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Chapter 8, Multilayer Compositing and 3D Effects
Working with Layers

When you create a layer, it is automatically added to the top of the Layer Editor. The source name is displayed along with the name of the node to which it is connected. Also, each layer is numbered, so you can easily identify it. After creating layers, you can use the arrow buttons in the Layer Editor to quickly reorder layers. From the tool UI, you can interactively apply 2D and 3D transformations, as well as set global layer properties and visibility options. And because layers are discrete objects, you can also parent layers to axis objects in the Group Schematic.

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Renaming Sources and Layers Top

Renaming sources and layers lets you quickly identify a layer and its source in the Group Schematic. You can rename sources and layers in the Layer Editor or the Tool Options at the right of the tool UI.

To rename a source or layer:
  1. In the Layer Editor, click the name of a source or layer.

  2. Press F2 and type in a new name.

Selecting Layers Top

You can select a layer in several ways: through the Layer Editor, from the Group Schematic, or by clicking a layer in the Player.

To select a layer:

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Note: To view the manipulator icon, make sure you have selected Manipulators in the Player Options.

Duplicating Layers Top

Duplicating a layer gives you an identical layer that includes the source, material, and surface type.

To duplicate a layer:
Reordering Layers Top

You can reorder layers interactively using the arrow buttons in the Layer Editor. Layers are composited in the order in which they appear in the list.

To reorder layers:
  1. Select a layer from the Layer Editor.

  2. Use the arrow buttons at the bottom of the Layer Editor to reorder the layer.

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Modifying Motion Blur on Individual Layers Top

You can modify the motion blur applied to your composition on individual layers, so that each layer appears to be moving at a different speed than other layers--see Adding Motion Blur and Depth of Field to a Scene.

To modify the motion blur on a layer:
  1. Select a layer from the Layer Editor.

  2. Enter a value in the Time Dilation field. A higher value speeds up the blur effect for the layer; a lower value slows it down.

Setting Layer Visibility Properties Top

You can set layer visibility properties to specify how the layer is rendered or "seen" by the camera.

To set the visibility options:
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