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Appendix A, Hotkeys
User Interface Elements

The following hotkeys are available for different interface elements.

Menubar and Taskbar Top

The following hotkeys are available for the menubar and taskbar.

Press: To:
Ctrl + T Turn the taskbar on or off.
Ctrl + M Turn the menubar on or off.

Layout Presets Top

The following hotkey is available for the layout presets.

Press: To:
Ctrl + Backspace Previous layout preset.

Cursor Top

The following hotkey is available for the cursor.

Press: To:
Ctrl + Alt + Shift + C Reset the cursor

Tabs and Controls Top

The following hotkeys are available for tabs and controls.

Press: To:
Shift + Tab Go to previous control.
Tab Go to next control
Alt + Left Arrow Go to previous tab
Alt + Right Arrow Go to next tab

Text Editor and Text Fields Top

The following hotkeys are available in the text editor and in any text field.

Press: To:
Enter Text editor: Add a line break. Text field: Accept text.
Double-click Select current word.
Backspace Delete previous character.
Delete Delete next character.
Home Move to beginning of line.
End Move to end of line.
Left Arrow Move cursor left.
Right Arrow Move cursor right.
Shift + Home Select text from current position to beginning of line.
Shift + End Select text from current position to end of line.
Shift + Left Arrow Select one character to the left of the cursor.
Shift + Right Arrow Select one character to the right of the cursor.
Shift + Up Arrow Text editor only. Select from current position backward to same position on previous line.
Shift + Down Arrow Text editor only. Select from current position forward to same position on next line.
Ctrl + Left Arrow Move cursor left by one word.
Ctrl + Right Arrow Move cursor right by one word.
Ctrl + Shift + Left Arrow Select word to the left of the cursor.
Ctrl + Shift + Right Arrow Select word to the right of the cursor.
Esc Cancel text entry.
Alt + / Auto Complete.

Numeric Fields (Value Editors) Top

The following hotkeys are available in numeric fields.

Press: To:
Up Arrow Increment (with autorepeat).
Down Arrow Decrement (with autorepeat).
Ctrl + drag Increment * 10.
Alt + drag Increment / 10.
Ctrl + Shift + drag Increment * 100.
Alt + Shift + drag Increment / 100.
Enter Edit text.
Ctrl + click Reset to default.
Shift + click Display the standard calculator.
Alt + Shift + click Display the Espresso calculator if you can animate the field, or the standard calculator if you cannot.
context menu + click or right-click Display the pop-up menu.

Pop-up Dialogs Top

The following hotkeys are available in pop-up dialogs.

Press: To:
Enter Accept
Esc Cancel

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