Hotkeys > 
Colour Corrector Hotkeys

Use the following hotkeys in the Colour Corrector module.

  Press: To:
  Esc Toggle menu panel
  D+Enter Reset all
  F1 Switch to Front clip view
  F2 Switch to Back clip view
  F3 Switch to Matte clip view
  F4 Switch to Result clip view
  F5 Switch to Player (after process)
  F7 Toggle between current menu and Setup menu
  F8 Open Animation menu
  0 (zero) Load a CC setup
  Shift+0 (zero) Save a CC setup
  Backspace Undo
  Ctrl-drag Obtain average colour rectangle when sampling colour
  Alt-drag Obtain average colour path when sampling colour
  Ctrl-drag Draw a crop box
  Ctrl+up arrow Zoom in
  Ctrl+down arrow Zoom out
  Ctrl+Home Toggle between current view and home
  spacebar-drag Pan around viewing area
  Alt+Z-drag Adjust Shadows colour balance directly in the image window
  Alt+C-drag Adjust Highlights colour balance directly in the image window
  Alt+X-drag Adjust Midtones colour balance directly in the image window
  Alt+V-drag Adjust Master colour balance directly in the image window
  V Play
  C Reverse play
  \ Process
  spacebar Stop