Painting > 
Painting presets

The following describes the default 3D Paint tools that appear on the Paint Tools tray:

NoteThe properties for any Paint tool can be modified using the Properties window.
Tool Name Icon Purpose

Paint Brush

The Paint brush applies paint to the model and layer you specify. It is the default paint tool on the Paint Tools tray.


The Projection feature lets you apply the color from images and textures using the stencil image you load into the 3D View. As you stroke across the stencil with the tool, portions of the image are applied to your model as paint. For more information, see Paint using stencil projection.

Color Picker

The Color Picker lets you copy (sample) a color from your model (from the current paint layer) and loads it as the current color for the current paint tool. For more information, see Copy color from a model.

Air Brush

The Airbrush works in a similar fashion to its real-world counterpart. Paint is applied with much less opacity compared to the Paint brush, and the paint appears more feathered from the center of the stroke towards its outer edges.

For best results when using the Air Brush, specify a paint layer that is 16 bits in depth (for example, OpenEXR 16 bit Floating Point RGBA). For more information, see Troubleshoot painting.


The Pencil applies a thin, dark stroke (by default) that is sharper along its edges compared to either the Airbrush or Paint Brush.

Paint Erase

Use Paint Erase to remove paint from the currently active paint layer. When a model has multiple paint layers (channels), erasing paint on one layer reveals paint from other visible layers below it.

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Painting basics

Paint properties