Viewing Job Details and Job Tasks

Double-clicking on a job name opens the Job Details window where you can view additional information about a job, including its associated tasks, where they have been sent for processing, and their status. The top of the window displays the following information:

Field Description
Name The name of the job.
Type The processing engine required to complete the job. For example:

Burn: The Burn renderer.

Command Line Tool: The Backburner cmdjob command-line plug-in allows you to submit batch, executable, or script files to Backburner as “custom” jobs.

mio: The MIO adapter is the processing engine responsible for carrying out transcoding jobs.

Wire: Installed with Stone and Wire. Can be used to import/export media, perform Wire transfers, etc. Used by the Wiretap SDK’s background I/O tool, wiretap_bgio_tool.

Node ID The job’s ID as assigned by the Backburner Manager.