The Information tab in
the Tool UI appears when you use the fixed File Browser view. The
first and second columns contain properties that belong to a sequence
of image files. The third and fourth columns are the properties of
the resulting footage composition.
- Path Location
of selected file. If you select more than one file, the path of
the last selected file is displayed.
- Type Displays
the type of file that is selected—see
Footage Role.
- Created Date
the file was created.
- Modified Date
the file was last modified.
- Owner Owner
of the file on the file system. The creator of the file?
- Size The
size of the selected file in megabytes.
- Details Information
on the selected file, including channels, depth, pixel ratio and
whether it is tiled, and so on.
- Duration The
length of the selected file in frames.
- Start The
start frame of the selected file.
- End The
end frame of the selected file.
- Poster The
thumbnail of the selected file that is displayed in the File Browser
(in Proxy view) and in the mini-Player of the Information tab.
- Resolution The
resolution of the selected file.
Toxik guesses the image
ratio, pixel ratio, and rate of the media you select from the Import
view. The image's resolution is compared with a list of common combinations
of pixel aspect and resolution. The aspect ratio is related to the
image ratio; changing it affects the image ratio.
- Image Ratio The
image resolution of the selected media, taking into account the
pixel ratio.
- Pixel Ratio The
pixel ratio of the selected media. You can set the pixel aspect
- Rate The
frame rate of the selected media. You can set the rate.
- Source Indicates
the source from which your composition was originally created. In
Toxik, this property depends on the actual source; you can edit the
source at any time. There are four different sources.
The composition was created |
Source Initial Value |
In Toxik (new) |
Toxik |
From an import operation (not from DND) |
File |
From Wiretap - IFFFS |
The value of the tape name property |
From Wiretap - generic |
Wiretap |
NoteWhen you publish
to Wiretap/IFFFS, the value of Source is written out to the Tape
Name property of the IFFFS clip.
- Channels The
channels in the selected file.
- Depth The
bit depth of the selected file; you can modify the depth.
- Repeat The
repeat mode when you play a composition.
- Mark In Set
a mark in frame, the first frame to start import.
- Mark Out Set
a mark out frame, the last frame to import.
- Comp Start When
you create a footage composition, the start time is set after the
number of the first frame of the sequence. Sometimes you will want
the start time to be unconditionally set to a different number,
which you can do with the Comp Start editable value field.