Hotkeys > 
Using Hotkeys

Hotkeys map your keyboard to commonly used functions. When you work with Autodesk Smoke, you can use hotkeys to accelerate navigation in the application, to apply effects to clips, as well as to edit objects and animation channels.

When you create a user from the Project Management menu, the hotkeys for the default user are replicated to your user profile. This guide is a useful resource for looking up those default hotkeys.

You can also use one of two online methods for looking up hotkeys:

Using the Hotkey Editor, you can customize hotkeys for your user profile or create new ones. The Hotkey Editor updates automatically to reflect your changes. For instructions on using the Hotkey Editor, see Managing Hotkeys.

NoteRemember that the hotkeys in this guide are the default hotkeys specified for application release. If you modified your default user profile, or if you are working with a custom user profile, some of the hotkeys may be different.