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Chapter 6, The Player
Showing or Hiding Tiles

When you define a region of interest (ROI), playback performance can be improved by loading only the tiles required to display that ROI. You can choose to show or hide the areas of the loaded tiles that fall outside the ROI.

You can show or hide tiles in a Player view or the fullscreen Player.

Note: You can show or hide tiles in the fullscreen Player only if you entered it through a Player view.

To show or hide the area of the tiles that fall outside the region of interest:
  1. In the Player view or fullscreen Player, middle-click or press the tilde key (~) to display the Gate UI and go through the south gate.

  2. In the Player options, select the Display tab.

  3. Under Interaction, select Mask Tiles.

    Note: Show or hide tiles is only available if you defined a region of interest in the image.

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