gotoFrame,        "gotoFrame"); 
    def_visible_generic ( close,            "close");
    def_visible_generic ( getTracker,       "getTracker" ); 
    def_visible_generic ( deleteTracker,    "deleteTracker" ); 
    use_generic         ( copy,             "copy" ); 
    def_visible_generic ( zoom,             "zoom" ); 
    def_visible_generic ( crop,             "crop" ); 
    def_visible_generic ( setAsBackground,  "setAsBackground" ); 
    def_visible_generic ( getPixels,        "getPixels" ); 
    def_visible_generic ( setPixels,        "setPixels" ); 
    def_visible_generic ( getIndexedPixels, "getIndexedPixels" ); 
    def_visible_generic ( setIndexedPixels, "setIndexedPixels" ); 
    def_visible_generic ( getChannel,       "getChannel" ); 
    def_visible_generic ( getChannelAsMask, "getChannelAsMask" ); 
    use_generic         ( free,             "free");

    Value*      get_property(Value** arg_list, int count);
    Value*      set_property(Value** arg_list, int count);

    ScripterExport void     to_fpvalue(FPValue& v);
applyable_class ( MotionTracker  )

Definition at line 90 of file bitmaps.h.

                    : public Value
    MAXBitMap*  mbm;            // the bitmap I'm tracking
    int         index;          // which tracker in that bitmap
    int         cur_frame;      // frame I last tracked
    POINT       center;         // current feature center
    RECT        bounds;         // feature bounds relative to center
    RECT        motion_bounds;  // maximum frame-to-frame motion relative to feature center
    POINT       mouse_down_at;  // mouse pos at mousedown
    int         handle_x;       // handle pos at mouse_down..
    int         handle_y;       // handle pos at mouse_down..
    int         handle;         // which handle is dragging
    BYTE*       target;         // current target image as 3 BYTE RGB per pixel
    POINT*      track_cache;    // keeps a cache of tracking coords, one per frame (inval if change gizmo)
    short       compare_mode;   // feature matching space: rgb color, luminence, edge-filtered, etc.
    float       match_distance; // last tracking match 'distance'
    HBITMAP     id_bitmap;      // unbelievable - I need to use a bitmap copy to do XOR text drawing
    short       flags;

                MotionTracker(MAXBitMap* imbm, int iindex);

                classof_methods(MotionTracker, Value);
    void        collect() { delete this; }
    ScripterExport void sprin1(CharStream* s);
    void        gc_trace();

    void        track();
    void        clear_track_cache();
    void        set_center(int x, int y);
    void        set_index(int i);
    void        copy_target();
    void        draw(HWND hWnd);
    void        draw_gizmo(HDC hdc);
    void        inval_gizmo();
    BOOL        start_drag(HWND hwnd, int wParam, long lParam);
    void        drag(HWND hwnd, int wParam, long lParam);
    void        end_drag(HWND hwnd);
    void        move(HWND hwnd, int dx, int dy);
    void        deselect(HWND hwnd);

    def_visible_generic ( resample,    "resample");
    def_visible_generic ( reset,       "reset");

    def_property ( center );
    Value*      get_property(Value** arg_list, int count);
    Value*      set_property(Value** arg_list, int count);